PD145R2-CS 991110 PO. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
The City With A Beautiful Future 972-462-0022
PO. BOX 478 November 10, 1999
Ms. Patricia VanDeusen
130 Pinyon Lane
Coppell, TX 75019
RE: PD-145R2, Woodrid-e Section Five
Dear Ms. VanDeusen:
This letter is to inform you that Case No. PD-145R2, Woodridge Section Five, zoning change
request for property zoned PD-145 (Planned Developmem, Single Family) by amending the
planned development conditions as they apply to Lot 44, Block A to permit the construction of a
carport located at 130 Pinyon Lane, was approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday',
November 9, 1999, subject to the following conditions:
1)Submittal and approval ora color board showing all exterior building materials
of the carport.
2) When applying the bricking material, adhere to the manufacturer's installation
3) The roof pitch and roofing materials shall match the existing residence.
4) Doors, siding, trim, brick and paint used on this structure shall match the existing
5) Engineered foundation plans will be required as part of the building permit
6) Existing utility easements are to remain free and clear of any and all obstructions.
Please provide us with Condition # 1 specifications as soon as possible.
In order to prepare an Ordinance, we need to assemble appropriate documentation. When this has
been completed and Council has approved the Ordinance, a copy will be sent to you.
As a reminder, the Zoning Change sign can now be returned to the Planning Department for your
deposit reimbursement of $100.
~ngerely, '. ,
I~irec~rc,c 'ls°afJ~l~nn~rgo,&A~°Cx~m, c~nityWP1Sean~rces Building Inspection