PD178R-CS000509Sent By:-INVESTMENTS; 9?2 991 ?500 972 991 7500; Jan-31 -01 9: 12AM; THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DALLAS Page 4/5 ) That Hal Gregory Hinc~le~.-and M~r~ Ann H~n~Le~ (collecti~ly "Gran~z"), with an a~ess sE 7141 Gr~ntr~ Dallas, T~s 7~214, for and in ~ns~derat~on off ~e s~ of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00} .and o~er g~ and ~lu~le considerat~on pa~d, the receipt and eUff~O~ of her~ acknowl~g~ and ~nfess~, has ~D, ~I~D, ~ ~YED, and ~ ~mmm presents d~m ~T, ~N, CO~Y un~o hal T~ Ventures, lnG. ("Gran~"), tho As used herein, the term "Property" means that certain land situated in the Count~ of Dallas, all fixtures and i~ro~nt8 ~or~n and al1 ~nef~ ts. her~~n~s, rights ~longlng or ap~rtain~ng any right, ~itle and in.rest of G~or in or ~ adj~nt streets, alleys or r~gh~s-of-~y. This Deed is made and ao~op~o~ subject ko: (i) ~hose encumbrances described and refe~fl~ on E~ib~t "B" attach~ here~ ~d ~n~rat~ hore~n ~ reference for all pu~ses and ~tte=s of p~li= =e~ (~he 'Pe~tt~ En~Fan~.**), but on~y to the oxten~ ~t ~e n~ are ~d and s~o~st~ng and a~ect tho Pro~rty; and (iL) use restric~ions of ~e Pro~rty for Day fr~ ~te hereof. TO HAV~ AND TO HOLD said und~vidod in.rest in and to the Property, sub3ec= to ~he PeEmit~od Encumbrances, together w4th all and siflgular the rights and appurtenances there~o in anywise belonging unto Grantor, its successors, heirs, administrators, or assigns, and Grantor does hereby bind Grantor and Grantor's successors, heXrs, adn~nistretors, or assigns to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND, s~ject tO the Pero~tt~l Encumbrances, all and singular said undivided interests in and to the Property Unto Grantee, against every party whomever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, through or undo= Grantor, but not otherwise. 9?2 991 ?500 Sept By:.INVESTMENTS; 972 991 7500; Jan-31-01 9:12AM; Page 5/5 THE STAT~ OF TEXA~ C0U~TY OF DALLAS .Xh£s /natz~unenC was a~knowleclged before me on tho ,~P day of _~~, 2000, THE STATE OF TEXAS } ) COUNTY OF DAI/J~ ) of This Lns~Tumont was ac]cnowl',odged be£ore me on tho ~t~ ,,, 2000, by MaEy Ann XinGkley NotaL'y Public, State of TeXas -2-