Corres. re park land & 297-A-23 / "/ ,? /' "" .... ' / ........ ~, ___j LPC - PROPOSAL FOR PARK IMPROVF2{ENTS ~.~!~,.].r.e~: one (~)at eastern ']ocat:±on $ :20,000 .. . .~ a.Lc Tablr;s six (6) at $375. 2,250 '!,-:~:;t, Can:; ten (10) at $60. 600 .'.:.I,1:;: Tr.-.n (10) antique at $1,000. '~."h:i'rty-two (32) at $750. 34,000 '.'~ ! ,,r 'Yra:i..]. 26,640 .. .,.'~.r'iuu :.ua~:ion - parcourse 7,000 -., ,.,,,.:.~:-; ~ 60,000 ' '""'t 17,000 ~ .,"1'i,~at:[on - toll~po~ary ,_~..:.h~ ........... 23,000 , . L~- ,~--- , /- /~ ~' l~J"'~ '-- 42,000 r:r~,.':ion Control 20,000 · &,,l~en'rance grading 15,000 !,.:.~ ,' i ca]./l,hiter 2,500 Sub Total $284,990 10% Contingency $ 28,499 Lf.:H:tl;,;! .t~.'TL~PE~/~I'g ~.17r~17~7~ IBOO TWO TURTLE (:REEK VILLA(~E DALLAS. TEXAS 75~19 R14 52~1-B200 ,. ~: J.ic, n - Ail open areas using 400 ro~_~ry heads ,, ,,3-.~L:.'Lcn (o}t<.'n areas) = $90,000 '~ .... ,.,! ion - 'Yemjoorary system - 45 ~ 60 ~ ~ establish gr~s ~d no ~';~..:~: n~ nen't sys~. '% '~ :~),:~, t.ic.~ (temblors) = $17,000 ', ~ ~tJon - q.'e~r~ sys~- 45 ~ 60 ~ys ~ ~ent sys~ to ~r 70-90 f~t each side of j~g~g ~1. No ~~nt sys~% ~ other o~n ~ ~ ~-',~l.'b,n ('tcm]~or~'~ ~d 1~ ~ent) - S52,000 . ~.~s - caller Red ~, Live O~, Cedar E~, Will~, ~ld ~ress ~"{~, .~ ~ '?~:'ees (!2~,) 8 $180 average = $23,000 ...... ~3.nh"d. Trees - 8' average ~ight - Re~d, Wild Pi~, ~, Cra~ M~le Yau~ Holly ? ~,:..~?~¥~]. ~Trees (120) 8 $125 average = $15,000 ',' ,:"~dge .- Pedestri~ - D~le "T" ~ 8' x 60-90' wi~ ~st~ %~ght iron railLng, col~s ~d s~cial ~v~g ']~,:idg.:~ (1) - $42,000 C'~eL:~-up ~d Cle~g - R~al of dead ~r~ls, cle~-up of ~ist~g vegi~tion - ~ is pl~ to ~ left ~ a nati~ nat~al s~ ~'"~<{~:,'n-up (5 acres) 8 $3,000 ~r acre = $15,000 .~...'~',~.;:i.on ConSol - Along cre~ ~ ~e sco~ of work is diffi~lt to de~ine at ~is t~ :.'., ,,.:'t{.,~-, Control -All~ce = $20,000 ., ~,~.~: :~j:-~::.nce Grac~g - Fill ~ ~gh ~e~, ~e ~h, ~- ~, f~ ~a~g. T~ sc~ of ~ is ~ffi~lt ~ de~e at this t~. · .j~l-'~:~a~,~nce Grac~g -All~ce = $15,000 ,:!~-~ctrical ~d Water - Pr~i~ elec~ical se~i~ ~d ~tahle ~r to ~e ~o shelter ~e~ '~ <t.'~'h~al snd Water - All~ce = $3,800 '..":'-~,ni J, on of the pro~ed ~le is not ~clu~d ~ ~ of ~ ~k ~ea ~e. · ~ ]?)[.:~ 'this j.nfo~%~tion ~ ~lpful ~ est~hlis~g a pr~ for p~k ~vel~nt. ,~.~e ~.~ pre-am ~ ~een estahlis~d, ~ c~ p~sent ~re ac~ project~ cos'~ ,~...~ tha an~'~nity ~ckage. . , .b,~f ~ ~. ~ . Addendum to Concept Park Plan Coppell, Texa~ l,.. Following items have been agreed upon between Lincoln Property Company, ,.~.'i i, ~,. I.,.~rd,"r" and the City of Coppell Park Department, and are to be ~,~:,,.l~,',~'aI.ed in the Planned District - Flood Plain zoning request by Lincoln ;'I: ','~',' ConlparLy. l'iu~ I'D-FP zoning designation ~i31 guarantee the area ~o be used exc3u- -v.,L.y ,~s a park for the use and enjo~en~ of all the ciCizens of Coppe~l, ~h:.~ ;~rea is app~oximate~ 30 ac~es ~; ho~eve~ the final acPeage ~ill be ~:i:..'~.miF, ed af'te~ F.E.N.A. has approved plans fo~ fi13 on all of the a~ea no~th .~;' ]~:ii'i,,OI1 Creek. TI;u 'Fol'lowing items will be included as permanent improvements to the park .':;-e:~ ~ti; 't:i~e sole expense of Lincoln Property Company. '1. Shelters - Stucco columns or similar, low maintenance material with ~:~ppropriate paving for various group gatherings. ,~(:.1 ter.s (1) 2. Picnic Tables - 6' pressure treated pine, Pilot Rock model PT-6 or similar. Picnic Tables (6) Grills - Mexico Forge or similar, heavy duty ~455-00, trills (6) 'fr~sh Cans - Pilot Rock or similar ~TG-24 with AH-3 anchor stake in concrete. 