ffI~CIL MEETIN(~: March 11, 1997 ITeM # ] &
Consider approval of Case No. PD-157R, Valley Ranch Plaza, to change the
zoning for property zoned PD-C (Planned Development, Commercial) by
amending the site plan of the 3,278 square foot drive-through restaurant to
permit the construction of an outdoor eating and playground area measuring
approximately 1,680 s.f., located at the southwest corner of Beltline Road
and MacArthur Blvd.
8UBMITTED~-BY~'~ Gary L.
~LB:~-'- Director of Plann~[ng and Community Services
STAF~ECOMMENDS: _~A~proval X Denial
Date of P&Z Meetinq: February 20, 1997
Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval(6-0) with Commissioners Mabry, Lowry,
Jones, Wheeler, Cruse and DeFilippo voting in favor. Commissioner
McCaffrey was absent.
Approval subject to the following conditions:
(1) All lighting beneath the awning to be shielded above and directed
(2) At least 95% of the play equipment to be in a base color and no
more than 1% in an accent color as defined by C.I.V.I.C.
(3) Total number of dining tables at the 1.211-acre site, inside and
out, not to exceed 25.
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P & Z HEARING DATE: February 20, 1997
C.C. HEARING DATE: March 11, 1997
LOCATION: Southwest comer of MacArthur Boulevard and Belfline Road.
SIZE OF AREA: 3.895-acre PD; 1.211 acres involved in requested amendment
CURRENT ZONING: PD-C (Planned Development-Commercial)
REQUEST: Amend Site Plan of the 3,278 s.f. drive-through restaurant to
permit the construction of an outdoor eating and playground area.
APPLICANT: Applicant: Representative:
McDonald's Corporation David E. Larsen, AIA
511 E Carpenter Fwy, Ste 275 3011 Canton St
Irving TX 75062 Dallas TX 75226
972-869-1888 214-939-3908
FAX 972-869-5380 FAX 214-939-3907
HISTORY: This property was platted in 1987 and replatted in 1992. City
Council granted three Special Use Permits on portions of the
property in 1987--one for a service station, one for a car wash,
and one for a convenience store. In mid-1994 Council granted
Special Use Permits for a Schlotzsky's on the most northwesterly
portion of the site and for an Arby's on the most southerly portion.
In late 1994 Council granted a Special Use Permit for a SpeeDee
Oil Change facing Belt Line Road adjoining the east side of the
proposed Schlotzsky's. None of these proposals were built. In
1996, the property was reclassified as a PD-C district for a drive-
through restaurant and a separate retail/restaurant building.
Item # 8
TRANSPORTATION: MacArthur Boulevard is a P6D divided major thoroughfare built
to standard in a ll0'-wide right-of-way. Belt Line Road is shown
on the thoroughfare plan as a P6D and is scheduled for
construction by Dallas County, but currently is a 2-1and asphalt
roadway contained within a 120'-wide right-of-way.
North - vacant; C zoning
South - restaurant; LI zoning
East - shopping center; LI zoning
West - vacant; C zoning
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for
regional retail uses.
DISCUSSION: The approved site plan attached to and made a part of the PD-157
ordinance shows a future outdoor playland. The site plan does not specify
outdoor dining space, nor does it provide any specifics on play equipment,
fence enclosure, or covering. Therefore, if the space allocated for a
future outdoor playland is to become an outdoor playland presently, two
issues need to be resolved: What it will look like and how much outdoor
dining space, if any, the parking within this 1.211-acre area
Regarding the first issue, the play equipment is shown in the least
conspicuous location. The view of it from MacArthur Boulevard is
largely blocked by the building. The view from Belt Line Road is
somewhat obstructed by the proposed awning. Plans show the awning to
be underlit (if baeklit, the entire awning would be considered a sign). The
applicant will supply a color board at the public hearing showing color
selections for tables, metal roiling which encloses the area, awning and
play equipment, as well as a sample of the awning material.
The Committee to Improve the Visual Image of Coppell has recommended
limiting accent colors to 1% of total and trim colors to 5 % of total, with
no limit on base colors. The ranges of these colors are defined in a report
upon which the Planing and Zoning Commission will be taking action
concurrently with its action on this case.
Regarding the second issue, the 1.211-acre site will contain 37 parking
spaces. The interior of the building is 3,213 square feet in area. The
zoning ordinance requires a ratio of one parking space for each 100 square
feet of gross building area, or in this case, 33 parking spaces. With 4
extra parking spaces, the Building Inspection Department would allow no
Item # 8
more than 400 square feet of outdoor patio for dining purposes.
When there is insufficient parking at a restaurant during mealtime, cars
waiting to get in tend to queue on to the streets. Staff has a concern about
the potential for congestion and traffic hazards which such a situation
creates, especially at an already congested area such as MacArthur and
Belt Line. Another way to evaluate parking adequacy is to count the
number of employees and the number of dining tables. Each employee is
likely to arrive by car. Each table, when occupied, is likely to account
for one car in the parking lot.
