PD155(CH)-CS 960716 (3) BEING a tract or parcel of land situated in the Singleton Thompson Survey, Abstract
No. 1493, and the S.A. & M. G. R.R. Survey, Abstract No. 1442, in the City of
Coppell, Dallas, County, Texas, and being a portion of that certain 6.6491 acre tract
of land described as Tract 8, in Volume 93248, Page 299 of the Deed Records,
Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly describe by metes and bounds as
COMMENCING at an 'x' found in brick pavers for the southeast comer of said
6.6491 acre tract, said 'x' being in the west right-of-way of MacArthur Boulevard (a
110 foot right-of-way);
THENCE North 27 degrees 08 minutes 01 seconds East a d~stance of 121.42 feet
~ ~ ~nl' ~ ~ with said west right-of-way to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped NDM found for
the point of curvature of a tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 09
degrees 49 minutes 13 seconds, a radius of 765.00 feet, a tangent length of 65.72
~ ! it~ feet' and a l°ng ch°rd that bears N°rth 22 degrees 13 minutes 24 sec°ads East a"~. ~11~. distance of 130.96 feet;~ ·
THENCE an arc distance of 131.12 feet with said curve and with said west right-of-
~way to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped NDM found for a point along, said~
~'..~gent curve to the left~ ~t~:~_~
t° a 1/2 ir°n r°d with cap marked f°und f°r the P° m
;BEGINNING of this description;
~'rHENCE North 87 .degrees 58 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 59.79 feet to a
1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped NDM found for comer;
THENCE an arc distance of 23.75 feet with said curve to a 1/2 inch iron rod with
cap stamped NDM found for a point of curvature of a tangent curve to the right
having a central angle of 27 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds, a radius of 50.00 feet, a
tangent length of 12.10 feet, and a long chord that bears South 74 degrees 22 minutes
39 seconds West a distance of 23.52 feet;
THENCE North 60 degrees 46 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 67.12 feet to a
1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped NDM found for comer;
THENCE North 29 degrees 13 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 386.73 feet to a
1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped N-DM found for comer in ~...,,,"~,~.,"~ ,,u', ~',. '~;.,
Lhe.~ight who.qe long chord beax~ ~qnl,th ~ ~-.:~,£,h.~o 3-~. ii;~n'atzz '~! ~w.,cGiid3 WC;[-'
xli~*.,--- £ 242 31 ............ ~ .-.-,--~- nn ~,_~, :- th right
.... o . ,~ m,u ~,~u~ ,,~,, ................ e west -of-way of
MacArthur Boulevar~to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 19,142 square
feet or.440 acres~f rand.
gDNC.- o tr;;ct or parcel of land situated in the Singleton
?,,',rr,p.~,-,:': Surve,~. Ab.~tr:~¢t 'No. 1493, and the $.
R.R. :;u: .o~, Ab'...t,'oc~ No. 14~2o in the City of .Coppell,
F/olios ~_,'unt); Texas, and being a' portion of that certain
6.'~.91 a,':'re tract of land described as Tract 6, in Volume
§.~248, f"aqe 299 of the Deed Records, Oallas County, . Texas,
~nd be:n(; more porti~ularl,v described b,v metes and bounds as
folio ~
COMMENCINC ~t on ;~' found in brick pavers for the southeast
corner of said 6.6491 acre tract, said ?x? being in the west
ri<]h!-of.-woy of MocAr~hur Boulevard (o ~10' foot right-of-
THENCE North 27 degrees 06 minutes Ol seconds "cast o
di~'tance of 121.42 feet with said west. right'--of-way ~o o !/2
inch iron rod with cop stamped NDM found for the point of
curvature . of a tangent curve to 'the left, having o central
angle of 09 degrees 49 .minutes 13 seconds, a radius of
755.00 feet, a tangent length of 65.72 feet, and a long
chord that bears North 22 degrees 15 minutes 24 seconds least
a d/stance of IJ0.96 feet;
THENCE an arc distance of 131.12 feet with sold curve and.
