PD145R(CH)-CS 960703 (2) P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
The City With A Beautiful Future 214-462-0022
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
July 3, 1996
Mr. Gary Daniels
Woodridge Homeowners Association
re: Architectural Control Committee
Dear Gary:
The Protective Covenants you sent me apply to Phase II Section 3A, which is an area of
conventional single-family housing. I finally found a set that applies to the garden home section.
A copy follows.
The copy applies only to the homes on Sugarberry Drive. There is probably an identical, or at
least similar, set which applies to the homes between the drainage channel and Mapleleaf Drive,
but at this point I have no proof.
Summarizing the points of current interest:
The restrictions have not expired.
No structure can be erected, placed or altered without approval of the Architectural
Control Committee.
The Architectural Control Committee is composed of four named individuals of whom
a majority may designate a representative to act for it.
The covenants make no reference to a Homeowners Association.
In developments which have a Homeowners Association, the developer usually controls the
association for a period of time sufficient to protect the developer's financial interests and then
tums control of the association over to the homeowners. This usually includes turning over the
architectural review function.
Mr. Gary Daniels
July 3, 1996
Page 2
I recommend that you contact Steve Crim at 214-238-0474. He was the L&N I_and Corporation
Senior Vice President who signed the Protective Covenants and one of the named members of
the original Architectural Control Committee. He is also a personal friend of mine, although
I have not seen or talked to him in years. I understand that he is now retired. The telephone
number I have given you is at his home in Richardson. You may tell him I suggested that you
If the original Architectural Control Committee functions for this portion of Woodridge have not
been turned over to your association, ask Steve if he would be willing to contact two other
members of the original committee and do that for you. This would give the association the
ability to prescribe standards of appearance suitable to the neighborhood as a whole.
With power to enforce through the courts whatever appearance standards the association adopts,
you would greatly strengthen your position. You could then ask the City to adopt the same
standards. If they did not exceed the City's authority to impose standards, and the City adopted
them, we could then enforce them for you.
I will be out of the office most of this afternoon taking pictures of carports and all day Friday
at the beach, but if you have any questions please give me a call on Monday.
Pert Virtanen
Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services
~",~1~ ~CO~
) A 7.~
¢ou~r~Y ¢- DALLAS ) 66~ 0 I U/~5/82
PRO~ECT.. ~AN~S FOR ~DRZ~E Section 1 and Section 2 (46
~d~t~on ~o the C~y o~ Cop~ll, ~las County, Texas
~. Enow all men by these presents that L&N ~nd Corp., ow~- ~f
t~se lots ~n the a~ve deoer~d rem1 estate su~v~s~on does hereby
place the foll~wL~ restr~etLons, ~ ~ b~nd~nq on the unders~gn~ as
well as oubs~nt ~ne~s of all 1eta located tn saSd W~DRZ~E Section
1 ropla~ and N~DR~E Sect~n 2 which shall mean r~ ~e~er to lots
Block ~ and ~o~o 21-26 Blo~J as sh~n on the~p or plat aq recorded tn
Vol. 81181 Pg. 0019 and lots 12-23 Block ~ and lots 1-18 Block 3 as dhown
on the map o~ plaC as recorded Vol. 81006 Pg. 2252 ~allas County, Texas.
2. ~hese restrictions arc fo~ the benefit o~ and shall ~nure to each and
every p~opegW owner st th3 1erg e~vo descr~be~ and may be enforced by
any prop~rt~ owne~ therein. Should thence and/or tenant o~ any of
the lots located tn W~D~XGE 8ee~ton I 6 2 violate any o~ these gestg~cttve
covenants and/or conditions conta~ned here~n, and ~he~ea~te~ ~e~uge ~o
correc~ ,~e and ~o ab~de by sa~d restrictions and cond~e~on, a~er
reasonable notice, ~hen in such event, any o~er of ~hese lots may
lnstitu~e l~al proceedings ~ en3o~n, a~te, and/or correct such v~o-
latton or violations, and the o~er o~ the lot pe~ttng the violation
o~ such res~rlctions and/or conditions shall pay all a~orneyto ~ees to
by ~1xed by the court. The ~ount o~ said fees, cos~s and expenses
allowed shall become a line upon the land, as o~ ~he da~e i~al proceed-
1ngs were originally inst~tuted and said lien shall be sub3ect to fore-
closure ~n such acC~ons, so brought to eneorce such resbr~C~OnO; ~n ~he
s~e manner as any o~her ~en u~n ~ee1 estate, the procedure which la
fixed by s~atute.