'l rash Cans (lO) 5. Lights - "Antique F~x~u~e" if possible, low maintenance 10-12' pole. 1.-ights (d) - plus 34 li9ht fixtures aqon9 jo99in9 t~ail. 'Fr~i~ Pavin9 - C~ushed stone simiqa~ to Sh~ickle and Rollins pPoposal. Kxerciso Stations - Pa~ CouPse t~pe. Exercise Stations (12) Grass - Seeded Bermuda or native grasses. Grass - (20 acres) g. Irrigation - Temporary system - 45 to 60 days to establish grass and no permanent system. o. Shade Trees - 2-3" Caliper - Red Oak, Live Oak, Cedar Elm, Willow, Bald Cypress. Shade l'rees (100) Pag~ -['wo /',,rhl~,ndum to Concept Park Plan ~iopl~,el'l, Texas i'!. Ornamental Trees - 8' average height - Redbud, Wild Plum, Dogwood, Crape Myrtle, Yaupon Holly. Ornamental Trees (60) !2. Bridge - Pedestrian - Double "T" Beam 8' x 60-90' with custom wrought -iron railing, columns and special paving. !2. Clean-up and Clearing - Removal of dead materials, clean-up of existing vegitation - area is planned to be left in a native natural state. Erosion Control - Along creek areas. Appearance Grading - Fill in rough areas, remove trash, smooth mounds, f'ine grading. lc.Electrical and Water - Provide electrical service and potable water to I.,he shelter. 17. Excavation oF the proposed swale is not included as part of the park area expense. 'l'h[~ total value of the park improvements has been' estimated at $275,000 to $300,000. Lincoln Property Company will limit its cost of the improvements to a maximum of '~3(~),000. However, all of the improvements listed above are subject to the approval oF Lhe Corps of Engineers and F.E.M.A. ~d~-'~ - - Hi~:h~el J. t.~t-Ve A'.'. ~';I.{~l~l, Vice President , ~, ,,?, ,,'r ,.",'.?,,7~,. ... Ail ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS t' ORDINANCE NO. 297-A23 ,,'il'.! Olil/INANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ',,h,'~t'I!I,:IlI,:N,%IVE Z()NING ORDINANCE OF TIlE CiTY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AS '~ i'~:q':¢9C')l~l'.] AMENI)ED, TO CItANGE THE ZONING ON THE IIEREINAFTER DESCLIUE,) i:¢,~'F.I:TY '~'O TIIE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICATION IIEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A PI'~.~?.,I,ING CI,AUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES ;: v'.:t~!,AT1ON OF Tills ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED TIlE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND [ ~ ' ~;;:; (ti'.~ fO0.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ';::li:;l~.?b,~:~, the City Zoning Commission anO the Governin~ Body of the City of . [,;..~!1, 7~..~as, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with ~efe~enee to ,,. :t,,.,'~li~g of zoning ehnnges under the zoning ordinnnee and zoning map, have uiven ,,~;:'i:~ nmic:~:~: by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearin~ and ~'~''"':;~;i ~ full at'~rl !'~tir hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governir~g ':,,(h' i:, ,~f the opinion that said change of zoning on application of Linen Peoperty ":~;mp:my should be g~-anted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of ,~,,~>~.11 ~l~ou]d be amended in the exercise or its legislative discretion: ,,~.,, T~IEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C ;' (;O5'PI'{LI.,, TEXAS: ,.,- ..... ~.