PD185-DR000320 .:.. ', 2,')00
Dc'.. elopment Review Commi:tee
c/o .Mr. Ga~3' S~eb
Cit:' of Coppell
RE: V~'arehousefDistribution Facilities Parking Requirements and Analysis
The p'aq~ose of the analysis is actuv. 1 parking utilization for typical warehouse.,"distribution
use~ as :on:pared to municipal parking standards mandated by municipal requirements.
Over the past decades, the operatinv, pro.:edures in warehouse."disu-ibution facilities have
been greatly influenced by a-lvanzements m the arena of material handling methods and
equipment. Such proeress has al.,~wed users to increase operation efficiencies wlfile
draJndtlcattv reducing thei; warehouse personnel requirements. Material handling
meS'~¢ds utilizing rolling ladders, h~nd truzks, mhd dollies has become outdated and has
.. '~,~ of hiah speed forklifts, computerized high bay picking
been re?laced bv today's u~ ~ .
a?pa-atus, wire guided lifting platforms, basaloid compression lifts, computerized
pa.kmg, ,.u,t.ng, and fulfillment equipment.
The following is a list of warehouse/distribution companies that validate our request to
specificall,;' red'a:.e the warehouse parking ratio requirements:
General Etectric Co. (GE Appliances)
1011 Isuzu P~kway
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Contact: Jack Jones
Facility Area: 470,000 square feet
Office Area: 10,000 square feet
Warehouse Area: 460,000 square feet
Warehouse employees: 28 (vanes +10%)
Warehouse area to warehouse employee parking ratio: I sl)ace per 16,,I00 square feet
Parc 2
Republic Beverage
1010 Isuzu Parkway
Grand Prairie, TX 75060
972-595-6100, ext. 6'7..'15
Contact: Bob Gillespte
Facility Area: 385,000 square feet
Office Area: 55,000 square feet
Warehouse Area: 330,000 square feet
Warehouse employees: 38
Warehouse area to v,'arehouse employee parking ratio' I space per 8,700 square feet
Mohawk Industries - Sou:hwest Di'~4sion (Aladdin Carl)et Distribution)
1035 Post & Paddock
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Contact: Bob Hendon
Facility .&rea' 202,003 square feet
Showroon'v'Office Area: 9,000 square feet
Warehouse Area: 196.005 square feet
\Varehouse employees: 35
Warehouse area to warehouse employee parking ratio' 1 space per 5,600 square feet
Bugle Boy Industries, Inc.
300 Eagle's Landing Parkway
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Contact: Barney Mow
Facility Area: 434,837 square feet
Office Area: 17,000 square feet
Warehouse Area: 417,837 square feet
Warehouse employees: 90
Warehouse area to warehouse employee parking ratio: i space per 4,600 square feet
Nestle Corl)oration
13600 Eagle Parkway South
Fort Worth, TX
Contact: Dave Baker/Carlos Del Rio
Facility Area: 524,252 squ,'u-e feet
Office Area: 16,300 square feet
\Varehouse Area: 507,952 square feet
Warehouse employees. 72 (various :t:i0%)
Warehouse area to warehouse employee parking ratto I space per 7,050 square feet
· ~ i' ii.i;.'5 h~ CHAMPIOI, I PARTNERS FAX 140, @'72 388~0600 P, 04/04
Facilities Parking Requirements and Analysis
Manrll Foys
15200 I tinily Blvd.
Fort W,',rth, Texas
Contact. Wa)hie Bayhem
Facility At'ca: 508,469 squm'e feet
Office ,\rca: 26,469 square feet (includes store)
Wa~cht,use ~'ea: 482,000 square feet
Wa~eh,,use employees: 100
~. :~,,.,~,,,~sc area Io warehouse employee pm'king ratio: I space per 4,820 square feet
AJ ~ .'.'~. ed Distfibutio~
5~r' t a,;lc's L~ding Parkway
S~.,~kb~dge, OA 30281
Cc,~,:~c~ Tommy Gibson
I:.,c~l~t, A~ea. 300.000 square feet
O~licc 'Xrca' 2,200 square feet
X~.':}rch,,use Area: 297,800 square feet
Warehouse employees: 20
Wavch,,use area to warehouse employee parking ratio: 1 space per 15,000 squ~e feet
ConAgra Groce~ Products (formerly Hunt-Wesson)
26 En~clhardt '-
Cranbu~y, NJ 08512
('on,act: George Mullins
Faciliv..~-ea: 3~4,540 square feet
(~f'f'~ce ..Xrea: 20,540 squ~e feet
v,',,,,h,,usc ~ea' 304,000 squaro feet
~'atcls.,use employees: 24
Ws,~-h,',use area to warehouse employee pm'king ratio: 1 space per 12,700 square fee~
~xc ha~ bccn demonstrated, the parking ratios for the warehouse areas of Ihese projects is
Isul :~ small fi'action of that euncntly required to meet City standm'ds. Thereby, we
l.l~-I,c, vt this validating evidence suppo~xs our request to reduce Ihe warehouse parking
retltts~ vmcnl to a maximum of one space per 5,000 square feet of wat'ehousc area.