P&Z meeting excerpt - 3/17/88 Minutes of March 17, 1988 ~'-'
Planning and Zoning Commission DRAFT
Ms. Bowman stated that one of the Council members had brought
it to City staff's attention sometime last year that this item
had never been taken care of, as stated in the January 5,
1985, City Council minutes. She also stated that staff has
been working for the past year to resolve this matter.
Following discussion, Commissioner Thomas moved to approve
Case #ZC-511. The motion died due to the lack of a second.
Following further discussion, Commissioner Pope then moved to
approve Case #ZC-511. Commissioner Thomas seconded the
motion; motion carried (4-1) with Chairman Munsch and Commis-
sioners Green, Pope, and Thomas voting in favor of the motion,
and Commissioner Weaver voting against the motion.
Item 6: To consider approval of a zoning change, Case #ZC-512, from
(A) Agricultural, (R) Retail, (MF) Multi-Family and (0)
Office, to (LI) Light Industrial, located north of Denton
Creek and west of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Magnolia
Taryon Bowman again introduced the item. She stated that all
property owners within 200 feet of the requested change had
been notified, and that no reply forms had been returned. She
further stated that this property had recently been annexed
into the City of Coppell, in December of 1987, and that the
present zoning is (A) Agricultural.
Jim Niver, President of Magnolia Properties, was present to
represent this case. He stated that they own the 200 acres of
land in question. They have been working with the City
through the disagreement with the City of Lewisville, regard-
ing this land. He also stated that they are donating 30 acres
to the City of Coppell for park land. According to Mr. Niver,
when the land was in the City of Lewisville, before the
annexation took place, they were under the Light Industrial
zoning district, and are asking for the same zoning from the
City of Coppell. Mr. Niver then introduced Mr. Jonathon
Smullian, Architect, and Mr. Tom Cravens, Engineer, and asked
if there were any questions.
Chairman Munsch then opened the public hearing and asked for
persons wishing to speak in favor of this request. There were
none. He then asked for persons wishing to speak in oppo-
sition to the request. Again there were none. The public
hearing was then closed.
Mr. Niver was asked by the Commissioners if there was an
urgency on this case, and what their responsibility for the
paving of Denton Tap Road was. He stated that as soon as the
boundary dispute between the City of Coppell and the City of
Lewisville is settled, they are to be admitted into the R.U.D.
He also stated that this is preventing the R.U.D. from pro-
gressing with the paving of Denton Tap. It was brought up
that these improvements were a part of the planned development
that was approved back in 1985. Taryon Bowman stated that it
could be made a part of the motion to see that the park plans
that were previously approved be adhered to.
Following discussion, Commissioner Weaver moved to approve
Case #ZC-512, with the following conditions:
1) That the frontage area to proposed Highway 121 and Denton
Tap, as defined on the the shaded area of attachment "A",
Minutes of March 17, 1988 ~.
Planning and Zoning Commission DRAFT
be rezoned to (C) Commercial; ~tth the following vari-
a) 4:1F.A.R. be permitted; and
b) that the height restriction of 35' be waived
Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried
(5-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Pope,
Thomas and Weaver voting in favor of the motion.
Item 7: To consider approval of a zoning change, Case #ZC-513, (SF-12)
to (C) Commercial, located at 216 Sandy Lake Road, at the
request of Mr. George Chaddick, to allow the operation of an
auto maintenance facility.
Mr. Foy Layton, partner and co-owner of Evans Layton Realtors,
was present to represent this case. Mr. Layton stated that
their company is involved with the transfer of ownership of
this property. He further stated that he is representing both
the owner and the possible purchaser of the property. Mr.
Layton stated that they are planning to operate an auto
maintenance facility at this location. He presented an
architectural rendering, and stated that there would not be
any unsightly broken down vehicles sitting around the facili-
Taryon Bowman, P & Z Coordinator, then gave a brief descrip-
tion of the request. She stated that this request is for an
automobile repair shop, and paint and body shop. Ail property
owners within 200 feet have been notified, and no reply forms
were returned. She also stated that all DRC comments had been
addressed by the applicant.
Chairman Munsch then opened the public hearing and asked for
persons wishing to speak in favor of the request. There were
none. He then asked for persons wishing to speak in oppo-
sition to the request. Those persons speaking were:
Lew Padgett 105 Simmons
Paul Prizzi 108 Simmons
The public hearing was then closed. It was brought up by the
Commission that this might not be the highest and best use for
this property, and not in keeping with the Comprehensive
Master Plan.
Following discussion, Commissioner Weaver moved to deny Case
#ZC-513. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion
carried (5-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green,
Pope, Thomas and Weaver voting in favor of the motion.
Item 8: To consider approval of a Preliminary Plat for Fairway Drive,
located on Fairway Drive, (south of Riverchase Drive and north
of Beltline Road), at the request of Nathan Maier Engineers.
P & Z Coordinator Taryon Bowman introduced this case to the
Commissioners. Ms. Bowman stated that this is a request to
approve the preliminary plat, as well as vacate the previous