~ . .:,,:,{_. I1 ) ] That the CompPeBensive Zoning OPdinanee of the City of Coppcll, ~.,:~,.;, "~ and the ssme is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City ,i ,'"o,~,~I1, to give the he~einafte~ dese?iBeO p~operty, as shown on the plat attached i~.,~ ,:~, :,~ Exhibit "A," the following new zoning district classification, t~wit: !~ (,[ tho following {raets of land being out of n t~net of land situated in the W.T. ,,,h,,' Survey, AbstPaet No. lV01, Denton County nnd the Clarinda Squires SuPvey, .,.~:-~,,.~. ?,:o. 'I g82, Denton County and ABstract No. 1327, Dallas County; and also beinU , !>:~;t t,f ti~a~ t?aet of lan8 conveyed by GaPhn~t O. Dollenger anti P~eda M:innie ..... :~,~;~ to 'J~c~k Lively, as recorded in Volume 4g08 Page g of the Deed Records ,' I':,..:; Co~,~y, Texas, and 81so being n part of that trnet of land conveyed to tI.A. . ,~ : .... .,~:; re.~orded in Volume 504, Page aa0 of tBe Deed Records of Denton County, ;i '5 '~,~,,-, 1. "iVlV-l" Multi-Family Residentittl District Classification. :,:,itl property being ,slmwn on the following plat and described as follows: .... ;'~iC[~!C at a point in ~he Wes- right-Of-way line of Denton Tap Road ,,: :.ix~. cen~,'~.r]~ne}· said point :)eing on the North Boundary ~ine of t:he Cirv ,~;,'~ ' i~I~NC[ S ~m, 52'20" W w~th sa~d North boundary ~ne ~76 .~r~ feet' :~ ~ ', lj'"...d 36" i~, departing laid Hort. h hnundary line, . ~li 2.11' ' ,'~q'~fl:~'4()". i~, a dist. ance 3f ..... ~nq 2R f~e~ Lc a pnin~ for corner' 00"0]'20" W, a distance :f ~3~..76 feet ~oa point fo~ co~ner on the , :,~,,~.e,l LO0-.vear t']ooaway non-er-~oacmnent 1 ine- '" ' .... r] S , ..... .:. ~ a '.1(~ :.er*,/ direcrion at: wit: said proposed non-encroachment line :~: ...t W a distance :,~ ~50.00 fee= : r a distance -f 275.00 ~:.~J2':~';~'38 ',.: a d~s~ance sE [65.00 feet; ;~ :;;: ..... ~'4[.$ W a distance :.f 230.00 feet' ~' .::$"47,'4~: W a d~s~ance :;~ ~Oc,.'~a fee: ~. ',": ~1 r~f.~ ~00 ' 3~" W deDar~i ~ - sa i d Droooserl non-encroac~men ;. ~ i me , a .... ' .' ,' ~' ~" NIl .~nd Con~aininq c* ~0 ' ~r~:,~ al' ">4.q~ r~e~ :.:) the D,' ,~, OF [$r_u .,,, , .' ILesid~mti~I District Classification. the following plat and described as follows: ',~:,Irl% Nt'.., pc)iht in the ?;orth boundary line of the City of Coppell; said ....,. !,~n[! S ',L]:"52']()" ~,~, 9-6.49 feet from the ~,lest right-of-way line of ' i,, ]~'j (-!O' ~:ro[n the centerline) ~r~' 't , a distance of 929 38 ~::;':.":;: S (,~, O. '20" ti, departing said North boundary line · '~:'~ :.~: i:[) ,] poin'r. For corner; 1:~ '"':: ti 8g'58'40'' ~ a distaqce of i~99.28 feet ~o a point for corner; :',: 'r'!] ti O0 0[) 3) ~ a distaqce of 926.30 feet to a poin~ for corner on the [:,, ::~ i>¢'¢~:rt,'t~)Fy line oF the Ci:y of Coppel~' ~'.~ ~:':: H ~9°(~"'30'' E with sa;d North boundary line a dis[ance of 1~99.80 .:.: (~: the i:'[l!~T OF BEG1NNI~;S and conr. aining 25.550 acres of land, more or 3. "0:' Office District Cln.~ification. property being shown on the following plat and described ns follows: ~.,. ...... .;',4/ / ,, / ¢ // ,, ".":~.~ ,/ / j'~ J.IO oCtts / ,. .... //,/ ,,' ,,~f ~FICE ::',~;,'!!i.~ a?. a point in the Wes~'right-of-way line o~: Denton Tap Road ~.i~, cun[.erline)' said pint. being on the North boundary ~ine of the City .