PD178-CS 990312 (2)z;on,ng Application City of COpl~ll 255 Par~y Blvd. Coppe{l, TX 75019 (214) 30oe3678rF~.x: ~214) 3043570 Date: Zoning Requested: Property Location: ]A/.,e"57" <5lDO' 19/' Reason(s) for Zoning Change: _ 7'-c~' /]'d~ a~/'-'-Y,~,~'"' Note: Applicant is responsible for erecting, maintaining and removing a sign to notify the public of the pending zoning application. The sig~ shall be posted ten (10) days prior to the Planning Commissiou meeting anti shall be removed aRer the City Co .u~cil's approval or disapproval of the application. Failure to erezt the sign at least ten (10) days prior to thu Planning Commission hearing will result La postponement of the zoning case until this condition is met. A deposit in the amount of sixty dollars ($60.00) will be required of the applicant when he or she requests a sign. The deposit will be refunded by mail if th~ sign is returned in good condition to the Planning Department. Name of Representative: /~. /eX/Dk~.~ ax/ Name of' Owner:, E5/'/47'£ RE 7WE Owner's Signature;~-~~. Date:.