THIS DECLARATION is made this day of .igc, T. THE
RYLAND GROUP. INC.. a .Xlarvland corporation (.tiereinafter referred to as "Declarant" i.
\\'HEREAS. Dectarm~t is the owner of'die real property refe:-red to in Anicie II hereof, and
described on Exhibit "A" "~ ~'; '
a~a,.n,.,, hereto and made a pan i~ereo:' for all pu~oses and desires to
create thereon z residential comniuni!v: and
\VHEPdEAS. Declarant desires ~o a:'ovide ~k-,r. among other matters, the prese:-vation of ti~e
values in said comn,.m~iu': and. to this end. desires to subject tia= rea! prope~' rei~rred ~o ix: A_rdcle Ii
to tile cove,':ants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter se.: forth, each and
al! ofwhicL is and are for the benefit of said property and each ox~,'ner thereof:
NOXV. THEREFORE. Decla-ant declares that the rea! properu.' referred to in Article II. is mid
shall be held. transferred, sold. conveyed and occupied subiect to the covenants, conditions.
restrictions, easemenls, ci:arges and !lens I sometimes referred to as "Covenants and Restrictions"
hereinafter se~ for&.
]'he following words when used in this Decimation or mu\' Supplemental Declaration l unless ~he
context shall oti~erwise prohibit I shall have the following meanings:
ia') "Property" shall mean and refer to all such existing property as is subiect to
this Declaration as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
(b) "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plo: or trac'~ of land shown upon any
recorded subdivision map(s.! or piatts) of the Properties. as amended from time to time.
which is designated as a lot therein and which is or will be improved, with a residential
dwelling. Some portions of the Common Properties may be planed as a "lot" on the recorded
subdivision plat I such as ti~e private streets within the subeiivision), however, these lots shall
be excluded from the concept and definition of io~ as used herein.
(c) "Owner" shall mean any: refer to eve:3.' person or entity who is a record owner
of a fee or undivide~ fee interes: in a:-..v Lot which is subject by covenant of record to
assessmen: by the Association. including contract sellers. Tl;e ibx'egoing is not in.:ended to
include p, .... ~on.., < o:' entilies who hold an interest merely as security ior' the performance of an
(d) "Declarant" shall mean and refer to THE RYLAND GROUP. Inc.. and tile
successors ,mid assigns l if any') of such corporation. No person or entity purcilasing one or
more Lots from such corporation in the ordinary course of business shall be considered as
D,.,.,.raht .
"Charter" silali mean tile Articles of Incorp. oration of tile Association filed
with ti:e Secre.:a:-v of S:ate of Texas as duly amended from time to time.
(0 "Covenants" shall mean the covenants, conditions, easements, charges.
se?,'itudes, liens, reservations, and assessments set forth herein.
(g') "Plat" shall mean that certain Plat depicting ASBURY PLACE. an addition
to tile City of Coppel!. Dallas County. Texas. as approved by tile City Counci! of the City
of Coppell. Texas .,"or ~ -'; ,, '
ro.o,a,n_ in the .Xmp Records of Dallzs Coumv. Texas. as the same
may be amended from time to time.
(h) "Association" shall .,,,lean the ASBURY PLACE HOMEO\\.'NERS
ASSOCIATION. a Tex~ no.'aprofi~ corporation, created for tile pu~oses and possessing the
rights, powers and authority set for& herein and in tile Cilaner. The Association simll
provide for the formation of an Architectural Comminee and tile additional rules and
regulations governing the Asbu:'v Place Subdivision.
2.01 Existing Propert)'. The Property which is. and silal! be. held. transferred, sold.
conveyed, and occupied subject to this Declaration is located in Coppell. Dallas Countv. State of
Texas. and are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein
by reference for all purposes.
The Properties and each Lot situated thereon shall be con_tru,.,,.d.q ~"= develoved., occup~ec' ' and
used as tbllows:
3.01 Residential Purposes. Each Lo~ lincluding land and improvements) shall be used
and occupied for single family residential purposes ontv. No Owner or other occupant shall use or
occupy such Owner's Lot. or permit tile same or any part thereof to be used or occupied, for any
purpose othe:' titan as a private single family residence for the Owner or such Owner's tenant and
their families and domestic servants employed on the premises. As used i~erein tile tem~ "single
family residentia! pu:';'m*,e,;" shall be deemed to prohibit specifically, but v,'i:ilou: mm,al~on, tile use
of any lot lb:'" duplex apartment., ....,,-
., .-a, a~,:. a~artment.._ or other apartment use.
3.02 Minimum Lot Area. No Lot shall be resubdivided: provided, hov,'ever, fi'm:
Declarant shal! have and rese.,-ves ~he rigiu, at any time. or from time to time. upon the .ioinde:' and
consem of the approprime county mid or municipal authorities, and with tile ioinder and con. senl of
the directly affected Lot Owners. to file a replm of tile Pla.: to effect a resubdivision or
reconfiguration o'.' ~?.' Lots in die Property then ov,'ned by Declarant. so long as such replm resuhs
in each resubdivided Lot comaining not less than the minimum lot size prescribed by the Cit,,' of
Coppe!! Zoning Ordinances. as applicable. Lo: Owners shall no: unreasonably withhold or delay
theirjoinder in or consem to the repia~ or anlendments to the Plat. 'Die privilege to repiat Lots in tile
Prope~y owned by tile De,tiara::: in this Section 3.02 shall be exercisable only by Declarmnt
or any succe~,~,or.._ to Declm-ml:'S ox~lershi~, of suci: Lots wilo. acqu:r~_,, -~ sucil ownersilip otiler titan by
purchase, and such privilege shal! no~ be exercisable bx'. inure to the benefit o!: or be assignabie to
any purci~aser from Declarant or from m-..v successor or assign o:' Declarant of any Lot in the
3.03 :'Minimum Floor Space. Each dwelling constructed on an,,' residential Lot in the
sub'iivision shall contain a minimum of twelve hundred fifty (1.250) square feet of air-conditioned
floor area. exclusive of ail porches, garages or breezeways attached to the main dwelii:-lg. Each o.'ae
and one-half Ill 2) story or two (2} sto~' dwelling constructed on any residential 1o~ in tile
subdivision,, shall contain a minimum of two tilous~d 12.000) square feet of air-conditioned ground
floor area {exclusive of al! porches, garages or breezeways attached to the main dxveliing I.
