Plat Map Recording Sheet-t.:~..~,.~:. D,.\LLA> (..()t .NTh' '~:': C.3UNTY CLERK EAR- BU_L3CK PLAT MAP RECORDING SHEET 23~_-~086 8 11125/97 755827 $26.0(, Maps INSTRUMENT # ~ Ar:y OrCVl$.S2 here:n which restricts the sale. rental or use of the oescribeo rea, Drope~' because o! color or race is invahd and unenfcrceable under federal law. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS I hereby cer~ii~' th~s instrument was filed on the date and time stampen hereon by me and was duly recorded in the volume and page of the nameo recoros of Dai;as County, Texas as stamped hereon I;)- me. HO¥ 25 1997 FILE DATE COUNTY CLERK, Dallas County, Texas VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED PLAT MAP - S I :11 HV c;g AOH/.6 ' ~.!?'~'' .'. ~.,,L'IY,-~' -.:~ --- 9723O riO018