PD182-CS 991214 (2)12~15/99 WED 09:25 FAX 972404~$~ LIBERTY ~002 C.N. LEMP I')F.X-'I~I, OPMIZNT, I\'C. Dcccmbcr 14, City of Coppcl] .l)cpartment of Parks and Rccrcation 'lb whom it may This [ctter i.~ ~o scrvc $1,285.00 pgr unit ,for thc I'ownhcn~.~es is in lieu of thc dcdicarion of Izod to thc crc-afion of public parks. Wc al~o undcmtand ~h~t ~he, s¢ fund~ will bc cxcluswely £o~ thc crv,~tion or ~mprovemenl' of public pa~ks within thc (',iD' of Copp¢{L I;or ['hrtl~cr inquires pk'asc contact Craig N. I.¢mp at 972-404-8338. Sincerely, Craig N. I.~'ap Prc~idcnt ~$'l'.K~ff...'& ADDR[".SS~ · ICITV/$'['ATL[ * iZlP/I:O~'[':;! CODEI P]'{O.%'E: ]PH¢).NII~ N'UMBERJ - FAX: ]F~',¢ ;qUMBEI~I