3.(}4 Combining Lots..Any person ov,'ning two or more a(ioini.'ig Lots location ~br :he
purp. ose or,the p!m:s and specifications ti~erelbr being approved as se: fonii m tNs Declaration~ and
sucil other improvements as are pein'fitted herein. Ill the event of any such consolidation, the
consolidated Lots shall be deemed to be a sm_l,. Lot for purposes of applying the provisions of this
Declaration. Any such consolidation shall give consideration to easements as shov,'n and provided
for on tile Plat and any required abandonment or relocation of any such easements shall require the
prior written approval of Declarant as well as the prior wrinen approval of an,,' utility company
having tile right to tile use of sucii easements. Combining of po.,-tiop, s of Lots into a single building
site is prohibited.
3.05 Setback Requirements and Building Location. All front, side. mid rear setbacks
must meet City of Coppell building restriction requirements. The location of the main residence on
each Lot aud the facing of the main elevation with respect to nearby streets shall be subject to the
requirements of the City of Coppell. Texas.
3.06 Height. No building or structure on any Lot shal! contain more than two stories or
exceed, in hei,zht., the :~:aximum hei~hc_ allowed by the Cit.',' of Coppell. suci~ ),le~=n,'o~ ' to be measured
and dete,'mined in acco:.'dance with the ,,,- -, .~4
a.,_,~rux,.~ Cit.',' of Coppell metilod.
3.07 I)rive~vavs. Each Lo: must be accessible to an adioinino_ street by a driveway suitable
such puc-poses.
3.0g .Access. No driveways or roadways may be cons;.mcted on any Lot to provide access
to a::v adioinin,.z Lot.
3.09 Drainage... N. e.~.l~.:'; ~- tile D-'c~",'-',t ....... no:' i,.,>- successors or ass~ ml~,.' sC'"' .... l be liable for a::v
loss ol use oi. or dm,,age done to any shrubbery, frees, t,ox~ .... l!llDl'OVe!llenls. ',ences. walks.
sidewalks, dri\-ewavs, or buildings of any ;.','De or the co:.l;ents thereo:" o:~ an\' Lotx~,.~.~o,.x':--,- ~ -e,- in ",ne
Properties caused by any water ,~x ,I~-. rising waters, or citron,_,, waters.
3. ! 0 Utilities. Each residence situated on a Lot shall be comnected to tile water and sewer
lines as soon as prac:icab!e a~er s~ne are available at the Lot line. No prix'3', cesspool, or septic tank
si~all be placed or maintained upon or in tony Lo:. There shall nor be any installation of any propane.
bmane. LP Gas or other gas tank. boule or cviinder o£ a.'..xv type.
_.:, Construction Requirements.
la~ The extenor su,,a,.,, ofali residential dwellings sha!! be constructed of glass.
brick or otiler materials pem~ined bx' the City of Coppell. Texas. It is specifically required
that ti~e exterior \\-all area of each residence located within the Property shall not t:ave less
than eigh:y percent (g00o~ brick construction.. The surface area of windows surrounded
con:plete!y bx' masonry or brick may be included within '-
t,',e computa:~ion of tile exterior
nlasollrV -~:i ..... ,
v~.-:, area oi a residence. No prevxously used ma~eria!s, other than antique once.
shall be pem~ined on the exterior of the residential structures located within the Prope~y.
The use ofva.dous roofine · "~' ~,;-'~: '
_ mmer;~s ~vi:hin the subdMsion .... 1, t~e pem~ined. Only roofing
materials \',hict2 are of tile hi,zhest ,..,- '.' '
. _,ao,. and quality and wi~ich are consistent w,'th tile
external desit:n, color and appearance of other improvements within the subdMsion sl:ali be
(b) Sidewalks shall not be constructed abutting the curb of streets adjacent to a
Lot: provided however, sidewalks or walkways may be constructed which connect the front
entrance of a residence with the street adiacent to a Lot. The plans for the residential
building on each Lot shall include plans and specifications for any proposed sidewalks, and
such sidewalks, if any. shall be constructed and completed before the main res!dence is
l'c) No above ground-level swimming pools shall be installed on any Lot.