~OUTh, wil:h said West right-of-way line, a distance of 700 O0 feet to a el[ST, a distance of [0.00 feet to a point for corner .in said ~,~tl~'-o[-way line (50' from the centerline); SOUTH, continuing with said West, right-of-way line, a distance f~}et to a point for corner on a curve to ~he right having a central oF 14'F~I'S5" and a radius of 3940.00 fee~ which bears N 03°53'14'' ,~lonrI said curve %o %he right, an arc length of 987.84 fee% %o a point E, a distance of 1i24.56 feet ~o a point for corner; "~{9"52'30" E, a distance of 976.49 feet to ~he POINT OF BEGINNIHG and ~n~.l 2:'.707 acres of land, more or less' being shown on the following plat and described as followz: Denton Tap Road ,. ~: ~- L'I!IL at a point :n the West riaht-af-wav line of ,,'~L~ i:he centerline)' ;aid point being on the North boundary ~ine of the City 700.00 feet; n, ,oppc ~, THENCE SB'2TH with said West right-of-way line WEo, lO.O0 feet to a point in said West right-of-way line (50 fr~m ~ ~[:;'~CE '~=', 6!5.86 feet ~,: c::nx:erline)' THENCE SOUTH with said ~est right-of-way line, ~,. >>n!NT ~)F BEGINNING' '.~'~(iE SOUTt, continu:ng with said West right-of-way line, a distance of '. '.:.~4 feet ~co a pnir.- for corner on the proposed tOO-year Floodway n~n- . non-encroachment line ~;i ..I.. in a de~[erly :;rec~ion and wi~h said proDosed ,, ', ', f;t.'C ' ~,i..~, a distacsp of 170.00 fee% ''- , s.a ce of t80 O0 feet; S ~,~/'22'Za'l ,~ ~ di ' n . ,,~::,,, a disEance of ~20.00 feet N -~,. 54 ]4" W, ~ distance of 3~0.00 feet H50~29'04'' W, ~ distance of 300.00 feet; /4 c7 a] w, ~ distance of 27 57 feet; ~'HCHCE N 00°0~'20'' :. departing said proposed non-encroachment line, a d-~.stance of 739.58 fee- ~o a point for corner on a curve to ~he lef~ havinq a ~:,~ncr'y]~ angle of 1~'Z~'55" and a radius of ]9~0.00 feet which bears }It]ACE along said cur',~ to the left, an arc ~ t;E(SiI4~ING and con~L'ning 19.493 acres of land, more ¢)r less. ~; ,! S. "'i't)-?P" Pl~:nncd Development Fload Plain District Clnssifieatien. .,nown on the following plat and described as follows: . ii :~:'operty being ~'- ,' II-n. Lr:tI[IHG at a point in the West right-of-way line of Denton Tap Road (40' ::'m, :tie cen:erlinei' said point being on the North boundary line of toe £ity ~ ; Coppe]l' Td. ENCE SOUTH, w:th sa:d West right-of-way ]:ne, 700.00 feet- ,,,~..~: .... WIST :0 O0 ~eet to a point ~n sa:d West r:ght of-way l:ne (50 from r ~ , , 14n~ O0 f~.t ,:,, ::enT. er!ine) TH~NC~ SOUTH with said West right-of-way line : ,~ P(]I~.~T OF BE.SINNING; ~t~']~[E SOUTH, continuing with said ~est r~ght-of-waY ~(ne. a al(stance ..;~ {~} fee~ :o a point for cornet; ~, o f .... [ S 05'4~ O0 W and with said ~e~t r(ght-nf-~ay }~ne a dJs~anc !~);.~.50 fee~ ~:o a point for corner (60' from ~he center}Jne)' ,~ (.: ~(}UTH and ~tt~ sa(d ~est r(ght,of-way ~ne a distance of 390 O0 fee~ ~, ,~ t~r)(nc for corner ~n [he center~ne of Denton Creek' : '.'.'[ ; ?Z i: (n a l~orthwes:er~y d~rec~Jon and with the center~ne of DenZon greek as N 8~ ce nh,, ~..',~ W, a di tance of 11~ 50 feet' N 66~3~'00'' W, a d~s~ance of 291.60 feet~ I.I ~°qO'O0" W, a d~s%ance of 19].50 feet; N a2°56'00'' W, a d~stance of 359.50 fee~' H 37~06'00" W a d~s~ance of 298.58 fee~' N G[~°25'4~'' W a distance of 166.3a fee~' W ~i7~04'09'' W a d~s~ance of 102.11 fee~' S 58°45'23'' w a d stance of 35.31 feet' _~, d5~58 Z9 W. a d stance of 2]4 76 fee~' .,~ ~ a di ,tance of 23! 