Letter to applic.-DRC comments P. O. Bo~ 478 C, OlX~IL Tex,~ 75019 The City Witl3 A Beautiful Future 314-462-0022 August 13, 1986 ~11en L. Brewster, l~.P.S. 3109 Carlisle, Suite 208 Dallas0 Texas 75204 SUSJF. CT: Advantase Self Storage - Denton Tap ~3ad, adjacent to the South Risht-of-way of ~he Sc. Louis & S~t~ete~ Road Preli~inary A~IO~: ~r. Allen L. Dear Hr. Brews[er: ~e City of Coppell~e Developaent Revteu C~i~tee (D~C) ~et on ~Sust 5, 1986, and reviewed your eubaitted data. ~e fo11~a~ co~ents ~ere ~a~e: 1) Respond to cements in letter to the City Engineer from G/mn, ~nc., dated August 1, 1986. 2) Ail on site water and sewer mains will b~ privately ~ed and ~intatned. Water system will b~ each property line with meters located for for ~lntenance and/or replacement. 3) Must comply with all Fire Codes. Contact Flr~ ~r~hal tot ~idance. Must ~e a looped rater ~lt~ to provide of bu~ld~ngs. ~) ~sc pr~de mn emomn~ along ~nc~ T~ hd for T.P.& L. C~tsct representative for detaib. 5) ~ntacc G,T,E, representative for requirmnts. 6) Contact Lone Star ~o C~any representative for requirement s. 7) Indicate what type fence will be used arou~ the per~eter of complex. All corrections must be made and revised site plans ~aC be resu~itced t,:, t~,e Engi,,eering I>~larcment by Wednesday, August 20, 1986 to re. in on t~' .a~'~:: t . ~, ~':=?' ~ i,~:,: 5[=~ ard ~'.~:i~;g agenda. Lit>' Ln~ir,t-c r GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS August 1, 1986 MEMO TO: J. E. Powell, P.E. City Engineer FROM: Gabe Favre SUBJECT~ Advantage Self-Storage Mini-Warehouse (Zonell LI) Preliminary Plan We have reviewed the above referenced project for conformance to City of Coppell standards and ordinances. The following sets forth our comments. 1. If front yard parking is utilized, 60 feet front yard setback is adequate. 2. Minimum 24' fire land should be indicated along with minimum 30' turning radius. 3. Landscaping, ground cover on]y, should be upgraded to provide adequate landscaping to meet ordinance. 4. Provide signature blocks on site plan for P&$/Council approval. 5. Indicate pavement design, thickness, etc. On east property line, I 20' utility easement l~ shown on platl on pllns, lO' of recreational vehicle ]~rking and canopy encroaches upon this easement. 7. A preliminary drainage plan should be indicat~d. 8. Indicate any preliminary water and sewer required. 9. Determine from fire department, whether additional fire hydrants are required. ~ate [aYre /'Dc i6~35 Preston Road · Suitc 106 · I~lb~.. -Ic~,.- 7524~, ', Phone 214/~6-~6ll ...