PD185-CS000421April 21, 2000
TO: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director
FROM: Travis Crump, Deputy Fire Chief'lrire Marshalt~_~
SUBJECT: Parapet Walls
This memorandum is to follow up our conversation last night, April 20, 2000 concerning requiring parapet
walls on the Champion project.
Given the width of the buildings (approximately 500 feet), the peak of the buildings will be approximately
six feet higher than the exterior walls. Both of these buildings will have an ESFR fire sprinkler system
which requires a mechanical smoke..'heat removal system. By code, these exhaust fans will be required to
be placed on the roof of the building. On buildings this size, between 80 and 90 fans will be required. In
order to screen these fans from public view as stated in your staffcomments, a parapet wall would need to
be over six feet tall along the full length of the building. This height presents a serious safety, problem for
firefighters. While the height would present access problems, the primaD, concern would be egress from
the roof for firefighters. The parapets, as required by Planning Staff, would prevent firefighters from safely
exiting The roof. possibly trapping the firefighters on the roof.
It is the Fire Departments recommendation that the wording of the staff comments be modified to state that
"HVAC units shall be screened from public view on the North and South ends of the buildings". This re-
wording will effectively screen the larger air conditioning units from view and still leave the sides of the
structures open for safe access by the Fire Department.
If you need additional information or would like to discuss this further, please contact me at extension
Xc: Robert Kmse. Fire Chief