PD161-NR 970422April 22, 1997
David & Maria Colondres
613 Cambridge Manor Ln.
Coppell, TX 75019
Kip Allison
Town Center
Coppdl, TX
Dear Mr. Allison:
This letter addresses the Stratford plat. I am opposed to the plat that has been submitted. This
letter is a further description of th~ problem addressed in the lettex from the Homex~wners of
Cambridge Manor(CME) item Number 2.
There is a serious drainage problem right now betwe~ Mr. Te~n'y and Ms. Edwards
properties into CME pro~ 5 and 6. Prope~y Number 6 has a r~,taining wall 8 feet high.
During rainstorms rain water gushes through property Number 6, and channels down to
property 5. Attached are pic~res of property Numb~ 6 dutin8 one ofthe~ storms. The
Stratford plat submitted shows that the lots backing to CME properti~ 5 and 6 have the least
depth. This will aggravate the drainage problem ~ there is going to be less land to absorb
water between the houses. The street proposed for th~ Stratford plat should curve to the
West. This would allow more land to absorb the water betw~ Stratford and CME
Another serious problem with these lots being so short, is that houses in the Stratford
developm~mt will tower ovor houses on CME lots 5, 6 and 7. The hous~ on CME lots 5, 6
and 7 are behind retaining walls that are up to 8 fe~ in height. This will make it seem to CME
houses that the Stratford houses arc 3 stories in height.
My request is that the lots behind CME lots 4, 5 and 6 be at least 185 feet deep. This can be
accomplished easily by the street curving West. I would like a response in writing to our
Mr. Gary
Mr. Pert Vertinen ~-
Mr. Ken C.n'iffm