PD160-DR 970529ITEM: PD-160, The Mansions by the Lake, to change the zoning frotn SF-7 ()Single Family-7), MF-2 (Multi-Family-2) and A )Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) to allow a mixed use development containing 322 multi-family units and 16 single family residential homes on a 49.899 acre tract of land, located on the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 967 feet north of Parkway Blvd., at the Request of Western Rim Investors, L.L.C. DRC DATE: May 29, 1997 and June 5, 1997 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ./PRELIMINARY 1. A flood study is required and must be accepted before any fill will be allowed in the floodplain or floodway. 2. Show the existing floodplain limit and proposed floodplain limit. 3. Provide deceleration lane (100' storage w/100' transition - 12' lane) along Coppell Road. 4. Show scale & vicinity map on site plan. 5. Show existing and proposed right-of-way on site plan. 6. Impact fees will be required. 7. Dwelling Unit #15 is encroaching in an existing sewer easement. 8. Provide preliminary grading and drainage plans. 9. Show where Coppell Road and Corporate Drive run east and west. 10. Thc existing sewer line needs to be upgraded as per Master Plan and realigned to avoid proposed building pads. 11. The proposed water line should be in conformance with what has been modeled in the May, 1997 study by Shimek, Jacobs and Finklea. 12. The property appears to be steep and dropping off as it approaches the existing floodplain line. Please be advised that no fill will be allowed in the floodplain for the construction of the fire lanes and/or any of the buildings without an approved flood study. 13. Can the existing 8" sewer line coming from the east to the west into this site be extended westward to the proposed 10" linc to eliminate the north/south section of the 8" existing sanitary sewer line. By leaving the north/south sanitary sewer linc in requires the City to maintain parallel systems in the future. Zoning Exhibit: 14 Lot 7 does not appear to be buildable given the 35 foot building line and the floodplain at the rear of the property. /