PD176-CS 990120 (2)0t-£0-99 !0'50AM FROM JOYCE-MYERS ENT, P01
1017 William D. Tare Ave.
Grapevine, TX 76051
Phone: (817) 481-35 ~ =
January 20, 1999
Ci~ ~ Coppeil
A~en~on: Mr. Ga~ Seib
RE: Approximately 1.3 acres being described as Tract ~f4.2 out
of the James Anderson Survey Ab 18, City of Coppell,
County of Dallas
Dear Mr. Seib:
This letter serves to authorize Terry Holmes, of The Holmes
Builders, to represent me in the Zoning and Minor Platting of the
above captioned property into one lot zoned PD SF 9.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Stone Myers