PD178R2-DR 991123 (4)11×19/99 17:53 CITY OF COPPELL m 972 384 7892 N0.864 Q03 DEV£L OPMENT REVIEW COMMI2TEE LEISURE SERV/CE$ COMMENTS ITE~' Town Center West, Site Plan, Children's Courtyard DRC DATE: November 25, 1999 and December 2, 1999 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landsca #0~ 22 ~99 STATUS: PRELIMI1VARY~_~ gtNA~ Developer must notify the Parks Department at 972-304-3554 prior to performing any excavation in a median or ROW. The developer must repair any disturbed utility to the satisfaction of the Parks Department. The Tree Survey should reflect the total caliper inches of trees on the site, the caliper inches to be re~noved and the total caliper inches to remain on the site after develop~ent. The trees designated as being preserved will be reviewed during and after construction to determine if proper pmseroation techniques have been utilized. Mitigation for additional trees rernoved may be required. B}R DRC1123b