with s,~id west right-of-way to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cop
stamped NOM found for the POINT OF B.CGINNING of this
descrip tion;
THENCE North 60 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West o
d/stance of 2i1.$4 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cop
.~to,,mped NDM found for corner;
THENCE North 29 degrees I,7 minutes ,~1 seconds East
distance of ~59.00 feet to o 1/2.inch iron rod with cop
ctan~ped NDM found for corner;
THENCE Sou th 60 degrees 46 minutes 19 seconds East o
d/stance of 67.' '~
,-. feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap
st:~mped NDM found for the point of curvature of o tangent'
curve to the left, having o central angle of 27 degrees 12
minutes 40 seconds, o radius of 50.00 feet, o tangent length
of 12. 10 feet, and a long chord that bears South 74 degrees
22 minute3 39 seconds "Cost o distance of 23.52 feet;
THENCE an arc distance of 23.75 feet with said curve to
,~ .. /n~:h iron rod with cop stomped NDM found £or corner; ~
THENCE South 87 degrees 58 minutes 59 seconds ' EOst o
dP~lo.,',¢.e of 59.79 feet to o I/2 inch iron rod with cop
stOml:;ed NOM found in the aforementioned west right-of-way of
MocArthur Boulevard for the point of. curvature of o' non-
tangent curve to the right, having a central' angle of 15
....:]~ee~; 17 minutes 47 seconds, a radius of 76,.5.00 feet. o
~,ancjen~ length of 102.7,7 feet, and o long chord that bears
South 09 degrees 39 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of
.~ 0.:~. ~,,5.~ fee t;
THEN(E on arc distance of 204.23 feet with =aid cur~ and
~ith :;aid west right-of-way to the POINT OF BEGINNING and
contoinincj 31,291 square feet, or 0.718 acre of lund.
LOT.~ ~
BE/NO o tract or parcel of land situated in the Singleton
Thompson Survey, Abstract No, 149..~, and the
R.R Survey, Abstract No. 1442, in the Citer of Coppet/,
Dofl:2s Count~ Texas, and being a portion of that certain
6.6491 acre tract of !and described as Tract 8, in Volume
93248, Page 299 of t,Se Deed Records, Dallas Count,'/, .Texas,
.~nd being more particularly described by metes and bounds os
£~1to ws:
COMMENCING at an 'x' found in brick pavers for the southeast
corner of said 6.6491 acre tract, said 'x' being in the west
right-of-way of MacArthur Boulevard (o 110 foot right-of-
THENCE North 27 degrees 08 minutes 01 seconds East a
distance of 121.42 feet with said west right-of-way to a i/2
;rich iron rod with cap stamped NDM found for the paint of
curvature of a tangent curve to the left, having a central
angle of 09 degrees 49 minutes 13 seconds, a .-adius of
765.00 feet, a tangent length of 65.72 feet, and a long
chord that bears North 22 degrees 13 minutes 24 seconds East
~ distance of 130.96 feet;
THENCE an arc distance of 131.12 feet with said curve and
with .said west right-of-way to a I/2 inch iron rod ~ith
starr,,ped NDM found for the POINT OF BEGLtVN/NG of this
descr.'? tion;
THENC'E North 60 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West
distance of 21;.34 feet to a I/'2 inch iron rod w/th cap
stamped NDM found for cor~er;
THENCE Nortb~_::?~q~.-_~degrees 13 m,'nutes 41 secon,:~s East a
distsnce o/-~386.7Z .~et~- R 7~ to o 1/2 inch iron rod ~'ith cad
~tamped ND'M~--~for corner in o non-tangent cur',e to the right
whose long chord be~rs South O0 degrees 34 m/mutes 21 seccnds Wes.'.
,; distance of .z,~0.71 feet and whose radius is 765.0G feet, ~nd in
,'.he west rignt-of-w,3? fine ~? MacArthur Boulevard;
THENCE along said non-tangent curve to the right thru a cent. roi
~ngte of 33 degrees 2~ min:gtes 55 seconds for an crc distance
of 447.04 feet along the west right-of-way line of s~id
MocArthur Boulevard to the POINT OF BEGINNING once' containing
50,433 square feet or t. t58 acres of land.