{d) A. 11 exterior construction of the prima,'?' residential structure, garage, porches.
az~d any other appurtenances or appendages of ever\' kind and character on an,,' Lot and all
interior const:-uction l inciuding, but not limited to. ali electrical outlets in place and
functional, ali plumbing fixtures installed and operational, ali cabinet work completed, all
interior walis, ceilings, and doors shall be completed and covered by paint, wallpaper.
paneling, or ,:'-~,,,. like. ;.llld all fioo:'s cox ered by wood. ,..,~-"'-,.":. ,., tile or other similar I~oo:'
cox'e:':n,.zi sa,ri be completed not la,er than one il} year folloxvhlg the COlmnencenlent of
",_ 0.'1 ,I]'I,..IIC,. l ,'1,. ,1 t Of COlIStruction' s,la] I
construction. For tile pu.'-poses hereol: tb, e te,,'m .... · ....... ~ ' be
deemed to mea:l tile date on wl!ich the foundation ikn."n,,s are set.
le~ No prqieclio'as ofanv type shal! be placed or pemlitted to remain above tile
o, any resw, en::al buiidi:m witil the exception o:'one or more chimneys and one or more
3 12 Garages. ,,'Eaci:-~<:~' ....'.~'4 ..~::'.,,, '
. .=. ,.~n,~..l =x,,.,,L,__ erectec oi: al:v ~1 o: shall provide ~_...~_e'._, space
for a minimum o'..' two_"~ con\ en:ional automobiles. All_'-:ara'-z¢_ doors .-,.,.,,-;'":', be ~:~.u,pr,.,.,--,'; n-~ xx",'-~,l, an
'._"'~"~2 doors shall ' closed a: al!
automatic and remote cont,,'oiled door opener: ali .... e ve times when not
in use. No de:ached=~.,.=.._-, .... ,,--- -~=.x~d ~' be.¢ermiaed on tile Properties. No ca:pon shall be built, placed-.
constructed or recons:?acted on an\' Lol. No _ma_. shall ever '~ '~"-~ . ............. or
_o - _o~ be changed. ,~lt~, ~d." .... ~ ..... ,~a
otherwise converted for an.',' pu~ose inconsistent with the garaging of automobiles.
3.! x Fences. No chain link fence si~a!l be erected or placed on any Lot. All clothes lines.
wood piles, too! sheds, air conditio'aino_ equipment, sanitation I~ciiities or oti~er se~'ice facilities
.~ -t~ .'""T as be visible by other Lot Owners.
must be enclosed \x'ith fences, walls or 1,~nu.,.a~ .... so not to
3. ! 4 Trash Receptacles and Collection. All trash recep',acles shall be screened by fences
o:' shrubbery so as no: to be visible by other Lot Owners. Eacil Lot Owner shall make or cause to
be made appropriate ............ ~ ' '"
· _ .... ~=~;.l,n~_ w;m ,,qe CiLv of Coppell. Texas for collection and removal of
gm-bage mid trash o:'., a regular b~is. Each and every Lot Oxx2ler silail obse,'-ve and comply with at:\'
mid all regulations or reauirements promulgated by the CiD' of Coppel!. Texas. in cormectio:: with
the storage and l-emoval of trash and garbage. Al! Lols shall at al! times be kept in a healthful.
sanitar3.' and au,:active condition. No Lot shall be uses or maintained as a dumping ground for
garbage, trash..junk or other waste matter. Al! trash, garbage, or x\'as~e matter st:all be kept in
adequate comainers \\'hici~ shal! be constructed of metal, plastic or masonry materials, with tighdy-
fining lids. and which si~all be maintained in a clem~ and sanitary condition. A Lot Owner may place
trash on tile street curb abuuing his Lot only on those da\'s designated by tile Cie\-of Coppell. Texas
as trash collection days: p'.'ox'ided, however, such trash must be kept neatly contained in a sanitar\'.
tightly-sealed bag or other comainer. No Lo~ shall be used for open storage of any materials
whatsoever, except that new building ma;erials used in the construction of improvements erected on
an,,' Lot may be placed upon such Lot at the time construction is commenced and may be maintained
thereon for a reasonable time. so long as tile construction progresses without unreasonable delay.
unti! completion of the improvements, afer which these materials shall either be removed from the
Lot. or stored in a suitable e.nclosure on the Lot. No garbage, trash, debris, or other waste matter of
any kind shall be burned on any Lot.
'~ 1 5 V~'indow Coolers. No window or wall type air-conditioners or water coolers shall
be pem~itted to be used. erected, placed o': ' .~;.~.,,;,..,,4 -
xa .......... ~ on or :n any residential building on any parl
of tile Properties.
3.16 Antennas Restrictions. No :'adio or television aeria! wires or antennas si~all be
maintained o:: Ibc ou:s~e of any building nor ~na,] any n'ee stanfimu antennas oi any style oe
permiued. Ali radio o:'teievision ne:ual xvire~ or .... lu~ .... must t~u~: xx~ .... n the main sm~cture
and lllUSi llOl DC X iblDle :l'Olll outside ol such slrtlclurO.
3. i - Tempor.uO' Structures and Vehicles. No tempora:?- structure of any kind ~,,,,,-:'"" be
erec,:ed orp,a,.,.=~ ~-" upon any Lot. No trailer, mobile. :nodular or vre:hbricmed ho~,-= tent. shack, barn
or any other structure or buiie;im.:, other than :~---.,.,. residence to be built thereon, shall be placed, on any
Lot. either temoorafilv or ~nem~enliv mhd no ,-.--~.i ...... .~ .... n,.,. house. ~_a:-a_~,._'~ or other s:rc..cture a~ounenant..
