PD120-CS 910821Revised: 6-t? ~7 . **H . P,I~UIiI~ ALI~ SIX .:- 1. S~2 ~ abstract: Patience P~les - Abst, 1137, J. H. Hounts -Abs~. 903 ~. tddi~lon ~aa~ (if appl~cabls): ~'aters~de Estates No. 2 3, Loc $ ~lo~k (i~ ~pplicable): ....... - t. ~o~al ~ab~r of tcr~s~ 42,06 (850'E,) and aacir~hur Boulevard (1,400' S,) intersection, , Present Zon. in$ SF-9 ?ropoaed Zonins Planr ~d navalnnm~nt CI~eeiI$- Gross Nec* Classifi- Gross Nsc* Unica/Acre cation Ares Ares cation Acres Acres (lesid,OnlY) UI~s Only) 42.06 3.1 132 Lots/ 42.06 A .. ~ ~o~ & secondary ~ho~oughfare~. D, Reason(a) for Zonin$ Ch&use (please be specific); P~eviou~ preliminary plat does not meet needs of developer. Develop, er_needs ~ 7.0', wide l at__ at the building line. -- I (We) hereby c~:ify ~hat ~he application fee, { of Zhls zonin~ applica~io~, has been paid ~o the C{iy O~ Coppell 19 , Further, I (~e) hereby authorize ~he City of Coppsll and its ~oyees, to peudtn~ zoniuS application and/or public harriet couceruin~ said applt~tion, I (~s) relines the City of Coppell ~nd i~$ e~loy~se ir~ lt~blli~ fO~ {ny isis" which ~y be incurred to my (our) proper~y in the er~ctlnl, ~intatu{, ~dreeez , ;s~e~h~e ~i ....... --