PD160-CS 970114subdivision located along the south side of Spur 553 (also known as Vista Ridge Blvd.), east of Denton Tap road; north of Denton Creek subject to the following conditions: 1) some type of turnaround for fire access should be provided at the end of Waterview Drive and to connect the alley between Rock Crest and Waterview Drive to one of the streets to eliminate the dead-end; 2) the City is authorized to consummate a Developer's Agreement with the developer for the offset of park fees in consideration for the construction of a trail along Phases I and II or, in lieu of an agreement being reached, the normal park fees would apply to the development, and the reasonableness of the value of the hike and bike trail is to be determined by the City Council; and 3) the Developer's deed__ disclosures on the face of the plat be also added as a part of the deed restrictions and will carry with the deed to subsequent purchasers. Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tern Mayo and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, and Robertson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmembers Watson, Tunnell and Sheehan voting against the motion. SESSION (Closed to the Public) Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.1)71, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney. Mayor Morton convened into Executive Session at 9:56 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Morton adjourned the Executive Session at 10:13 p.m. and recoovmmi the Regular Session. I~G~ SESSION (Opea to me rubUc) 15. Consider approval of Stoneleigh at Riverehase, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 360-unit aparm~nt complex on 20.5 acres of property located along the south side of Riverchase Drive, approximately 645' east of Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Tunnell inquired as to the pm'king variance, traf~ issues, the Sandy Lake Road construction, the note on the plat regarding flooding, and the gating of the complex. Councilme~ber Sheehan expressed concerns reg~uding the traf~ i.~a~es and inquired u to any exl~msion plans of MacA~ur Boulevard. Ken Griffin, City Engineer, addre~ed tr~fic and flooding i~ues. Councilmmnber Robertson noted that a plat cannot be denied because of Uaffic impact. After lengthy discumon, Councilmember Sturges moved to approve S~onelei~ at Rivercha-~e, Preliminary Plat, to allow the dev~t of a 360-~t ~oamnent comp~ on 20.5 acres of property located along the south side of Riverdu~e Drive, apgmxima~Ay 645' e~t of MacArthur Boulevard, subject to the four conditions as set o~t on the Agenda Requ~t Form. motion and Councilmembers Tunnell and Sheehan voting against the motion. Mayor Morton instructed the City Manager and City Staff to immediately enter into negotiatio~ with the developer to develop a developmental program and timeframe for Fairway Drive as well as the crossing over the Cottonbelt railroad tracks and the stoplight issue, and bring those items back to Council before the final plat is heard by Council. EXECUTIVE SESSION Convene Executive Session A. Section $~1.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City ,attorney. 1. Caldwell vs. City of Coppell, et al. 2. Teei, et al vs. City of Coppell, ~ al. Mayor Morton convened into Executive Session at 10:36 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Morton adjourned the Executive Seaaion at 10:53 p.m. and reconvened the Regular Session. Item 17 was considered at this time. See Item 17 for minutes. 16. Consider establishment of Citizen Task Forc~ regarding DFW Overflight and Noise. City Manager lira Witt made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember ~ moved to poatpone thia item until the firat Council meeting of February. Council~ Wataon seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Mayo and Couacilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Wataon, and Robemon voting in favor of the motion and Councilmembers Tunnell and Sheehan voting against the motion. 17. Necessary action resultin~ from Executive Session. Mayor Pro Tem Mayo moved to authorize the City Manager to procure the pwfe.~ional services of Steven F. Pflaum of the hwfirm of McDermott, Will and Emery in Chicago for consultation to the City of Coppell regarding the D/FW runway i~uea. Councilmemben RoinaUon and Tunneil seconded the motion; the motion carded 7-0 with Mayo~ Pro Tern Mayo and Councilmembera Alexander, Sturgea, Watson, Tunnell, RoberUon, and Sheehan voting in favo~ of the motion. 18. City Manager's Report. n. Muaici City Manager 1im Witt discussed the upcoming Municipal Election and the possibility of contracting with Dallas County to conduct the elecAJon. Council~ Tunnell inquired as to weekmd early votin~ and locations and the e. iection day ~. Mayor Morton had queatioa~ as to the proce~ and the ~ u 'tdized. Mayor Pro Trna Mayo inquired as to costs involved and regarding nmn~ of vo~es cast in ~ upcoming election. Coundlmember Sturges asked what the impact would be on the etectioa judges /