PD176R-AG000208 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING: February 8, 2000 ITEM # q ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. PD-176R, McMillan Estates, zoning change request for property zoned PD-176, (Planned Development-176, Single Family-9), by amending the planned development conditions to permit an extension of a 54" reinforced concrete pipe eastward for an approximate distance of 155' and the installation of a stone headwall on 1.49 acres of property located along the north side of Bethel Road, approximately 120' east of Hearthstone Lane. SUBMITTED B~.~ Gary L. Sieb ..~ ~}~t~]Pg TITLE: (.. Director of Pla~nning and Community Services gO/~__ ~-- ~'-__'~l .- 690 __ STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: January 20, 2000 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) The Landscape Plan and Tree Survey/Mitigation Plan shall match the Site/Grading Plan, Sheet 1 of 1. 2) There will be no cabana at the pool area. 3) The pool location will be as indicated on the Site/Grading Plan, Sheet 1 of 1. ~~aalhs; applicant will comply with the Landscape Plan and Tree Mitigation Plan but will try to preserve as many trees as possible on site. Staff recommends approval of this request. Agenda Request Form o 9 Document Name: @PD176R t: CITY OF COPPELL C. ~. p~l~CK~' STAFF REPORT ~ CASE NO.: PD-176R, McMILLAN ESTATES P & Z HEARING DATE: November 18, 1999 (continued until January 20, 2000) C.C. HEARING DATE: December 14, 1999 (February $, 2000) LOCATION: Along the north side of Bethel Road, approximately 120' east of Hearthstone Lane SIZE OF AREA: 1.49 acres of property for the construction of one single-family residence CURRENT ZONING: PD-SF-9 (Planned Developmem, Single Family-9) REQUEST: PD amendmem to allow the construction of a 54-inch storm drain across the property. APPLICANT: Applicant: Terry Holmes, Holmes Builders 1406 Halsey Way, Suite 100 Carrollton, TX. 75007 (972) 242-1770 Fax: (972) 242-2931 HISTORY: This property was rezoned from SF-9 and Commercial to a residential PD to accommodate one single-family home on this 1.49 acre parcel in March of 1999. On November 18, 1999, the Planning Commission continued this case until January 20, 2000, at the request of the applicant. The case was continued with the public hearing left open because several issues raised during that hearing had not been addressed. Item # 4 TRANSPORTATION: Bethel Road is projected to be a two lane, undivided street in front of this property, contained within a 50 foot right of way SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Hunterwood Park; SF-9 South -vacant; PD-LI and "R", Retail East - single-family house; "R", Retail West -developing single family housing; SF-9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for residential low density uses with, if appropriate, an historic overlay. DISCUSSION: This is a request to extend a 54-inch storm drain across the width of the subject property, a distance of approximately 150 feet. When heard in March, this zoning was changed to a Planned Development for one single- family residence. The PD was requested because of a desire to construct the residence without an alley at the rear of the parcel, similar to the housing being developed around it. A major concern to the abutting community was the issue of tree preservation. That concern is still relevant today, especially in that additional cut and fill is being proposed to accommodate the extension of this 54-inch storm drain. To extend the pipe will require extensive cut, fill, and grading around many old trees, and their preservation, based upon the grading plan submitted, is seriously questioned. The most recent plan shows 176 caliper inches of trees will be removed with construction of the storm drain and swimming pool facility (assuming the flood plain can be modified