SF-12 to PD-SF-7
The City of Coppell Planning & Zoning Commission would like to receive your comments on
this case in order that it may make a better informed recommendation to the City Council. if
you desire to express an opinion, please complete this reply form and return it to the following
address by the date of the Public Hearing:
City of Coppell
Planning & Zoning Department
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, TX 75019
This reply form in no way affects your right to attend the Public Hearing, and we encourage all
interested parties to attend and comment if they wish.
If you have any questions pertaining to the case, please call the Planning Deparunent at 304-
( ) I am in favor of this plan.
1~ I am opposed to this plan.
( ) I am undecided about this plan.
My comments are as follows:
City of Coppell
Planning & Zoning Department
P.O. Box 478
Coppell TX 75019
Please be advised that we are strongly opposed to the current planned development,
Case No.: PD-166, Westbury Manor, SF~12 to PD-SF-7. My husband and I have lived
in Coppell since 1982 and are the original owners of our home at 149 Simmons.
In reviewing the Preliminary Plat, it is obvious that this development is not
feasible. The size of the property in question is inadequate for the proposed sub-
division. This is further evidenced by the fact that the plat has already been revised
and the variance requests support this issue.
According to the survey of our lot, our properS' extends 3 feet beyond the alley.
How does Ryland propose to obtain the right-of-way on this property? Make
financial restitution? Request the city to condemn it and then have it reclaimed as
imminent domain? If this is the case, does the city then plan to pay to have our
property resurveyed and reappraised for tax purposes?
Ryland also seeks to close off our alley entrance onto Sandy Lake Road and divert
our exit through their neighborhood. Why should present homeowners be
inconvenienced? The city should also recognize that by allowing London Way to be
a through street, this will create a situation by which traffic will detour through this
proposed neighborhood, as well as Braewood, to avoid signal lights at Sandy Lake
Road and Heartz as well as Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap. Why else would it
be necessary, to put speed bumps, "traffic calming devices", in this neighborhood?
The city has set a precedence in Chaucer Estates and Ashton Woods of not allowing
traffic entrances this close to the intersection of Heartz and Sandy Lake Road . If
approved, London Way should dead-end into Sandy Lake Road and the variance
request to delete alleys on lots 22-27 be denied.
We will be very disappointed if the city approves a development that is not in
keeping with the adjoining neighborhoods. The lots planned measure 104.37' x
62.60', for a total lot size of 6,533 sq. ft.. The size of our lot, and the average size of
surrounding lots, is 127.95' x 78.08' for a total square footage of 9,990. The proposed
lots are a full one-third smaller than the adjacent lots. The city would be better
served if they sought development that would enhance the existing
neighborhoods, not down-grade them. Approval should also be contingent on a
decrease in the number of lots and an increase in lot size.
We are appalled that the city would consider any development by the Ryland
Group, Inc. Every, time I drive East on Sandy Lake Road and see their previous
dismal contribution to our city,, I am thoroughly disgusted. Now they are trying to
squeeze homes onto an unsuitable section of land. This sub-division would require
the loss of the majority of the native trees on this property. We have already lost
the trees where Overton Bank was built, and more recently the property directly
behind it. The city recently appointed a committee to oversee the remaining stands
of native trees. Their recommendation should be given strong consideration before
allowing this zoning change.
The vision of our city used to be one-third, one-third, one-third. One-third
commercial, one-third residential and one-third parks. At present, this philosophy
is unbalanced. The city is running out of available real estate. The community
would be better served by finding an alternative use for this land. The city
stationery boasts the slogan "Coppell - The City With A Beautiful Future".
This should be the overriding factor in considering this zoning change request.
This is a bad deal for ALL of the citizens of Coppell.
I hereby request a response to the issues mentioned above before the scheduled
Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on March 19, 1998. Thank you for your
consideration of this matter.
Mr & Mrs Larry T Cheshier
cc: Planning & Zoning Commission
Ms. Candy Sheehan, Mayor