PD170-CS 980831TO: Gary Sieb
FROM: Pert Virtanen
SUBJECT: Residential Zoning Analysis (re: Castlebury Court)
DATE: August 31, 1998
At build-out approximately 2,800 acres of land will be occupied by low and medium density~
residential development, according to the 1996 Comprehensive Plan. Portions of this land
currently remain undeveloped and without approved plans on file. To the best of my knowledge,
these portions are zoned "SF-12" Residential, "A" Agricultural or some non-residential category
deemed more suitable for residential use. While there are undeveloped tracts zoned "SF-9", "SF-
7", "2F-9" or "PD", typically these have approved development plans on file.
Because of the "PD" districts, many of which include former "SF-0"-style development, it is
difficult to provide an exact breakdown of the amount of acreage devoted to the various densities
of existing and proposed residential development. However, a visual inspection of the zoning
map would cause most observers to conclude that "SF-9" zoning accounts for less than a third of
the property zoned "SF-9", "SF-7", "2F-9" or "PD".
The attached analysis of "SF-12" zoning (Exhibit 1) shows almost 500 acres of "SF-12"
developed residentially. Fifty acres remain undeveloped, while an undetermined amount has
been devoted to non-residential uses.
A rough estimate of the remaining property is as follows;
D_ .e_v_el.o. p~ Undeveloped* Total
SF-12 500 ac. 50 ac. 550 ac.
SF9 & PD-SF9 700 ac. or less 0 700 ac. or less
SF7, PD-SF7 & PD-SF0 1,500 ac. or more 0 1,500 ac. or more
A 0 25 ac. or less 25 ac. or less
Non-residential 0 25 ac. or less 25 ac. or less
TOTAL 2,700 ac. or more 100 ac. or less 2,800 acres
* with no approved plan on file
Gary Sieb
September 1, 1998
Page 2
Comparing these figures with the zoning of 25 years ago (Exhibit 2) it is clearly evident that
approximately 2,000 acres of SF-12 zoning has been converted to higher-density single-family
residential zoning. It is on this land that the vast majority of the population of Coppell lives
In the real estate industry these densities are usually expressed as follows:
Zg. lliag Lot Size Maximum Density
SF- 12 12,000 s.f. 2.5 dwelling units per acre
SF-9 9,000 s.f. 3.3 dwelling units per acre
SF-7 7,000 s.f. 4.3 dwelling units per acre
This is based on a typical land loss of 30% for streets and alleys.
The number of acres in the Castlebury Court property is 5.75. The proposed number of lots has
been reduced one lot from 20 to 19. Nineteen lots on 5.75 acres is a density of 3.3 dwelling
units per acre. This density is lower than any of the 3 adjoining subdivisions, Pecan Ridge
(3.64), Willowood (3.85) and Highland Oaks (4.62). The nearest subdivision with a lower
density is the Dobecka Addition (2.45). The resulting lots in the revised Castlebury Court plan
range in size from a low of 9,050 square feet to a high of 12,704 square feet.
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
SF-12 Zoning Developed Residentially
Location Acreage
Cottonwood Estates 80.5
The Woodlands of Coppell 18.2
Shadydale Acres 28.0
Whispering Hills 17.6
Kaye Street 13.7
Country Estates 14.0
Grand Cove Estates 14.5
Loch Lane 10.3
Copperstone 31.3
Northlake Woodlands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8 175.1
Northlake Woodlands East 3 & 12 23.5
Southwest Corner of Moore & Sandy Lake 31.6
Dobecka Addition 6.4
Estates of Cambridge Manor 34.2
Total 498.9
Undeveloped SF-12 Zoning
Location Acreage
TU Electric Property on Sandy Lake 2.8
McBride Property on Sandy Lake 5,8
Hitchcock Property on Sandy Lake 6.6
Northwest Corner of Lodge & Sandy Lake 0.7
Stratford Manor 15.1
North of Sandy Lake at Denton Creek 19.0
Total 50.0
SF-12 Property Occupied by Other than Residential Uses
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
First Assembly of God Church
First United Methodist Church
Rejoice Lutheran Church
Copperstone/High School Open Space
Future Park Site at Moore & Grapevine Creek
Mockingbird Elementary School & Middle School East
Riverchase Golf Course
Exhibit 1