t,n,.. ~to. shall be morea upon ~',' ko: from anolher location: exce~i, nov,'eve:-, ii:al Decl~am reserves
tile exclusive right to erect, place ant mum:am., anc. to pemnii builders ~o erecL .~:a,.~ ,..n,., ma:n:a:n
suci~ facilities in and upoln tine Propen.',' a: in it,. sole -ti ..... ' ......-b ........ '~ - - '=
t...:,,..~,lO,. ,~\ ~l~,-~:>b,-,,'*x, Or
during fi~e period of a:-n~ in connection with the sale of Lo:s.. construction and ~,ei:;ro o£ residences
and cons~ruc-:ing o~!ner improvements on tile proper',y. Such i%ciii:ies may inciude, bm :not
necessarily be limhed to. a temporary office buildin,.:, storage area. si'-':-< r~.-,--,~ tot!e:~.,,,,l,..-
and sales office. Decla:'a:i: and builders shall also have tile tempora:?- right to use a residence
situated on a Lo: as a -.--r,n.-~-arv office or model home dunno, q ; .-' ' '
· t.'~,, period o£ana in com;ecfion w:m
construction mhd ~ ' . ' _
sa,._ ooerauons on the Prope~'. but :n no event shall a builder i~ave such rielnt for
a period in excess of one ( i ! ,,'ear :-rom the date of substantial completion of his last residence on the
Prope,~ies. Any track, bus. bom. boattral~er." .:railer. mobile home.,.am= ~' .'-' mobile, camper or ~..
x'eNcie other than conventional autonnobile shall, if brouuh: v,4thin the Proaenies. be stored, placed
or,~a:"ked within the _"-ar~-,-""~_ o:' the' ,.~..?rop,'~".', ' -:~',ate Lot Owner ann' con ..... ~"~-'d from view 'ax' other Lot
3.1 g Parkina. On-s:ree: ,n., ~. .... ~s res~nc ~eo ~o approved deiiveries, mck-u~ o:'
quests and invi;ees. Parki.'ag in drivexvavs is r~enn~tte,n, provided i~owex-er
any manner obstrucl or block access to a drivexvav sinared by iwo or more Lot Owners.
3.!9 Signs..Any m~d all signs, if allowed, slnaE comply xxith all sign standards of the Cit.','
of Coppell. Texas as such , ' ~< .... 'be avvlicabie to '~ -'
s.anu~,u ....,.x ,, ,l,. Propeay.
3.20 Removal of Dirt. The dl__.~,_ of dirt or
',,o; ,c, tine removal of ali,,' dirt l?om any Lot is
prohibited, except as necessa:'v in conjunction: with landscaping or construction of imp:'ovements
3.21 Drilling and .Mining Operations. No oil drilling, water drilling or development
operations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be pemfined upon or in any
Lot. nor shall oi! welts, water wells, tanks, tmmels, mineral excavations or sha~s be penniued upon
or in any Lot. No derrick or o~i~er s'a'ucture designed for use in for oil. namra! gas or water
slm!l be erected, n:ain:ained or pennitted upon any Lot.
3.22 Offensive Activities. No noxious or offensive ac:ivi:v shali be conducted o'q any Lo'~
nor shall ai~vth,.:v, be cone t,,,., ~,_ n which is or r,'.av become an annoyance or nu!sance to tine other
'" ' -~'~,~ be raised, bred or kept on
Lot Ov,'ners. No anS:',;a!s, livestock o1' poultry of any <ma .-,
residential lot. except that does. cats or other household pets (hal ~o exceed three i'll adult animals)
may be kept. provided tha'~ they are not kept. bred or main:ained for commercial purposes.
3.23 I)ut~- of Maintenance.
iai Owners and occupants lincludin~ lesseesi of any Lo: silall jointly and
.q.-\-~.M;\' i-~ .~ ' ' ' ~ '
.,~x ~ me 6~nx- an~ responsibili:x'. ~' lne~r sole coq: an5 ex~--rs~ ~o kee~ me LoT so
O XXI J: O d O r OCCUPied. inclt:Jina_ buildines, ii:lproxme:1leilts, urounds or drainaae ~q~',~,_.,.,.i.,.q or
other riui~ts-oiLx~ax' inciden: ti~ereto, and vacant land. in a we!i-maimained, salk. clean and
'~ ....... ;,'~ "' at ali ' Suck "--"
.... tnl ..... ~e ,n,~uoe>. but ~s no: limited to.
~il Pro:nat. removal ofa!l litter, trash. ,~.u>,~,q -~ rand waste:
~ n ~ Lawn mowing on a regmar basis:
t i Tree and shrubp~
t ix-~ Wmerine landscaped areas:
t x-~ Keeping extehor lighting m~d maimenm~ce facilities in working order:
i x'i~ Keeping. lawn and garden areas ,1.x ~. 9ee of weeds, and attractive:
t \'ii) Keeping parkine_ _re- ,-~_.. driveways, and roads in ~o°d repair:
t x-~ } Co;l~Dlx-lno xvizh ali uox-ernnaent heahh an~ police r~u .... ~n~nts.
t ix ) Repair of exterior damages to improvements:
ix) Cleaning oflm~dscaped areas Nine' ~, '~.- public ;o~ ~ - v"
_ . ~ o~,xx~n r,=,lt-o~-x~a, llnes
and Lo: lines, unless such streets or landscaped areas are expressly designated ~o be
Common Properties maintained by applicable governmental amhorifies or ~he
Associmion: and
!xi~ Repainting of improvements and if applicable, striping of parking
(b) If an\' such Owne:' or occupant has failed in any of tile foregoing duties or
:'esponsibilities. then any other Ownez-may give such person written notice of such lhilure
and such person illt.'-sl witifin ten t ! 0 } dax's a~e:' receiving suci~ notice, pe:'lbrm tile repairs
and maintenance or make arrangemems for making the repairs and maintenance required.
