PD191-CS010521 (2) .Duke-weeks REALTY CORPORATION May 21, 2001 },~ A'( Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning & Community Services P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Nix. Sieb: As indicated by the documents accompanying this transmittal letter, Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation is hereby requesting the establishment of a Planned Development, or PD, for its Freeport VII project. This project, which consists of a 383,925 square foot building on a 17.824 acre site, is part of the Freeport North development in Coppell along South Royal Lane near Creekview Drive. The site is currently zoned Light Industrial(L1). Plans for the Freeport VII project have been reviewed and approved by the City of Coppell, and the project is now under construction per those approved plans. As Duke-Weeks has proceeded with construction and begun discussions with possible tenants for the building, however, we have determined that some modifications to the allocation of the project's parking spaces may be needed. The LI zoning for the property reqtfires parking based on the following ratios: 1 parldng space per 300 square feet of office space and 1 parking space per 1,000 square feet of warehouse space. Our approved plans for the project were based on office space and warehouse space percentages of 2.6% and 97.4%, respectively, and this combination of uses requires 408 parking spaces. We now are expecting an office use within the building of about 10%, and this would cause the required parking spaces to increase to 473 under the current ratios. We cannot supply this amount of parking and remain in compliance with the landscaping and open space requirements. Based on our experience with buildings and tenants in Freeport and elsewhere, we believe the parking can be adequately supplied for warehouse uses at a ratio lower than that required by Coppell's LI zoning. We are, therefore, requesting a modification for warehouse uses to 1 parking space per 3,000 square feet of warehouse space. The attached warehouse parking analysis includes additional details which support our position that it is appropriate to reduce the warehouse parking ratio. The attached revised site plan and landscaping plan are based on this change, and they demonstrate that we can provide 12 spaces more than the proposed 1/300(office) and 1/3000(warehouse) combination would reqtfire. We will also be increasing landscaped open space in the project beyond the amount in the originally approved plans. Because of the previous plan approvals and the parking-related nature of this application, no architectural elevations are included in this submittal. Furthermore, since project construction is ! 5495 Belt Line Rd. Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75240 Phone: 972.687.0006 well under way, no tree survey or mitigation plan is included either. A copy of the plat for the property, however, is included for reference. We are not asking for any other changes in the PD, so xve plan to develop other aspects of the project in compliance with the requirements of the LI zoning. Thank you very much for considering our application. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (972)361-6714. We look forward to discussing this application with you and your staff as the process moves forward. Sincerely, Brook Barefoot Development Services Manager Attachments: 1.) Site Plan(15 copies) 2.) Landscape PlanO 5 copies) 3.) Final Plat(15 copies) 4.) Warehouse Parking Analysis 5.) City of Coppell Zoning Application Form 6.) F'fling Fee Check 7.) Redline Copy of Landscape Plan Noting Changes from Approved Plans0 copies) cc: Jeff Turner, Paul Brown, & Bob Falk, Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation May 21, 2001 City of Coppell Development Review Committee c/o Mr. Gary sidb RE: Duke-Weeks Warehouse Parking Analysis for Freeport VII PI) Application In reviewing antScipated parking needs versus city requirements for its Freeport VII project, Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation has gathered information to support its position that parking for warehouse uses in this area can be reduced without a negative impact. Duke-Weeks is proposing a reduction for this site