~ the undersigned owner or (ogx'ion-holder, etc.), of the £ollo~4ng clescvibo, i real
property located in the City of Cof~lL Texas, hereby make application for a request for a variance from the tenm of Section
of the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance.
REQUEST: (if there is additional infonmfiop, which you feel would be helpful to the Board in making a ~i~ ~ ~
to include aais infom~tion in your request.)
The _ _a~__~xl chec. klk~ mx be completed before ~ _a~. licafion will be coe_~idered by the Bo~.~
^ non-retie application fee of $50.00 is required at [he time of ~:~plic~io~. ^ deposit of fif~' dollars ($50.00) is also
required at fl~_ time of application. 'lhe deposit is charged for rite variance sign ~ ;dl! be placed in vo~ ~.~,'d by ci~, staff.
Staff will pick up fl~e sign the day atter the public hearing is held foc Ihe ~u'iance. The ~it ~iil be r~.(xi to ~e appiicaat
if the sign is returned undamaged.
I ha~,,e read tkis applicatiotx focm m~d ta~et~d tl~ filing thc applicratioa and payku, l, the fecs does not gua,'-antee an
action by the Board of^djustrrent. I ftathex understand that at least four (4) affinnaive vo~es must be case in occk'r to r~civc
a variance.
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I~-)ARD OF AI).JUSI':MENI' ,.\I'I'I.I(.'TA'I'I()N I'..\('KITI' - ['a~,-3 . [-:.,.. ,.,.-.i :',-,~'-
To assist the Board of Adjusunent in establishing the information necessary to make a decision regar~ the request, for a
variance, please complete the following checkli~
1. Is yom- land or your lyailding different fi'om ~ around you? YES NO I// If y~, e~lam how.
2. Is your land or building useful for any pmlx~ without the variance requested7 YES 1//' NO ..... If no,
explain why not.
3. Is the~ a Ixofx:rty hardship associated with this particular parcel? YES NO V/ If yes, explain the
4. Is uhere .any reason that you wood be unable to comply with the ordinance provisirms il the variance was &ruled?
If yee~ e~plain why.
5. Does the pvope~ surrounding you have different zoning rO:luixenxmts? YES
6. Are ttx~re ~y special conditiom where a literal intexpre~(m of the ordinance would result in ar, unnecessa~j l~-dsNp?
7. Will traffic conditions be affected by the .requested d~qge? YES NO I,/" if vt~.. ho',v~
In order to be assured of a fair hea,qng, it is irnixx'tm~t that thc applicant furnish ~ mack i~ffc~::~.::~on :.) thc i3o:,::i .:,. i.*:~'3'-..-'.".
in the form of site plans, elevations, photogra~zs, rendering, and any oti~er supi'-<wting evide::c¢ :r, cc--.:tl>le:¢ s.'..'.'..-.':;.:',.~x:s ;=-', .! :.¥;- '
in recon-unenckalio~ by staff for denial Fxononfic hardship is insufficient for approva! of a
BOARD OF AI)JUg'FM[;NT AI'Pt,ICATION PACKET - l'agc 2 !,', '..-..',: : :-":
Susan Blackwood
936 Sugarberry Drive
Coppell, Texas 75019
214-462-7865 - home
214-245-4525 --office
April 10, 1996
Board of Adjustment
City of Coppell
Coppell, Texas 75019
Re: Request for Variance for
Carport at 936 Sugerberry Drive
1. Single female living alone.
2. Security and safety.
3. 'Existing two-car concrete slab.
4. Install garage door with automatic opener.
5. Modeled after friends carport in Brookhaven in Farmers Branch.
6. Moving would Interfere with bedroom window at the rear of the house.
7. Moving would cut yard into, rendering approximately 430 sq. ft.
8. Aesthetically pleasing and easy to maintain.
9. Moving would require a new slab.
10. New slab would probably interfere with underground utilities.
t 1. Moving carport would require moving air conditioning unit.
12. Moving would require relocating utility connections.
13. Neighbors have carports on their properties in location desired here.