PD152R-CS 9708142'31PM~
No. 8496 ?. 2/2
August 14, 1997
Planning Dept. City of Coppell
Gary Slob, Director
Re: Ray Oppel
Dear Gary,
As I mentioned in our phone conversation today, it has been brousht to
my attention that Ray Oppel has submitted an application to build a car
wash facility in Coppell. I do not know any specifics as to the proposed
facility and have no opinion as co the merits of its approval. I can, however,
provide my opinion as to the credibility of Ray Oppei.
I have known Ray for approximately 15 years and have followed his career in
the home building and development business. He has reached a pinnacle of
success and stature within the business and banking community that few achieve.
I personally know many citizens, bankers, vendors, and developers who have
had dealings with Ray. I have never met any person who knew Ray that was not
impressed with his honesty and fairness.
Based on my personal experience with Ray,I believe you will find him to be
a man of his word.
~nd~y ollig, Realtor
Re/Max DFW Associates
~ ,oUtll clentO, t,~ eulte 110
(:~ell. texee 75015
(214) 4e24151