to accommodate these improvements). The landscape plan shows 158 inches of replacement trees 6 inch caliper or better, and an additional 72 inches of trees 3 inch caliper or better for a total of 230 inches of replacement trees. Although tree mitigation appears to be addressed, staff cautions the applicant that close monitoring of tree preservation will occur if development proceeds (see Leisure Services memo attached). As proposed in March, the use was certainly appropriate for the tract, and although the applicant needed to address our landscaping guidelines, the house being designed took into consideration the existing tree cover on the site. In fact, while approximately 155 caliper inches of existing trees were to be removed to accommodate a 6,000 square foot house, the site was so heavily wooded (at least 822 caliper inches of remaining trees 6 inch caliper or greater) that attempting to replace the caliper inches of removed trees elsewhere on the site (as outlined in the landscaping zoning provisions) could damage the existing tree stock. Because the request was Item# 4 a PD application, the plan approved by Commission and Council took that circumstance into consideration. Now however, the applicant has changed his plans and proposes to fill in much more land than the original application suggested. It is staff opinion that this additional grading and subsequent filling of the land will seriously affect the health of the remaining tree stock and we can not support such a drastic change to the existing landscape form. In addition, the applicant does not clearly state how many caliper inches of additional trees will be lost to this storm drain, and has been somewhat elusive in delineating how tree mitigation will be accomplished. The revised plan shows 14 trees (with a total of 176 caliper inches) will be removed with construction of the swimming pool and storm drain. The landscape plan shows 230 caliper inches of tree replacement. In addition, the head wall of the storm drain will be as indicated in a photograph to be shown at the public hearing, as well as a photo of the bag walls proposed to contain the reclaimed floodplain around the swimming pool. Another point of concern expressed by staff initially and also with this request relates to the pool and cabana area at the northwest corner of this parcel. Without removal of the flood plain designation we do not see how that portion of the site can be developed. If the floodplain can be removed, a photo of the bag walls proposed to contain the swimming pool has been included with this application, and staff will show the photo at the public hearing. Utilities, construction vehicles, and actual use of the area would require violating existing flood plain non- encroachment requirements. Neighbors have expressed this same concern, and without the floodplain and proposed tree preservation issue being addressed to staff satisfaction, we can not endorse that part of the proposal. The applicant has now addressed the tree preservation concern. It is now the applicant's responsibility to procure flood plain fill permission. Without that f'di permit, the pool and storm drain can not be built. A f'mal point related to the cabana area, and the Fire Department's request the applicant/property owner be made aware that if the cabana area is ultimately developed, because of its remoteness, fire/emergency response could be delayed. During the original public hearings, the applicant acknowledged that concern, and continues to do so. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends denial of this amendment to the PD. There are just too many questions regarding grading, cut/fill and tree preservation issues that have not been addressed. As mentioned in the original zoning case, we - Item # 4 cannot endorse the cabana, patio, and pool proposal because those structures currently lie within the 100-year flood plain. If the flood plain can be reclaimed, drainage issues are resolved to the satisfaction of our Engineering Department, and the remote access to the cabana area is recognized by the applicant/owner, building of these facilities can be revisited. The issue that precipitates our denial is the proposed 54-inch storm sewer extension. It is unlikely that extension can be completed without additional damage to the existing tree cover, and until we have assurance that tree stock shown as being preserved in the original zoning proposal can be preserved/mitigated, we can not endorse this change. This case should be denied until such time as the grading plan, the extension of the storm sewer, the tree preservation plan, and all flood plain removal criteria are met to the satisfaction of the City. Because so much additional information is needed before we can make a rational recommendation--there are just too many loose ends that need to be addressed --this case must be denied. Subsequent to this staff report, and after the Commission continued the hearing until January 20, the applicant revised his plans and has addressed staff concerns (see bold written comments above). That now being the case, and with the understanding from the applicant that no development within the designated flood plain can occur until that issue has been resolved, staff can support this request conditioned upon the attached staff comments regarding the flood plain and tree mitigation issues. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend denial of the request 3) Modify the request 4) Take under advisement for additional information ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site/Grading Plan 2) Tree Survey/Mitigation Plan 3) Landscape Plan 4) Departmental comments (Engineering and Leisure Services) Item # 4 DE VEL OPMEN T RE VIE W COMMIT TEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: PD-1 76R, McMillan Estates, a goning change request for property goned "PD- 175" Planned Development-175, Single Family-9, by amending the planned development conditions to permit the extension of a 54" reinforced concrete pipe eastward for an approximate distance of 155' and the installation of a stone headwall on 1.49 acres property, located along the north side of Bethel Road, approximately 120' east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of Terry Holmes. DRC DA TE: December 28, 1999 and January 6, 2000 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENTSTATUS: D~r ra/rrnrA r~v ,/FINAL r~TTrc~r~ AFTER P&Z 1. Energy dissipation and erosion control measures may be required to protect the erosive creek banks. 2. No work can be performed within the 100-year floodplain without an approved floodplain development permit. 3. No development (including structures, fill and landscaping) will be allowed in the 100-year floodplain until a flood study is approved by the City. * ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET ~.//o~/~D McMillian Estates / / , .~,, Tree Survey Location Diameter Canopy (Tr~ ~) (DBH) Sp~i~ Poin~ .~, .L. Clas'~ c~rown 1 12" C~ar 2' 0' SuP~~ ~ ~ ~"~' 10% 2 12" C~ar Elm 0' Suppres~ 0% 0' 3 14" Elm 0' 12' Su~r~ 8% 0' 6' 4 9" C~ar 6' 6' Intermediate 80% 2' 6' 5 9" C~ar Elm 6' 6' Inte~i~e 90% 6' 6' 6 8" Cedar Elm 6' 6' CoDominate 6' 5' 7 6" P~n 5' 5' I nte~i~e 60% 5' 15' 8 Cedar Elm 27' 27' Dominate 80% 33' 0' 9 8" P~n 1' 3' Suppre~ 5% 2' 4' 10 8" White Ash 2' 2' Suppm~ 10% 1' 3' 11 6" White Ash 1' 2' Sup~ 10% 0' 4' 12 6" White Ash 4' 4' Suppm~ 10% 0' 6' 13 6" White A~ 6' 6' Suppm~ 10% 6' 6' 14 9" American Elm 6' 6' Inte~ediate 50% 6' 8' 15 8" C~ar Elm 6' 6' Inte~i~e 80% 4' 6' 16 6" Ameri~n Elm 6' 6' Intermedi~e 60% 2' 8' 17 6" ~eH~n Elm 6' 6" Inte~iate 75% 3' Qpro\file\TREE_MCM.wbl McMillian Estates Tree Survey Location