Si~ould an\' such person fai! to fulfill tills dui\' and responsibility within such period, then
shall 1,,ave t!:e right and power to enter onto tile premises and perform suc!~ repair and
nlahVc:lancc v,'i:!~oul ally liabili:x' for ,q', ',',,._' -<"" ~ ,=. ].~ss or off,er\vise to
.... 1, .... c. ,O, XVI'OI]~[I] Ci~t:'x'. '"'<¥'
'11' pCl'5Oll. Thc Ox\ nors and occulnanlS (includi:l~ i~<<c.-qj of a:q', pal': of i]~c ]~:'opcrtv on
.... <] ' , . .
which such wO:'R I< Pel'iO:Ziied .., -, iomtlv and :,ex'et-al J\- be iiabie lor I]10 cosl of qtlCh work
.... - n-vi--,, lbr suci~ cos:. If suci~ Owner o:' occupant sna,1
and >],..,t promp:iy rem~i-u:-se ~]~e
!h~! To reimburse d~e party paying within :mn\- 1:0~ days aider rece:m of a slmement ibr such
work. then said indebte&~ess shall be a den of all said persons .ioimly and severa!iv, and
..... ~ cons::rm~ a ........ po...o,, ohfi~e P, op~, .) on whick sma work was
Such lien sD:all kax'e ~he sa:ne a~ributes as grovided under li~e laws oithe S:ae of Texas and.
if agplicable. Cirx' of Coppdi. Texas.
Xotwi:kqandin,, the ',,'ov;4o',~ of Section 3.23th) above, if. a: any dine. an
Owller ora:ix- Lo: qna': :~:: to cO:ilrol~.~=_.*---oqq ~rass and or other ~ ..... l,.x ~!'oxk~ll. tDe ail\'
'~ ~- Ox~qler 0'-~2 ' '; ','; ~;" -nd 71,';Ii uo ' ' ' n' '
O.A .... ,a,. :xax'e t,le au,lo ......... to OlltO sale LC, lOT Dkl~0~O 0~' lllOWil¥'
' ~ ..... ' ,' ' ' Lo~ and M:ah ~-= '- the authoriP,' and ri~i~ :o assess and coile~t i$om the
Oxw, er of sai~ Lo: ~ sm~ ~p ~o One Hundred and No i00 Dollars tSiO0.O0~ for mowing or
cleanin~ said Lot on eack ~-~ .... ''~ ' ' ~'~" -
r~3k:.~tlX ~ occasion of such BlOWlD~ or ~1~1~. I~ aBv al any
time. weeds or other un4~htlv <rox~% on the Lo: exceed six in"h~q t6"~ in heiah:.
Owner shall kave the right and authority to mow and clean the Lot. as aforesaid. Ti~e
· o~-i~v.i,k such' ' ~-
m,e,.>t d~ereon and costs of ~o~ ' shall '
assessmems. ,o .... ~ ...... -- ,lecuon ti~ereof, oe a
cl'--2~ ..... on the l-"d_,, and shall be a cominuing lien uvon each Lo: against which each such
~--. ....o,. ' · · ' ; ...... ~' ihereon and cosl of
collection '~ ..... v' ..... _ - o
,,,c, ~, ;. snail also be thc coni::]umc Dersonai oblicaiion o: the t%.>o_ xv}~o was the
Owner ofsuci~ Lo: a: lifo time W]lell the a<qe<qillelll .... occuaed. Saci] ,,,~--,q ex'e~-Owlle:-of'any
Lo:. by the acceptance o;'a deed or o:i~er conveyance o:'suci~ koi silali tkerebv covenant
a,,roo io Day suck assessments. ~le il~!i ..~u~,,- anv ~>>.>..,]e.1, snail be >u=
and inferior to the"i~en of any mortgage m~d m~x' renewals or extensions .... ,h~, .c~o~ ~x~_':q".m_2 brio:'
lo,-- ~-< ~ · dale.
' "' Associations Duties. The Association shall have tile dray to enforce tile covenants
and maintain all com'mon areas on the land and shall have the right, po\vet, and authority to do an\'
act which, is consistent with or reauired by tile provisions of these Covenants o'.' ':.l. ~ Bvlawq.. _ wilether
tile same be expressed or implied, including but no: limited to tile foiioxving:
ia) Tile power ~o ie\'\' and collect Assessments (of wha;e\'er namrei for tile
maintenance, repair, or replacement of the common areas existing on tile land and ibr such
other purposes as are herein provided for:
('bi The power to keep accountinv._ records with ,,._~,,.,.,~q .... to ail a,.,,\~'i-;,u,.s '~ and
opera:ion of ,~'~ Association. and h% management or ..... services to provide for
aOlliln~qt:'al!Ol'l o! i!!e ..~SSOClallon'
and employ o';,e''~. for mai:'::enance and ~ ..... :," and
id) The power to adopt rules and regulations concerni,.m the operation of the
If the Boa:'d of Directors sim!i fail or refuse to enforce the Covenan:s or :'ail to maintain :he
common areas Ibr an unreasonable period of lime. after wriuen reques: to do so. then any aggrieved
Owner may enforce :hese Covenants on his own behalf by appropriate ac:ion, whe:her in !aw or in
equity or the Ci:v o:'Coppe!l, through i:s Ci:y Council. may entbrce suck covenams to d~e extent
herein set ibrth.
