Easement Deed ACKNOWLEDGMENT TIlE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ David Moore BEFORE ME, the undersiffned authority, I~-' own t, me to be the person whose name ~ ~ subscribed to the for.going instrument, and aeknowledffed to me lhat executcd the same for the purposos and consideration therein exm'ess¢,d. GIVEN UNDER MY tIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, 14th __ day of August, A.D. 1991 , ,  Notary I ublic, id ami for Iht State of Tcx;r< ~ M y Cmn miss,on Expires ............ ~-...~:.~ ........ Z .~ .............. ACKNOWLEDGMENT TH BEFORE ME, the undersigned autbority, COUNTY.............-~OF on this day personally appeared ................................ known to me to be the perso~ whose name subscribed to the foregoing instnmmnt, and acknowledg~d to me that he.. executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDERMY HAND AND SEAL OFOFFICE, Tbis. dayof ,A.D. 19 (I.S.) ............................................................................................................................. Notary Public, in and for Ibc Statc of Texas. My Commission Expires ................................................ CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TEXAS, } TIlE STAT~ ~oa~ M~, the und~i~a ~uthority, COUNTY OE .............................. on this day personall~ appeared .......................................................................... ..................................................................................... known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrumen~ and acknowledged ~o me thag the same was O~e ac~ of the ~aid p-~ for the and consideration [herein expressed, and in the e~p~it~ [herein GIVE~ UNDER ~Y HA~D AND 8~AB O~ O~I~, This ........................ da~ of ................................... , A.D. 10 ........ Nota~ Public, in and for ~e State of Texas. My Commission ~xpires ................................................................... CLERK'S CERTIFICAT~ THE STATE O~ TEXAS, COUNTY O~ .................................... Clerk of the Count~ Cour~ of ~d Gount~, do hereb~ eertif7 tha~ the foregoing inatrumen~ of writing dated on the ......... da~ of .............................................................. , A. D. 10 with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in m7 office on ~h~ .................... da~ of .............................................. A. D. 10 at .... o'clock. M., and duly recorded thi~ ........... d~ of .................................................................. A. D. 10 ......... , at .... ~ o'clock M., in the .................................................................................. ~ecord8 of said GountT, in Volume .............. , on page~ ..... WITNESS MY HAND A~D SEAB O~ TH~ COHNTY COURT of said County, at office in ................. ....................................................................................... ~ the da~ and year last above written. Count7 Clerk ..................................................... CountT, Texas. (L. 8.~ B~ ............................................................. , DepuW. THE STATE OF 'I'LXA$, I ~ow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dal las A 12.00 DEED THAT David Moore (Grantor) 27~B 2 o£ 332 Kaye Street Coppell , Texas , in consideration oF the sum of One Dol 1 ar and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the City of Coppel 1 (grantee) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to the City of Coppel 1 , the free and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon anti across the following described property, a ~lrainage easement described in the attached Exhibit A owned by the ituated in Dal l as County, Texas, in the d.W. Anderson Survey, Abstract No. 18 including a ten (10) foot wide temporary construction easement south of and parallel to said Exhibit A. All fences removed will be replaced to original location and quality. Trees will be replaced to an equivalent diameter and type tree, not necessarily on a tree for tree basis but on an inch per inch basis. Fences will be replaced if removed to original condition. Damages to the existing landscape will be repaired. Any temporary construction easement granted will be abolished upon completion of work. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining drainage pipe and inlets in, along, upon and across said premises, with the .right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, anti regress in, along upon and across said premises for the pu~ose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said d va ~ na ge fa c ~ l ~ t i es any part thereofi TO ItAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City o f Coppel 1 as aforesaid t~r the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. ;t Witness hand , this the } ~4~ day of A,~ , A.I). 19 ~ , lO'Pra~a~m IE~mt. KAYE STREET' Post-itt Fax Note 7671 Date~/~/'~ p~a~fesl~ ~ Co./Dept. Co. EXHIBIT B o ~o ~ ~ ~~ ~RTER &BURGESS, INC / // -- / ENGINEERS. PLANNERS- SURVEYORS ~FEET 7e50 ELMBR~K DnlVE I SUITE 250 / DALLAS. TEXAS 75247 GRAPHIC SCALE