PD161-CS 970916September 16, 1997
Maria Colondres
613 Cambridge Manor Ln.
Coppell, TX 75019
Mr. Pert Virtanen
255 Parkway Blvd.
Coppell, TX 75019
Dear Mr. Virtanen:
This letter is to address the zoning case PD-161. The plat needs to be
amended to include trees that the tree survey does not show. The current plat
shows the buffer stopping at CME lot 3. As enclosed pictures show there
exist a great number of trees to the south of lot 3.
The plat has to be amended to have the 30' buffer zone extend to
Deforest. The ordinance reads "There shall be no filling and no building on
a 30-foot-wide buffer ..... on ail lots having existing trees."
CME lot 6 has an eight-foot retaining wall. This 30' buffer to the back of
CME lot 6 would help with the towering effect that these new houses are
going to have over existing house.
Maria Colondres