'~ "'~ Common .Areas. For the pu~ose of *1"~ restrictions. Common A. reas
.... by A';~, ^;~': ' include.' but limited '
expected to n:a~nta.'.nea tile. __o .... ,on are nm to
(a) Tile ,,,~_ om, an,: ..
· ,',o~- ~- wall ' ~bundation along Coaaell Road:
{'b~ The ;'~','~,--'-,:-~' ' ' ' ' 9,tx~,~.,a Co~?ell Road and the wall .~:,.4 curb:
,~.,,,~_~-~ ~h_- all& i,'-i'!£al!on ' .-~ -.=~, . . ~,,~
Tile em,'-\ .... l~,,u_,.a~ .... llrlff..allOil \\',2!['~ 9.11C1 c,:~ .... ;,.:,-
Drainage chapmei running ti~rough tile property: and
Ti:al ~onion of an\' s:ree: riaht-of-wav, includin,a pavement, q,,h,,-~--:.= '
curbs to tile streets and alleys or sidewalks of ASBL"RY PLACE ti:at are desi,.znec: as
Comn~on Areas on the ....,,.,.,.n'~'.,.,~:~''-' Pla: of the subdivision eve:: ti~ou.zk~4~'~; ........ ..... 4 to thc p::b~:.c.'
3.26 Common Areas of Cits.' Interest. Of the common .... '~--'a_q "nstecl above, the "-,".-,,' ':" -',,,_ 1,,., ,,,~.
are "Common Areas of Ci:\' lmerest" as that ten:: is used herein:
ia) The rllasonrv wall and ibundation along Coppell Road:
(b) The landscaping and irrigation between Coppeil Road and the \','al! m~d curb:
lc.) The enu-v area landscaping, irrigation walls and signage:
D,m,,a_~ channel ru:ming through tile property: and
That portion of anv street right-of-way, including pavement, subgrade and
curbs to the sweets and allex's or sld~x~al,,s of ASBURY PLACE that are designed as
Common Areas on the recorded Plat of the subdivision even ti~ough dedicated to the public.
.'3.27 Failure of Association to .Maintain Common Areas. Should tile Association or its
Board fail or refuse to maintain such Com,'noi~ A:'eas of Ci.:\' Imerest to Ci:y s~ecification for an
unreasonable time. not to exceed ninety (90) days after \\'rinen request to do so. -'.he City of Coppeil.
by and t] ,: o.._],' ' ,,,,~, a n,,go,:,\,-",'" ' ' o£ i:s City Council :nembers. shal! i:ave me' same ri,,!-t,~.,, power and
authori.:v as is i~erein given to tile .-\ssocia:io:..: and i:s Board o:.' Directors to el:force these,_ox" '~n,~.,~_q
and ]evv ,~.. t:. .q ",; -s~i,l,..,t- -',' ~; ........ ".'".-',;q'a],"- to nlai:ltaJn the C'o:llmOn .-M'¢as of Cjtv I ..... -,
..m:,;s, listed in Section
3.26. ]t is u,qderstood that ill such event, the Chv of Coppe];. Texas. · .......
.. ,h, oL:;_n its Cj!v Council. may
elect to e×ercise thc r._h,_iL' ,~, and poxNers o.'.' thc Association or its' Board of Directors. to the extent
necessa.'.~,' to take ali',' action reomred' and ]evv amc'-lt that the .Association 'm , _, , ,; ,, ;-' have. e$t.qer' '
in the name o,," t!~e .qssociatJon. or otilerwise, to cover the cost of mainte:;w, lce of said
Areas of City 1,,~,,,.>..
4.01 General. Ti~e -i,..'ilt,; and ", '.'~, ' . .
a.n,._ of ti~e Owners o::' Lots witi~in the ProDe.'-tv wi:it
~ .~ ' ,*J~i~l,one and cable '-"~ .r-i-, lines and
r,.sp~c, to sanitary sexver, water, eiectricitv. '-"-'", ' ,~l,.X
facilities shall be=~.o',"~, ,. ,q ,,. ,.,-= - by tile folloxvin,':
\~ n..,.x ,.. sanila.'-,- sewer and'or water sec'ice cop.~eCtlOp, S or electricity, or
telephone and cable television lines or draiqa_oe :.%ci!kies are installed within the Property
which co;mecdon lines or facilities or any portion ti~ereoi: iie in or upon Lots ov,'ned by any
,-,-,.-*.,..~, ,x.- othe,,' .i..,,,,,_,, the Owner of a Lot .,,er,- -e,~ ~ by said emmet:ions, lines or facilities, such
Owners o:' Lots ~.~ .~4 ' ' ' _,.,.q,,.,~ an easeme'.'..t ~o the full
. .rx ~. shall i~ax'e the ,.'mbt. and are nerer, v, ......
extent necessa:'v ,n~.e,o, ~. to emer upon the Lots within the Property within or upon:
said connectio::s, iine~. . or Ihci!ities. or a,,v.,, pod. ion thereof: lie. to re~a!r, regiace, aid '2-'- , ,'-, ~, -' x: : -
maintai:l said connections as and when ti~e same may be necessa:-v.
ih') \\'herever sanitary sewer and or water ..... ,.,. co:Inectlons or
telephone or c"~~ television lines or d""i':a,2-' facilities are ins:ailed within the Property.
wi~ici~ COlmections sep,'e more than one Lot. tile Owner of cae!: Lo: served by said
,.. O, ,,l ~',.. -
tiop. s shall be entitled to tile full use and en.}oyment of sucii portions of said co:'.nectiop, s
xvhicil service suci~ Owner's Lot.
