PD182-CS 991215 9724041933 12/15/99 WED 09:28 FAX 9724041833 LIBERTY MEMORANDUM~ / -t FROM: (2iLMG K. ].EMP w ~~~ [~ SUBJECT: OUTS'I'.kN!)iN(; ISSIJFS ' /; DAT~: {~/15/99 /~ / CC: %- '~ - -. 1) Chantys are now included m d:e el~a~on~ The landscape calculauons are revi~cd and match l~surc $ctw-ices fi~r~;'-. 4) W~ did m, m~dian opening Mth l~¢t tm lane ~'e includcd d~e easements and ad~donal fire bydm. nt that were recommended b depar~ent We includcd thc verbage on d~c ~itc pl~n regar~ng ~cc reparation ~a~ match d~e comments bv leisuze sctwxccs ~.~Included ~th dXs lener is a lettcr from me ac~owic~ing the $1,285.00 ,.coz unit due r'c,-. park d~'elopment 8) P~ en~n~ng co~mt~ we ~e not ~g to fill ~ thc ~u& Sanita~ sewer cas~, '&' '" 'i,. . "~,;- '~i:~ ..... ~: ' ';'-:"¢ .... "¢:'""-": '" "~"~'"":~g'~: :': ',.'.~ /5¢> " ~.- 1 1> We included thc accurate elcva~on~ of the 0nit~ bascd on the ~a~~ !2) The rear cl¢;afions are dc~cated '&qth where ~e brick w~ go.-:~~m~~ ~ ii :t was not brick acmaUv was brick ~. 13) We ~rov;ded screened balconie¢ 14) Wc also included d:c plans from 6c eon fence that thc school is