3. Invalidation o~ any aspect of these resbricti~ns by 3ud~en~ or ~urt
order shall tn no wtse aefec~ any of the other provi.~ons which
r~ain In full force and e~f~t. Failure to enforce any covenant or
restriction contained herein shall not ~ deemed a waive_ ~ the rtgh~
~ do os ~herea~ter.
4. These cavenan~8 and restrictions shall run w~h and b~nd che land
sub~ec~ ~hereCo for a Ce~ o~ thirty (30) years ~ro~ the da~e ~ha~ this
declaration l. recorded, after which t~e sa~d cove,tan~s shall ~ au~o-
mattcally ex~ended ~or successive periods o~ ten (10) years unless an
instr~en~ signed by two-thirds o~ the o~er. o~ s,Jb~ecC lots has beer,
recorded, agreeing to change sa~d covenants and r~s~r~c~ions.
1. ~ch lo~ is hereby designa~ed solely ~s a fire for one single-family
dwelling and may not be occupied unless it meets ~11 requirements
o~ these covenants.
2. All houses and structures pe~1tted shall be completed within eight
(8) ~nths, once construction ~s started. No structure shall be occupied
unless and until the ~r~Eooo are connected In a proper way with the
sewage system.
3. No livestock, ~ultry or annals o~ any kind (or pens and c~ps
o~e) shall be kept other than the usual and ordinary household pets.
4. The construction or maintenance of signs, b~11~ard, or advertising
structures of any kind on any lot la prohibited, excep~ chef one si9n
billiard advertisinq the rental or sale o~ property ~s pe~tted, pro-
vid~ It does not e~ceed 3 k 5 feet in a~ze.
V~l. PAt~
Engaging in a trade or buctnesa is prohibit~d as also is any activity
may becomp an annoyance o~ nuisance to the neighborhood.
6. Grass, weeds and vegetation m. each lot in this addition must
kept mow~d at reguLa~ intervals so as to maintain the same in a
and attractive manner. Upon failure to os m~lntain a lotv the Archi-
tectural Control Committee may at its optJ.on, have the ~raaa, weeds and
vegetation cut when, and as often es neCellary i~ its ~udqment, and the
o~ner of the property shall bo obligated to reimburse it for colt of
such york, and the claim for such re~nburaemant viii constitute a lawful
lien against the lot when lxroporl¥ filed with the County CLerk.
7. All trash, ashesv residu-s, and garbage must be ~ollected in suit-
ablu covered containers and maced frou tho lot regularly by the garbage
service l~ensee of the City oZ Coppel! which service each lot o~ner
herein shall subscribe to. No ~rash or garbage may be disposed of by
burning on any of the aforesaid lots. No trash, ashes, or other residue
may be thrown or dumped on any lot in this addition, or all.ed to remain
8. No recreational vehicles, boats, campers, or inoperable automobiles
viii be le£t on the street or on side yards withtn view of the street
for more than 48 hours. Truck~ with tonnage i;~ excess of 3/4 ton shall
not be permitted to park in the subdivision overnight and no vehicle of
any size ~hich normally transports inflammatory or explosive cargo may
bo kept in this subdivision at any time.
9. Specifically exempted fro~ the provisions of th£s section are
ities by the developer carried out in the regular pursuit of construck£on,
maintenance and sales within the subdivision which exemption shall and
when all development ac;~vity l~cluding sales by him are completed.
1. Lots may not be re-platted so aa to create from the total combined
re-platted lots more separate building sites or lots than existed in the
original platting of said co.bined lots.