4.02 Reservation of Easements. Easements over tile Lots and Common Prope:xies for
the installation and ,'"
n,anl,,.,l,,n,.c of electric, teleN~one, cable t.-levlsion, water, gas ane. sanitary sewer
lines and drainage facilities are hereby reserved by Declarant. together with the right to grant and
transfer same.
4.03 Surface Areas of Utilin' Easements. Ease:.nents for installation and maintenance
of utiiities are reserved as shown and provided ibr on the Plm of the Prope~'. Underground electric
and telephone service shall be available ~o all Lms in the subdivision.~,_~e,n~h.~ ...... for ti~e
underground service may be crossed by driveways, walkwavs, na:io~ brick ''m q ' ] ~ and
,.w'ovided ':-~,,,~ Deciaram or builder makes prior. ~, ....., _~._e,,,~n~>~,j ........ with ~he u:i!i:v comDames ,urn,Ma,,,_
elec:ric and telephone service and provides and in<raiN any necessary conduit of approved b'pe and
size under such drive,rays, walkwavs, patios, brick wails or i~nces prior ~o construction thereof.
· ,, a~ g n, ~ service ~-=i~ be kept clear of all olher m~grovemenls, and
Such easements Ibr II~e unu~r_rcun~ .,~., . '
neither ~iae grantee nor any miiiu' company using ~he easemems si~ali be liable for any day,age done
by either of ii, em or their assians, their auents.~ emNovees or _~erx'ant~_. to shrubbery, t,.e..-~ ~ hewers
-1 O-
or other!11-I]31'
brick -','- '" -" , '~''' ' ' ' ' '
XX,.,1S or I'OI'}CeS.. ,'~"O\':C,"I,' ,.O,lu~.ll~ iU.IS bO;21; installed as ot,':~ncc. .... :lDOV;~ ~ O~ lllC O\\'I;C:' ]~.)t.;.l,C~' ' ''~
on the l.ot covered b\'~.,~." ;'1 ,...,.,.,~,,....~"~-~ ......... q In addition, thc utiih\'---'-~>~n,~:.,,< siYail no,. be used as
al ie','xvax's.
4.04 Emer?.encv and Sera'ice Vehicles. An ......... is t .... ~.x granted to
protection. ,',, ",-.' o~,~,, e ..... , .... > vehicles ale other se~'ice x ea.c~e> io enter upon the
.... ~ ' '~'~ szree:s. ' the ......
Common Properties. :nc,ut:rig bur BOl limited id rrlxd.~ ::I Peylor:llallce o: melt duties
and n,~,~-~, t ...... an ease;ne::: is ;~-~aS' grained to the Association. its officers, a_.ntb.,2~' - emaiovees an5
lllallaUeiilelll D¢:'SOiiiIel tO elileY lB2 ColillllO:2 P-o-~ieq to render any >eyx-!ce.
4.05 Universal Easement. Each Lo: and irs Owner \vkh]n ;he.'~-.o.~..~:. d~::.'~'-"~- is' he:'eav'
Dec!aram. over al! adioi:nn,, Lots for the pu~ose of '" '
' = accommodating aEx- encroachnlenI due to
engineering ewors, eaors ;', o,.=.n~l construction. -= '
... s~mda,n, or shining o: me b,aiidmm or may o~her
cause. There shah" be easemen:s for the maimenance of said ~n~.oa~,~m.~:-,~ · ssttiine_ or sirloins:
provided, i~owever." · ' ' '
,ha, m no ex-enl shall an .... ~,~m.n,~ ' for~n~.oadm~n.-- ' - ~ ' be cremea in 15\'or of an
Oxx~aer or Ox~aers if said encroachment occu=ed due to will~i misconduc: of said O~ner or O~xners.
The Owners of each Lo~ aeree :bar minor ~ ~-~ -' ..... .
~ ~n~, t a,nm ....~ over a Lo: shall be aennirted and :here
shall be~,~e~,a~a,~o~ ..... q ;~r the maimenance of said encroacim~ems so lop,'.= as they si;al; exis:, in
addition, each Lm w!:i~in the Properties is hereby deciared :o hax e an .-~-~ ...... '
encroacim]ems. Ino: lo exceed three l~e~ t3'} in width'} by overhanging -, o~n*'-:> anc' cave<, as tq-;"i"~. ,~ .....
, · -, ,'~ ~4 eaci: ~'4' "-'",' 1 oi ~ ,4 .... thereof.
~oa>,ru~t~ over ~ ,i,~ or CoilllllOll P:'openieq and %r r;l~ '
~]Ol,~l,,_ , .. iliallllellaliCe
Each of ~he easements hereinabove re:~eJ w shall be deemed to be~>,,,.nsi,.~N" "~ upon
.~cc.d~,lO.. ofm:s an~ sha]! be apaunenm~; to ti~e ' q'
--' ," ~"" "Declaration ~ ' ' '
eaci~ conveyance of said Lo:.