from the ctttrently required ratio of 1 parking space per 1,000 sf of warehouse space: to 1 per 3,000. This supporting information is based on existing uses in the immediate project area and elsewhere. Pictures of Duke-Weeks' Freeport III and Freeport VI projects were taken between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2001, and they are attached to this document Also included is a separate warehouse parking analysis prepared by Champion Partners for another Coppell industrial park. Champion submitted this analysis as part of a PD application that included a change in the warehouse parking ratio to 1 parking space per 5,000 sf of warehouse space, and this PD was approved by the City of Coppell in July 2000. 1.) Freeport III Duke-Weeks developed this building at South Royal Lane and Oateview Boulevard, which is just a few blocks north of the Freeport VII site. This 297,202 sf building is fully leased by three tenants. Within their respective spaces, they are using between 40/0 and 10% of the square footage for office uses, and the balance is warehouse use. Parking for the site using the 10% office figure for the whole building requires 366 spaces(99 office and 267 warehouse) with the respective 1/300 and 1/1000 office and parking milos. If the 1/300 and 1/1000 ratios would have been used, 188 spaces(99 office and 89 warehouse) would have been provided. The attached pictures of the Freeport III project show very little parking is actually being used at this time, so parking using the reduced warehouse ratio would appear to be more than adequate. 2.) Freeport VI This is another Duke-Weeks property, and it is located immediately north of Freeport VII. The occupants of this building use about 6% of it for office use and 94% for warehouse use. Parking has been provided for this fully occupied, 228,210 sf building based on an assumption of 4% office and 96% warehouse uses for a total of 260 cars. Despite the higher actual office use, the attached pictures for Freeport VI also demonstrate that very little of this buildmg's parking spaces are being used. If parking had been allocated for this building's actual usage with ratios of 1/300(office--4°/0) and 1/3,000(warehouse--96% ) as Duke-Weeks proposes for Freeport VII, 15S spaces would have been eliminated from Freeport VI. Based on the existing plan and the ctttrent usage shown in these photos, more than 15S spaces on this site are unused and unneeded now. 3.) Freeport VII Prospective Tenant--One possible tenant whom Duke-Weeks is attempting to bring to the building is seeking approximately 300,000 sf of space, yet they require only 80 parking spaces. If they use 10% of their space for office uses, the 1/300 and 1/1,000 ratios would require a total of 370 spaces for this firm, which is almost 300 more than they need. The proposed 1/300 and 1/3,000 ratio would provide 190 spaces, which still well exceeds the needed mount. 4.) Centreport At Duke-Weeks' Centreport building in Fort Worth, Great Spring Waters of America, which distributes Ozarka and other brands locally, occupies 310,000 sf, 10,000 of which is used as office space. The needs of this tenant are simi!~r to what Duke-Weeks expects for those who will occupy the Freeport VII pro}ect. Great Spring Waters employs 36 people. At railos of 1/300(office) and 1/1000(warehouse), they would be required in Coppell to provide 333 parking spaces. Even at ratios of 1/300 and 1/3000(Duke-Weeks' proposed warehouse amount), the corresponding 133 spaces would supply more than enough parking for this company's employees and visitors. Based on this Duke-Weeks data and that provided by Champion, we believe that a warehouse parking ratio of 1 parking space per 3,000 square feet of warehouse space is sufficient. We respectively request your consideration of permitting this condition in our proposed PD. Freeport m Buikting~-No~ corn~, looking w~st Freeport HI Building Northwest comer, looking east Freeport llI Building Southea~ corner, looking x~st Freeport III Buikting Southea~ corner, kx)king noflh Freeport VI Buikting Northeast comer, looking south F~ VI B~fiidjn~~st corner, I~oking east CHAMPION ANALYSIS March 20, 2000 Development Reviev.' Committee c/o Mr. Ga~¥ Sieb City of Coppell RE: