PD182-CS020108 T H E C I T Y 0 F CO??ELL '~ ~5 ~ JanuaD' 8, 2002 Mr. Keith Reinhart CN Lemp Development 4101 McEwen, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75244 Dear ~Mr. Reinhart: This letter serves to notify, you that fencing provided along your south property, line complies with the fencing condition of Planned Development-182, commonly known as The Tovmhomes of Coppell. Specifically. as approved by my office, the decorative metal fence with brick columns along the common property..' line between your project and Riverchase Elementary School meets the fencing requirements of the Ci~. I believe this response addresses your request of December 21, 2001. If.. however, additional clarification is needed, please contact our office at your convenience. Yours truly. [ Directdr of Planning & Communi~ Setw'ices ~: Greg Jones, Building Inspection file 255 PARI<,'.¥AY ~' P O IqOX 478 ~ COPPFLL TX 75019 ~r TE:L 972/462 0022 '*' FAX 972/304 36'73