PD120-CS 921216 CITY OF COP~[LL. ~ }...,~ A~ ,Requesctn~ pesc[~pr~9~ 6 ~ocactou ~f Loc $ Block (t[ applicable): To~al ~umbtr of Acres: 4'Z,O~ ,AC. 5. Location further descrtbedl ¢. ~ning Requested: Present Zon, inS ....... Proposed loping [~ellin$ Ff~or ire~ Claesift- Gross Net* Classifi- Gross Ni~i Units/Acre (Nou-iefld, cation Ares Area carlos Acres Acres (Reeid. Only) Uses Only) D. Reason(s) for Zoflins Chanse (please be specific): ~,¢ m (> ue tea'}vi I (~e) hereby ce~tiEy. ~hat the application fee, $ J~ ~ , to cover iht of Chis zonin8 applici'[ion, hag been pa~d to the C[iy o~ Coppell ~n .p~ f~ 19~]~. Further, ~ (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppell and l~g e~loyoes, enter upon tho premises herein above described at all r~asonable ~ius for tho purpose of e~ec~in~, ~ln~ainina, or removing 8iSns to notify ~he public of pendin8 zonl~S applica~ion and/or public hssri~s concernin~ said application, (~o) release ~he City of Coppell ~nd ice employees from liability for any d~Sea which ~y be incurred to my (our) property in the erecCinS, ~incaina, or of said 818ns. DEC. 16, 1992 STANDARD PACIFIC OF TEXAS II