5.01 Duration. The Covenants. Conditions m~d Restrictions of ti~is Declaration si~all run
with and bind the !and subiect ~o this Declm'ation. and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable
by the Association and or fi~e Owner of any land subieci ~o this Declaration. their -o~,~_p~-,ix...~ lega,, '
r~prc~=n,adx ~. heirs, successors and,=>.~-*;",=ns. for a term of flfim'-fix'e t35~ years fi'om the date
this Declaration is recorded in" ~ '
,n~ office of the County Clerk ~ '~ -
o~ Dm,a~ County. Texas. a~er whicia
time said Covenm~ts and Restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten
{10) years unless an instrumem is signed by the Owners of seventy percent (70%) of the Lots
comprisina_ tiae Pm~o-v..~_.~... and approval by a maioritv. . vote of the then members of the City Council
of the City of Coppe!l. and has been recomec m me Deed Records. D,.I,,.> Coumv. Texas.,?*, ..... ~,~,s
to ab.,lisi~ the same Covenants. Conditions and n.,_ ..~,- . '~ ' ' '
NcMll~dOll> iB xk'i~Oie 01' ~ supstantta] DO,,lOB .1 .... , ~'.
provided, however, ii~ai no such aureemen!s lO abolish >nmi De effective '~-
uil~sS Blade alld l'ecoroec
one (i ~ year in advance of the .'-sm~" '- ' '
..... ~.~x = da~e of such aoohskmen:.
~.02 Amendments. Notwithstanding Section 5.01 of this .-\nicle. th.ese Cove:-mms and
Restrictions may be amended and' or changed upon i,~ .- express wri:ten~ons~,~"' of at '~a>~- ~' ~.-,-,-.,,,-v~,,..
percent t T0° i,~ of the Owners of al! Lots comprisi:~g ti~e Property.
Any. and ali ...... ~"' 'nC.,~,=t=.'"'~" - if any..;,-ll~"~ ' be recorded in :he ol]]ce o2' :he Coun:v Clerk of Dallas
County. Texas. Notwi:hsla::ding :i~e tmo:' prox-~smns ol :l~s Section '.02. ine D,~,a ..... may execme
apd.. :'ecorc .n .......... > Io _,;. D,~I ...... ~o., xx'id~ou: such consent or ~.k.~.rcq~n ~,-~,., .~i.'-;t,,~ ..... =.,:.,,u.,'~ .4 ....... ~.~ :<'
:brti~epurposeofCo~ecting' : "~: ' .....
tOC,U:i~u, Or 15 po2rapl~lCa': e~ors or 1o7 clar::ica:loR o:2]x'.
5.05 Enforcement. Enforeemen: o5 ~1~>~ cox'enams ant
proceedln~ at !axx' or in eatnlv
" ' x ~o,,,.._ or a~empung to violate them.
~_~,.__. any. n~'~Oll=.,, or persons " ~-':,,~'_ '
or to recover dama~zes, or lo enlbrce any lien crea:ed by these covenan:s: and failure by the
Assoaiation or am' Oxk~ler to ~,.cq .... - ·
cox.A .... or restrictloll ilerein ~ .~'-~q o =~' ii! no o .~..,
be deemed a waR'er office d,'~' :o do sotn,~ ...., ~,,=~-,,,.
5.04 Scvernbilin'. I~ .... ma,,o., of am' one o, ,l~.~ covenan:s res:r]cuons
n,-~,- ~h~ll i:: no ~vis~ a~]~cl any olhe: 2:ovlsion which -;' ': - .... ~;" ;" :' ~] '~ ..... ~ "
5.05 Headings. ~e i~eadings con:a!ned in this Decimation ~e for reI~rence pu~oses only
shad not in any way aflec: ~ne mem~m~ or]nt~,~,adon ...... of m:s' ' Declaration.
_ .~, Declarmm shall convey all
~.06 Termination of and Responsibiliu' of Declarant. ' '
o: ~ts ~;ol.- title and :ni~res~ in ~c IO lhe Pro~c~x' then and in ,'~;' ' "
...., ...... s ..... ex'em
o:' the perlbrmance o:' anv du:v or obligation i~ereunder.
5.07 Asses~men~. SecdonsS.01 an~ <.02. ' ' .'-t-.~, 4:,,,. ....
regard xo fi~e dray of d~e Assaeimion and or i~s Board o5 Directors xo maimain all fl~e common areas
as se: out m Section:*._,. ~ ' t]~e ~_~,,,on,.,.._,.,~,,, procedure sm om i~erein, and fl~e rights - ' o. 'o.4 .-
Ciw ol Coppeli sm om in Section 3.27 in re~ard ~o fl~e Common A .... of Cilv Imerest sex om m
Section :.z6. simll no: be revoked or amended widmm ihe additional approvm of a malon:v of
flaen members offiae City Council office Ciw of Coppell. Texas.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ASBL'RY PLACE. a Texas . being fiae Declaram
herein, has caused fi~is instrumen: to be executed as of the day of January. 1997.
a :Xlarvland corporation
BEFORE hiE. the undersigned authori'.v, a No:an' Public in and lbr fi:e State of Texas. on
this da.',' personally a:',r, eared of THE
RYLAND GROUP. iNC.. a Y. la,'-',-iand co:-poration, kno,,:r, to '.:',e :o be :i:e p.~."son and officer whose
name is subscribed to die ~i',reg_oir',g ir..s'-.rume:',:, and acknov,'tedged :o me '.ha: he execu'.ed the same
for ti~e purposes and consideration :i~erein expressed ap, ci in :he caDacilv fi~e:'ein s:ated and as fi~e ac:
and deed of ~";' '
. t,~.;
GIVEN UNDER .',i".' H.-,ND AND SEAL OF OFFICE ti~',s __ csav ofo ..... :3. ~ oo-
.No:au.' PuNic
S:ate of Texas
My Commission Expires:
Printed 'Typed Name of Notarv l
F' \VI'DOC'S_IKM KLi',,:.'-5 o.,-..3 D?_-C'£'OV Rt-_'.',