Warehouse/Distribution Facilities Parking Requirements and Analysis The purpose of the analysis is act'ual parking utilization for typical warehouse/distribution uses as compared to municipal parking standards mandated bv municipal requirements. C)ver the past decades, the operating procedures in v,'arehousefdistribution facilities have been ~eatly influenced bv advancements in the arena of material handling methods and equipment. Such progress has allowed users to increase operation efficiencies wttile dra_maticallv reducing their warehouse persormel requirements. Material handling methods utilizing rolling ladders, hand trucks, and dollies has become outdated and has been replaced by today's use of high speed forklifts, computerized kigh bay pic'king apparatus, ,,,,'ire guided lifti, ng platforms, basaloid compression lifts, computerized packing, cut-ting, and fulfillment equipment. The following is a list of warehouse/distribution companies that validate our request to sl)ecificallv reduce the warehouse parking ratio requirements: General Electric Co. (GE Appliances) 101 I Isuzu Park-way Grand Prairie, TX 75050 · 972-623-4600 Contact: Jack Jones Fac~lityArea 470,000square feet Office Area 10,000 square feet \Varehouse Area 460,000 square feet \Varehouseemployees 28 (varies +10%) \\'arehouse area to warehouse employeel)ark~ngratto 1 sl)ace per 16.400 square feet \V'arehousc'[)lstr~J)t~tlon [:ac~lilies Par'k~ng J~.cqu~r'cmcrlts and ..\nalvs~s Page 2 Republic Beverage 1010 Isuzu Parkv,,ay Grand Prairie, TX 75060 972-595-6100, ext. 6715 Contact: Bob Gillespie Facility ,Area: 385,000 square feet Office Area: 55,000 square feet \Varehouse Azea' 330,000 square feet \Varehouse employees: 38 \Varehouse area to v,'arehouse employee parking ratio: I space per 8,700 square feet Mohawk Industries - Southv,,est Division (Aladdin Carpet Distribution) 1035 Post & Paddock GrandPraine. TX 75050 972-647-8235 Contact BobHendon Facility ' _ .--~rea v0.~.000 square feet S]~owroom...O£fice Area: 9,000 square feet Warehouse Area' 196.000 square feet \Varehouse employees: 35 \\'arehouse area to warehouse employee parking ratio: 1 space per 5,600 square feet Bugle Bo)' Industries, Inc 300 Eagle's Landing Park'wav Stockbridge, GA 30281 805-582-5445 Contact: BameyMow Facility Area' 434,837 square feet Office Area 17,000 square feet \Varehouse .-\rea 417,837 square feet Warehouse employees- 90 Warehouse area to warehouse employee parkingratto I space per 4.600 square feet Nestle Co~porat~oa 13600 Eagle l:'arkway South For1 V,'orlJ~. TX 817-491-5500 Contacl I)avc Baker/Carlos Del Rio Facility Area 524.252 square feet Office ..',,rca 16,300 squarc feet Warcl~ousc ,\rca 507.952 square fcct \Varchousc employees 72(vanous.,t10% ) · ':.':; · :::'1'.'5 AH CHAMPION PARTNERS FAX NO. 972 386+0600 P. 04/04 '¢,,'~,~-i,,,use,l)i.:{ribution Facilities Parking Requirements and Analysis Mauell l'oys 1520o ! rinity Blvd.- Fort W,~rdL Texas 81%354-4278 Contact. Waste nayhem Facility Area: 508,469 square feet Office :\rca: 26,469 square feet (includes store) Watch,,use .4a'ea: 482,000 square feet Wa~eh,,use employees: I00 '4.:,,,.q,.,~ge .rea to warehouse employee pm'king ratio: 1 space per 4,820 square feet Adx .:n. ed Distribution 5(~'~ I ;',i:lc's Landing Parkway St..~kb~idgc, GA 30281 7 ;~-06g-7706 Cc,,~t:,c~ Tommy Gibson I:.,,.,l:t,, A~ea. 300,000 square feet Office '\rea' 2,200 square feet \V:~,'ch,,u~e Area: 297,800 square feet W;~reh~,use employees: 20 Watchc~use area to warehouse employee parking ratio: 1 space per 1.5,000 square feet ConAgra Grocery Products (£otmerly Hunt-Wesson) 26 En~¢lhardt Cra,~bu~'y, NJ 08512 600-4(~0-9200 ('c,~tact: Geo,'ge Mullins Facilit,..~ea: 374,540 square fcct (!ff~ce .&rea: 20,540 square feet V, .,,,. h,.d,,C A;ea' 304.000 squaro fcct \\ .,1,.I, ,use employees: 24 V..',,,,.~:,',use area to warehouse employee pm'king ratio: I space per 12,700 square feet ~\~ !~a.. bcc~ demonstrated, the parking ratios for the warehouse areas oflhcse projecls is I,~:~ :~ s~nall fiaction or,hat currently ,'equired to meet City standards. Thereby, we l,,.-I,t-xt tl~is xalidating evidence suppo~'ts out' request to reduce Ihe warehouse parking ~¢qtt~cmc~lt to I1 maximum ofone space pet 5,000 square feet of wa,-ehousc area.