PD161-CS 970416~4~14,'97 0~:5~ CITY OF COPPELL ENGif~EE~,iNG ~ ~14 U4D1 '~5J~ I,u..i~
Zor ing Application
Z, ou~g Requested:
Reason(s) for Zoning Change:
Applicant is responsible ~or erecting, main*~;-;~g and removing a si~n to notffT the public of the
pendin~ zoning application. The si~n shall be posted ten (10) days prior W the Planning Commhsion
meeting and shall be ~emoved atom' the City Council's approval or disapproval of the application.
Failure to erect the sign at least ten (10) days prior to the pl~_nning Commission hearing will result
postponcment of the zoning c'~e until this condition is ~
A deposit in the amount of sixty dollars ($60.00) will be required of the applicant when he or she
require a sign. The deposit will be refunded by mail if the sign is reutrned in good condition to the
pln_nnlng Depamnent.