4a feet' '~ ~>'~""; ~'~'~" ',,1 a distance of 396 65 feet' ,, l.; W a distance of 126 ~'> fee~' -l~l[1Jl[ k' (10'00']6" W, deoartin9 said centerline, a distance of 72t.83 feet to ,~ :J<~'int ':or cornor on the proposed lO0-yoar floodway non-oncroachment line; ';-~([~[ ~n an [asterly direction and w~th said proposed non-encroachment line· ,~ 5 f~1 10WS: S 43043'45" E, a distance of 308.39 feet; S 52o25'48" E, a distance of 230.00 feet; I.~ 82°55'38'' E, a distance of 165.00 feet; ~ 5~°02'27'' E, a distance of 275.00 feet; ~,] g751'10" E, a distance of 250.00 feet; S 74~27'43'' E, a distance of 200.00 feet; t; ~[./'29'O4" [, a distance of 300.00 feet; S 42"54'34" [, a distance off ~30.00 fee~; EAST a distance of tl0.OO feet; ~ ~6~22'~4" E, a distance of ~30.00 feet; [A:;T a d~stance of ]70 feet to ~he POINT OF BEG]~N]NG and containing 30.4~2 acres of land, more or less. Thc proDerty described above as Tract 5 and zoned (PD-FP) Planned Development ~.m shall be ~ubject to the attached PD-FP Concept Plan and subject to the :~ :,:?i~? re~:lations and Addendum to Concept Park Plan: ~2!?5!~:/~...P-..~ose and ~escr!~t±o~ - To provide for <he approp~!- dcuc~incd to be subjec: co flood hn~ard, and co pr~oce the g~ncrg]. ~e!fare and provide protection fr~ floodln~ porulo~ of c~:uain dis=ric=~ are desi~a~ed ~th a Flood Pla~ Pref~, 72. Areas designated on the Zoning District .... z¢ sha~! be subjec~ ~o ~he ~o~io~_~g ?~::::'~::ed Uses - ~e pe~ed uses in that portion of any ur:cz hz:v'ing a ~iood =~m, ~ pref~ sha~ be th~ f olioS_nS: ..... o_~cu_:u.a_ ac:Iv!ties ~ciud~g the ordinz~ cn!tlva- sio~ or grazing of land and leg~ ~es of a~ma! hushand~. .. 2. Off-s=ree~ paring imc!den=~ to any adJacen= maim use pe~i:::ad in the dls:ric~. E!ectr!cai Subsma=ion. 4. 2~! types of ioc~ nc!lit!es inc%udlmg zhose requirin~ · ~pec___c Use . e~:s. Par!~, co--noisy cern= ar s, playgrounds, Yrlva~e open space as parr of a Co~uni~y Um!= Deve!oo- men: of PLanned Reazden:~i Deve!oomen~. 7. Ue!ipor= whom approve~ by Spec~i~ Use Pe~: ~ provided 1Qo ]]t.._~c_ng or s~cture shg~ be erec:md in the: portion of any di~zric: designa~ad w%:h a Flood P_a_n, ~ .... ~x un:Il and t,z:ie~s such bulid~g or s:ruc:ure h~s been approved by the ?.'~'.' ~i~:~:o, ~xcavation, storage, fliilng, or ~nlng ooero~ion w::.:-h:.:: 7ha: pcrtzon o= a dls:rlal having a Flood Plain, ~, Pr~fl3'~ ~ha!! be approved lm vriring by the Public Work~ Director before sumh operation ~ area ~y be r~aved fr~ the ~ood Pla~, ~, Pref~ designation when by the pr~isiou of dra!~ge wor~, ~ad~g, flood protection, or spec~ic drawee The fac: t~t land ~, or i~ not, ~th~ a district having a ~har su~ land or ar~ i~, or l~ not, mubJec: =o per!odi~ ~oca! flooring. Addendum to Concept Park Plan Coppell, Texas The following items have been agreed upon between Lincoln Property Company, t:~le Park Board, and the City of Coppell Park Department, and are to be incorporated in the Planned District - Flood Plain zoning request by Lincoln t'~'F~perty Company. The PO-FP zoning designation will guarantee the area to be used exclu- :vcly as a park for the use and enjo3~ment of all the citizens of Coppell. 