2. No structure shall exceed (except'by ~rch£techural Control Co~uu£ttee
approval) t~o stories in height.
3. Every residence must meet all applicable requ£:ements established by
~he City of Coppell and any alteration or add£~o_n__~0 ~y_.~es£danc.e
'must meet these same requirements.
4. The main dvell£ng of evez~f residence shall nave a living area of not
~ess than 1,000 square feet.
5. The exterior vails of each house shall Be of a material acceptable
to the Architectural Control
6. Boundary fences shall be of masonr~ construction, hedge or substan-
tially constructed wood fences no mo~e than six (6) feet in height. No
fence shall be erected or maintained on shy lot Or plot nearer the front
street than the front vail of the residence building, and on all corner
lots, not nearer the side street than the building l~na as sho~n on said
7. All residences ~ill face the front line of the lot and shall not pro-
trude forward of the front building lines as set forth on the dedicated
plat. Side and rear building lines shall mee~ the requirements of the
City of Coppell sub~ect to approval by the ~rch£tectural Control
8. Ne. structure= only shall be erected on and permitted to remain in
the add£t£on. No structures may be moved into ~he add£tion.
9. No mobile ho~e or residence of a temporary character shall be per-
mitred. No building material of any kind o~ character shall be placed
or stored upon the property until the owner is ready to commence
82222 4853
1. No s~ucture shal~b~ a~ot'~l,'~laced, or altered on any lot until
the construction plans, s~oiflaat~on and plot plan nh~t~ the loca-
~n~ol Comitt~e as ~ ~l~ty o~ ~r~nshLp and materL~ls, ha~ny
of exterior deg~gn wi2h ex~sC~ struct~o,, and as to tho location
with respect ~ to~graphy a~ f~n~oh~ grade elevation. A ~ull set
of plan~ w~ll ~ le~t v~th Architectural Control Co~ttee vh~le any
build~ ~o under const~ct~on.
2. ~he Architectural Control Comitt,e shall have the r~ght to wa~vo
any restrictions he=sin pr~d~ SnooZe= as the o~e peEtaSna to type
of r~ or ~ant~t~ o~ ma~y ~ h ug~ provided ~ha~ the appraised
value o~ the pro~sed house ~0 not less ~en ~40,000.00.
3. The Co~ltte~o approval or d$oapproval as required by thio covenant
ohll ~ ~n ~t~ng. In the event the ~ttee ~alls to approve or
disapprove plans ~n 30 days a~tor ou~osion or ~n an~ event Ir no suit
~ enjoin the construction has ~en c~enc~ pre. or to ~he comple~on
the=co~, appr~al w~ll not be re~r~ a~ the ;estr~ct~ve convenants
here~n con~a~n~ shall ~ de~ ~ have ~en ~ullF complied w~th.
4. ~e Architectural ContEol ~ttee shall be com~s~ o~ J. Stephen
Cr~, ~y Smith, a~c~el Ue~so a~ ~ 8cBryde. A ma3or~y of the
~ttee ,my doslgna*.e a representative o~ act for ~t. In the event
o~ ~he death or resignation o~ any m~= o~ the co~tteo, the =~ain-
~ members shall have ~ull authority to designate a successor. He,thor
the members or ~he co~tee nor its deo~gnat~ representative shall ~
entitled to any compensation for services per~orm~ pursuant to ~h~s
EXERTED THIS //~. DAY OF ~~/~ , 19 ~~
S~ Vi~ l'resident
~U~Y OF D~S ~
BEFORE NE, the undersigned authority, on this da~ personally
appeared J. STEPHEN CRI{4, known to me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the foregoing instrument as Senior Vice President
LAND CORP., and acknowleuged ~o me that she executed the same for the
purposes and considerations therein o-.pressed in the capacity therein
stated, and as the act and deed o£ aa~d corporation.
Z.~; .... ., Hartha L. Sexton
~.~?.. .'-~' Notary P,lblic i;~ and £or Dallas County
· ~' State of Texas