PD183-CS 990416COPPELL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 200 S. DENTON TAP ROAD · COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 · (972) 471-11 l l WtLBURN O. ECHOL~q, IR. SI ~PERINTENT~ENT VONITA WHITE · ~L$ SI STANT SUPERINTENDENT ItOMER B. TERRY, 111 ASSISTANT SL'PER[NTENDENT R~XL.PI I SEELEY April 16, 1999 ASS1STA. N'r SUPERIN~'D{NDENT Mr. Gar>.' Sieb Cit3- of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell. Texas 75019 RE: Landscape Plan and Tree Preservation Plan al Coppell High School Dear Mr. Sieb: It is our intent to relocate the trees affecled bx' the ncxv building addition at Coppell High School to Coppell Middle School North and further enhance the landscape quality at the middle school facilily. after completion of thc high school additions, the district will reestablish the quality of landscaping and irrigation that currently exists. Since xve arc relocating the existing trees, x~c requesl that a tree survey and tree preservation plan requirement be waix ed. We feel tha! money xvould be better spent on landscape malcrial and relocating more trees. Thank you for 5'our assistance in tiffs mailer, Sincerely. W. O. Echols, Jr. Superintendent Coppell Independent School District