'Thu area is approximately 30 acres +'_, however the final acreage will be ~i~',~,~m'nined after F.E.M.A. has approved plans for fill on all of the area north ~' !3eh'con Creek. Tile following items will be included as permanent improvements to the park .:~'.,n az the sole expense of Lincoln Property Company. ~netters - Stucco columns or similar, low maintenance material with appropriate paving for various ~roup gatherings. Picnic TaOles - 6' pressure treated pine, Pilot Rock model PT-6 or similar. Picnic Tables (6) Grills Mexico Forge or similar, heavy du~y #455-00. Gril 1 s (6) '~ Trash Cans Pilot Rock or similar #TG-24 with AH-3 anchor stake in concrete. Trash Cans (lO) Lights "Antique Fixture" if possible, low maintenance 10-12' pole. Ligh~.s (6) - plus 34 light fixtures along jogging trail. Trail Paving - Crushed stone similar to Shrickle and Rollins proposal. Trail = ~xerc~se S ,. , ~,,.~ons - Par Course type. ~_x~., ~ise Stations (12) Grass - Seeded Bermuda or native grasses. Grass - (20 acres) 9. Irrigation - Temporary system - a5 to 60 days ~o establish grass and no permanent system. 10. Shade Trees - 2-3" Calioer - Red Oak, Live Oak, Cedar Elm, Willow, [~ald Cypress. Shade Trees (100) 1. Ornamental Trees - 8' average height - Redbud, Wild Plum, Dogwood, Crape Myrtle, Yaupon Holly. Ornamental Trees (60) !~riclge - Pedestrian - Double "T" Beam 8' x 60-90' with custom wrought iron railing, columns and special paving. F]lean-ul~ and Clearing - Removal of dead materials, clean-up of existing vegit~tion - area is planned to be left in a native natural state. l,l. Erosion Control - Along creek areas. 15. Appearance Grading - Fill in rough areas, remove trash, smooth mounds, fi ne grading. !F~.~..,ectrical and Water - Provide electrical service and potable water to [he shel~er. 17. Excavation of the proposed swale is not included as part of the park area experts e. Tn.'~ :~c]~l value of the park improvements has been estimated at $275,000 to S300,000. '~.'inc.,i~-, ?ro!~erty Company will limit its cost of the improvements to a maximum of .~Li!¥]~gD(1. However, all of the improvements listed above are subject to the aDproval ,'~'~ !]]~e CorDs of Engineers and F.£.M.A. SECTION 2. That ali ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same arc hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in [ulJ force and effect. SECTION fi. That thc above described property shall be used only in tim t.:~,~m~:r and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinancc of' th~· City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrnt;e or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole o,' any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be ir, valid, i]]egal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions; or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty ~,,~ovided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinnnee of the City, as heretofore ,~,~,ended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the gum <~i' (),~e Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense, and :hat each day such vic~lation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. ~)ECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper devclopmcnl and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general we]fare of the City. 'Pherefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after it~x passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such c~es provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of thc City of Coppe]l, Texas, this APPROVED: ~ ~YOR / ATTEST: API~I~.OVED AS 'PO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY CZ85-0527