Diameter Canopy Crown %Live (Tree #) (DBH) Species Points Cla~__~ Crown 8' 18 14" Cedar 8' 8' CoDominate 70% 8' 6' 19 8" Cedar 0' 6' Intermediate 70% 4' 6' 20 8" White Ash 0' 2' Suppressed 10% 0' 0' 21 6" White Ash 3' 0' Suppressed 10% 0' 3' 22 8" White Ash 0' 0' Suppressed 10% 0' 2' 23 6" White Ash 0' 0' Suppress~ 10% 0' 15' 24 10" Cedar Elm 15' 6' CoDominate 90% 15' 30' 25 24" Post Oak 33' 25' Dominate 80% 25' 8' 26 8" Oak 6' 6' Intermediate 50% 6' 6' 27 8" Oak 5' 7' Intermediate 40% 6' 12' 28 8" Cedar Elm 10' 8' Intermediate 80% 6' 6' 29 8" Oak 6' 6' Intermediate 30% 6' 2' 30 8" Pecan 8' 6' Intermediate 30% 2' 8' 31 24" Pecan (Diseased) 12' 4' Intermediate 10% 6' 8' 32 10" American Elm 0' 12' Intermediate 30% 8' 8' 33 6" Oak 0' 8' Intermediate 70% 8' Qpro\file\TREE_MCM.wbl McMillian Estates Tree Survey Location Diameter Canopy Crown %Live (Tree #) (DBH) Species Points Cla_~_~ Crown 8' 34 10" Post Oak 7' 12' Intermediate 75% 6' 18' 35 24" Post Oak 30' 22' Dominate 75% 15' 30' 36 28" Post Oak 12' 30' Dominate 80% 22' 8' 37 8" Cedar Elm 2' 6' Intermediate 80% 6' 6' 38 12" Cedar 8' 8' Intermediate 60% 6' 18' 39 24" American Elm 16' 24' Dominate 30% 30' 8' 40 10" Cedar Elm 6' 6' Intermediate 80% 8' 6' 41 6" Pecan 8' 3' Intermediate 60% 0' 8' 42 8" Oak 6' 6' Intermediate 75% 8' 0' 43 8" Oak 3' 6' Intermediate 75% 6' 0' 44 8" Oak 0' 6' Suppressed 30% 6' 12' 45 16" Oak 2' 15' Intermediate 75% 12' 12' 46 12" Cedar Elm 12' 15' Intermediate 60% 14" 18' 47 16" Cedar Elm 15' 0' Intermediate 30% 15' 12' 48 10" Oak 6' 8' CoDominate 60% 24' 12' 49 20" Oak 8' 8' Dominate 30% 6' Qpro\file\TRE E_MCM.wbl McMillian Estates Tree Survey Location Diameter Canopy Crown %Live I (Tree #) (DBH) Species Points Class Crown I 30' 50 30" Pecan 24' 80' Dominate 65% 8' 20' 51 16" American Elm 18' 18' Dominate 70% 20' 18' 52 14" Cedar Elm 18' 18' CoDominate 80% 18' 18' 53 16" Cedar Elm 12' 16' CoDominate 80% 8' 12' 54 18" Cedar 8' 6' CoDominate 75% 6' 12' 55 16" Cedar 8' 0' Intermediate 50% 0' 12' 56 10" Cedar Elm 11' 8' Intermediate 50% 10' 6' 57 6" Cedar Elm 0' 12' Suppressed 50% 6' 12' 58 10" Cedar Elm 10' 15' Intermediate 70% 8' 18' 59 12" American Elm 18' 16' CoDominate 70% 6' 8' 60 6" Pecan 6' 6' Suppressed 30% 3' 8' 61 10" American Elm 0' 30' Intermediate 50% 12' 6' 62 6" Cedar 6' 6' Intermediate 80% 6' 5' 63 6" Cedar 5' 5' Suppressed 80% 4' 28' 64 20" Pecan 20' 28' Dominate 75% 16' 8' 65 12" Cedar 6' 8' Intermediate 50% 6' Qpro\file\TREE_MCM.wbl McMillian Estates Tree Survey I Location Diameter Canopy Crown %Live (Tree #) (DBH) Species Points Cl~__~_~ Crown 40' 66 36" Pecan 40' 20' Dominate 50% 6' 12' 67 14" Oak 15' 15' Intermediate 30% 2' 15' 68 16" Oak 20' 15' Intermediate 30% 12' 10' 69 10" Cedar 10' 10' Intermediate 40% 10' 20' 70 24" Pecan 20' 24' Dominate 60% 24' Qpro\filo\TREE_MCM.wbl {2/29/99 13:06 CITY OF COPPELL + 972 394 7092 NO.B99 Q93 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: McMillan Estates, Zoning Change DRC DATE: December 28, 1999 and ]anuanj 6, 2000 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape Manager I COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY_~v' F4NA~ ~ The Tree Survey shows a total of 150" of protected trees being removed from the site. Development is preserving 651" of trees, allowing a preservation credit of 81%. Development is adding 158" of proposed trees allowing a landscaping credit of 50%, fulfilling the tree mitigation requirements. A number of the trees targeted for preservation may bt in areas of cut or fill. The preservation techniques used on such trees will be closely monitored and additional mitigation may be required if it is determined these trees have little chance of suroival after development. Please provide an executed Tree Removal Permit prior to removing trees from the site. DRC1228f (~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~ i