The plans submitted with the original PD request did not indicate the total
number of interior dining tables. The plans submitted with the PD
amendment request show 20. According to the McDonald's Corporation
management, the maximum number of employees required at any one time
to operate a restaurant of this size is approximately 12. Therefore, it
would be reasonable to assume that any more than 5 tables outdoors, with
full occupancy of all table facilities, would overburden the 37 parking
spaces provided. For comparison purposes, there is a new McDonald's
on F.M. 407 in Lewisville, just west of 1-35E, which appears to be
identical in size and layout. It accommodates approximately 17 tables
inside. The McDonald's in Lewisville has an indoor playland of about
1500 square feet associated with it, which expands the seating area from
approximately 17 tables to approximately 34. The City of Lewisville
requires 1 l/z parking spaces for each 100 square feet of building area, and
the number of parking spaces provided is 71.
The planning staff recommends approval of an amendment to the PD to
revise the site plan, to increase the amount of restaurant usage on the
entire 3.895-acre PD site to 15,900 square feet of interior space and 1200
square feet of exterior patio area, and to establish conditions under which
the outdoor playland may be placed on the affected 1.211-acre site.
However, that recommendation is predicated upon the following
1) Awning to be of a non-reflective material in a base color as
defined in the C.I.V.I.C. report, with all lighting beneath the
awning to be shielded above and directed downward.
2) Metal railing serving to enclose the playland likewise to be in a
base color.
3) At least 95 % of the play equipment to be in a base color and no
more than 1% in an accent color as defined by C.I.V.I.C.
Item # 8
4) Total number of dining tables at the 1.211-acre site, inside and
out, not to exceed 25.
ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the Amendment
2) Recommend disapproval of the Amendment
3) Recommend modification of the Amendment
4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date.
2) Floor Plan
3) Elevation & Details
4) Definitions of base color, trim color and accent color
Item # 8
Accent color is defined as any hue of any Neutral is defined, with respect to color, as
value or chroma, a shade of gray (no chroma) or brown (5YR
3/2 through 8/2, and 5/4 through 7/4).
Accent brick is defined as any brick of an
earth-tone color, plus lighter and darker Munsell® Color System is a system
shades, developed by Albert Munsell and first
published in 1915. Munsell Color
Base color is defined as any hue with a Company, Inc., currently holds the
chroma of 2 or less and a value of 6 through copyright. Fairchild Publications, a division
8, as def'med by the Munsell® Color System. of Capital Cities/ABC Inc., New York,
publishes color charts based on this system.
Deep is defined, with respect to color, as a
dark shade of red, blue, green or brown; Old Coppell is defined as the four comers of
such as burgundy [5R 3/4(Munsell® Color South Coppell Road and Bethel Road, as
System)], navy blue (5PB 2.5/4), hunter follows: 1) on the northeast, the property
green (5G 3/4) and chocolate brown(5YR bounded by South Coppell Road, the south
3/2), respectively, and west sides of Coppell Village
(Hunterwood), the west side of Big Cedar
Earth-tone is defined as a broad range of Addition, the north and west sides of Old
natural colors. In terms of stone materials, Coppell Estates, and Bethel Road; 2) on the
any unpolished quarry or field stone is southeast, the property bounded by Bethel
earth-tone by its nature. To define the Road, Park Road, the west side of
range of brick colors which qualify as earth- Grapevine Springs Park, the north side of
tone, reference to specific types is useful, the railroad right-of-way, and South Coppell
For that purpose, Boral Bricks, Inc., has Road (except for the frontage of South
provided a palette of its samples. Any Coppell Road to a depth of 325 feet, from
manufacturer's brick would serve just as the railroad to 720 South Coppell Road); 3)
well. The use of this manufacturer's on the southwest, the properties fronting
product for illustration is not meant to Bethel Road and South Coppell Road from
indicate any form of endorsement. Earth - 701 to 717 South Coppell Road, and from
tone brick is, for example, no lighter than 449 to 509~A Bethel Road; and 4) on the
Boral's //6000 F Velour, //403 F Velour, northwest, the properties fronting Bethel
1905 Peach, or 5105 French Gray. On the Road and South Coppell Road from 512 to
other end of the spectrum, earth-tone brick 516 Bethel Road, and from 557 to 615
is no darker than //5-6000 FW Velour or South Coppell Road. (See map opposite.)
4605 Medium Chocolate.
Trim color is defined as any hue with the
Masonry is defined as brick, stone, following value/chroma ratios: 3/2 through
concrete, or other similar material, but 8/2, 4/4 through 8/4, 5/6 through 7/6, and
excluding stucco and concrete blocks. 6/8, as defined by the Munsell® Color