Application & check Subdivision Application Planning Depamneat ._: -' F~n~l Pl~ x 255 Perk'w~y Blvd. M/nor Pi~t (4 tots or le~ copvon, Tx 7~om ~ I 8 i998 Phone: (214) 304-3~7~ : ,: Ammdia~ Pla~ Fax: (214) 304-3~70 ~ [! ~ ~ ._.Miata' Flat Amendia~ Plat (4 lots or less) exactly 29 day~ prior to tht dat~ of the Planniag and Zoning Commizxion rn~ting at wla'ck applicario~ wal be aon.rider~d. F~ll-gD~e: February 16, 1998 Name 0fApplicaat: Western Rim Investors, L.C.C. Address: P.O. Box 426 Collevville, Texas 76034 T~hon~ Numbs: 817/215-8100 Fax N~b~r: 817/215-8110 F~m Prepari-g Plat Loyd Bransom Surveyors , Inc. Ad.ess: 1028 N. Sylvania Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76111 Telephone Numbs: 817/834-3477 Fa~ Number: 817/831-9818 ,iH Catrespondence relative to thi~ application should be dire~ed to: Name: Western Rim Investors, Inc. - Attention: Richard Simmons Address: P.O. Box 426 Colleyville, Texas 76034 Telephone Number: 817/215-8100 ]:ax Number: 817/215-8110 NMe of Subdivision: Lot 7, Block 1 Asburv Estates General Loca~0n 0fPr0pe~7:10.853 Acre Tract of land located in the Thomas L Holland Survey, Abstract No. 624 and the B.B.B. & C. Railroad Co. Survey, Abstract No. 1772 - North of "Villaae at Cottonwood Creek" Projected Employment (Noa-r~idential uses only) N/A Proposed Subdivision Contains: ::- :...ns"~: tP'" '" !:t. oe t~/S~.i~,.' ?,:: i:?::.'i' ~,~.:-:.?.':-~'-i":i ~:~ ~'"~ :..'-:'~:::'~':' ~'~t or::'"~m~:::..::.::.:':"~':'"' :'" ~::'~:"'~":"~"~"? ~:":~:~'~?~"~'::'~':': :::~:': .. :.: '.. · ..:.:~: : :- ..... :-....-.::..:.:":::~: .. ,'..-:: :.. :::, . .-.. S~gle F~ly Re~l To~o~ H~. C~ Duplex To~ ~ ' Multi-F~y ~ght ~d~ Mobile Home H~ ~d~ Of~ca ~ 1 Lo~ for Co~i~ / ~~ Fl~d