PD145R(CH)-NR 960910 (2)Most of you favor 1- and 2-car garages, So, I deleted the proposed requirement
attached or detached, provided they have that garages be attached, dropped the
a garage door opener (although you were width requirement to 10 feet, and added
split on the 1-car detached garage), a requirement for garage door openers.
Most of you favor attached and detached So, I did not change the proposed carport
2-car carports, do not favor detached 1- requirements.
car carports, and are split on attached 1-
car carports.
Most of you think there should be space So, I prepared some drawings to show
between the structure and the alley you other options and added a
adequate to head-in park; and should requirement for 2-car parking outside the
accept less only when necessity dictates, garage.
Most of you think that language can be So, I prepared language previously
drafted adequately to preserve proper mentioned.
clearances for turning, even when
structures are located close to the rear
property line.
Half of you thought that structures less So, I added garages to the site plan
than 20' from the rear property line review requirements, except when they
should undergo site plan review. A are located 20 feet or more from the rear
majority thought that structures less than property line.
15' from the rear property line should
undergo site plan review.
If there is to be site plan review, half So, I placed the responsibility for site
thought the Planning Director should do plan review on Gary's shoulders.
You are split 50-50 on the issue of 1-car So, I elected to leave well enough alone.
garages and 1-car carports on larger lots.
Most of you consider backyard driveway So, I made no special provisions for this
and alley visibility to be a citywide issue, neighborhood.