PD182-CS01030503."05.0f xtON 12:17 FAX 9724041533 I. IBERTY ~001 i DATE _March 5. 2001 TO *l_r Mike Martin FRO_XI: A. Keith Reinhart RE Toxvnhomes o£ Coppe/1 Hi .Xlike We hax e final agreements worked out v¢ith :he School District with one last provision required from your ot$ce. I have attached the agreement's cover letter where :i~ev request" a letter shall be provided bv the City oSCoppell and submitted by C. N. Letup Development. [nc, acknowledging the City's approval of the agreement re/ative to thc ~rought iron fencing at the dMding prope~y line" ~ i:ave revie~ved the ~bnce plus provided by SIIW architects, whicb, catt 1' 8" brick pillars even' 20'. The top width of the retaining wail will not exceed t2" - 14". not enough room :bt pillars per design SHXV tells me they have no problem ~'ith a contim~ous fence. but that [ need to address this with the City, to call tbr continuous '4' wrought iron tknce. the length of the property, sans pillars. A resolution on this is affecting several pieces of our development, primarily: the School District signing off on ail easements'. Please give me a ca!i to discuss both the fence a:terations, and a letter from you on approval at your earliest convenience Oa~.O4 , "Subs:d:ary of Liberty.' Resident:al" 410! _McEwea. Suite 1 i0 · Dai!as. Texas 75244 * Phone (9"2) "55-108f · Fax (9-21 404-1.S33 {13.'05."01 ~l[}h- 12:1~} F-~'l'972.10~1%3,'} I.IBERTY ~002 S~ Group Inc ~rc~i~ec~s * Er~gip~e'-s 4000 Mc~we~ Road ~c~h Februa~ 27, 2001 D~II~, TX 7524~-5083 9~2.70' 0700 Mr. A. Keith Reinha~ 972.70'.0799 Fax C.N. Lemp Development, lnG. 58B.SHW. 10'9 ~1 Free ~101 McEwen Suite 110 Dallas, Texas 75244 RE: Townhomes of Coppell Dear Mr. Reinhad: Attached you will find two (2) copies of the Agreement Be~een Carrollton- Farmers Branch [.S.D. and C.N. Lemp Development, Inc. regarding proposed site improvements at the Riverchase Elementa~ School. Please execute by signing both copies and returning them to our office for fu~her distribution. This agreement will be considered by the Board of Trustees at the Carrollton-Farmers Branch I.S.D. School Board meeting that is to be held on March 8. 2001. Please note in the agreement item 4, paragraph 2, that before the contract will be executed by Carrollton-Farmers Branch I.S.D., a letter shall be provided by the City of Coppell and submi~ed by C N. Letup Development: Inc., acknowledging the City's approval of the agreement relative to the wrought iron fencing at the dividing prope~y line. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to conta~ me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely. Mesa. ~ ~AIA ~ Vice President Ca va~3p. MD TH:bs Aas5',. TX Attachments cc: Johnny Hibbs, Carrollton-Farmers Branch I.S.D. He,stoa. TX c~eston, 'VA Yodr s'.:[-ool des'gn p a · t n e ~' ~