PD151-DR 960125 ;,". JAN Z 6 1996
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ITEM: PD-151, Sunbelt Self Storage Inc., zoning change from "C"
(Commercial) to "PD-Mini- Warehouse" (Planned Development,
Mini-warehouse) to allow the operation of a mini-warehouse faciliO'
with on-premises residential use by management personnel located
on south side of MacArthur Blvd., adjacent to the TP&L
transmission line, at the request of Walter J. Nelson and Associates.
DRC DATE: January 25, 1996 and February 1, 1996
CONTACT: Ken Griffin, P.E., Assistant CiO' Manager/City Engineer (304-3679)
Site Plan
1. Show 100-year base flood elevation and finished floor elevation for all buildings. Please
note that paving cannot be below the 100-year floodplain elevation.
2. Show the existing medians on MacArthur Blvd. Also, show the proposed left turn
lanes. There is a concern about the proposed median opening for the self storage with
respect to visibility. You should evaluate the median opening in regards to visibility;
taking into consideration the existing berms, landscaping and other existing conditions.
If median opening is permitted, both north and south bound left turn lanes will be
required to be constructed. Also, the opening must be lined up with the existing
driveway on the east side of MacArthur Blvd. Have you evaluated the possibility of
taking the access for this development from the abandoned Riverchase Drive right-of-
way at the south end of the property?
3. Show $' brick paver band.
4. Show Jefferson at Riverchase driveway on the east side of MacArthur. Line up
5. Provide a 35' radii for larger trucks and trailers entering site.
6. Show visibility sight triangles at ingress/egress.
7. Slope between TU easement and buildings shall have maximum slope 3:1.