ITEM: PD-176R, McMillan Estates, a zoning change request for property zoned "PD-
175" Planned Development-175, Single Family-9, by amending the planned
development conditions to permit the extension of a 54" reinforced concrete
pipe eastward for an approximate distance of 155' and the installation of a
stone headwall on 1.49 acres property, located along the north side of Bethel
Road, approximately 120' east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of Terry
DRC DATE: December 28, 1999 and January 6, 2000
CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679)
1. Energy dissipation and erosion control measures may be required to protect the erosive
creek banks.
2. No work can be performed within the 100-year floodplain without an approved floodplain
development permit.
3. No development (including structures, fill and landscaping) will be allowed in the 100-year
floodplain until a flood study is approved by the City.