PD182-CS 991130 ~]00l 11/30/99 TL'£ 17:29 FAX 9724041833 LIB£RTY ...... INTERNATIONAl. SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE ¢tRTIFICkTION PROO~ P.O. ~:~z 312v ,, Champaign, IL 61826-3129 "(217) 355-9,1.! 1 · Fa,,(217) emaiJ: i~a~ha-arJ~r.c~m · mte~. Tlfi~ IoRcr is to inform you th,~t thc following individual, Gl'cg Wclbom, is an ISA Certified Arhonst. He bccam¢ ¢~rtificd ou 4/9/99 ~ud his ccr~ific, a,fion is good u~ough 6/30/02. ~[fyou lloed any f-tu'thcr inforlFlation please feel free to contact our office. Thank you, Robbia Burgc ISA Certification Depa.,tmcnt