PD185-CS011127 _' SS, ..-'t iF:3.-'- MEi?IHiP.[-- ~. AS_SC,SlATES ? _a?--'3C4?,Z,B.Z F..]'.S2-_- z--Z~.Z'- -2..-'-- MEINHARDT & ASSOCIATES ARCHll-ECTS, P.L.L.C. FAX TRANSMITTAL DA"FE: Novernbe:' 26, 2001 "i-O.'_ Mr Gary $~ib JOB ~: F~,E P!..Y .~:X PECTED: YES NO il: .ALi_ PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED PLEASE CALL {:"~72!-.9S0-80,S0 'TT"IAI'.JK t am preparm.q a proposal for a poL¢.nti@l Tenant [m,..,~ ~,~,~ of the Tra.qej:-oir, i famhJy i'-!~e p-o:ect wJl! iflclude modificai,ons ~o the existing truck c.ourls in orao,-to incorporate_ trailer sto~at;u j.t%~ijt¢~,~2.,:~.'..~..L~¢. ~_ ¢.u.J .~. y ...... designated areas and adding overhead doers lo the bL,ild:ng. [ney have also asked ti]~t v,e look ..~},.J.¢ii~g._~r~i~her er,t~ ~.t~e rior'tne~St corner of ll]e e:4is, ting l:,l',ase I btl:id~Rg il~ orde,' Io provi:le access ..... ~j~...~.~?..[t~tl"~ern ti~ird of the building I have ir:c~dded ~ ~c. hem~ tiaA1: we looked ai for one of ?~:?..?tiri~% .... sc['eer~ wal:s now located at {he i~cidie of the building. I w::u;d antk'ipato a similar (Iosi~ p for <;Ol'fier. Based on the modiflcaii.~ns hsled, wiii we be abio to mal:e the ~}djustmc-nls w/ rs. views on[y? Please Ic-t me kr, ow at 972-924-5~03 Tl~anks i.i930 ;"/', L I. ,'~ :.~ --:~ .': F, 'S · .- . ........ %~ a~a~r. ~.~. TRA_DEPOINT BUSINESS PARK COPPE I, L, 'F 1;~ X A S