Arborist suggestions Harold S ates C O N S U L R B O R I S T S 66(} pREST~)N pEJHt:~51 L;EHIP_R FAX (214~] gSE-77B7 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 ~ul'~e4, ;[~7 Mr. 5'13eve Alfon:l Alford Communications 12901 HuU:on Orive Dalllas, Texas 75234 ! appreciate the opportunity to meet with Tom at the site and have received your packet for the proposed development. The site is a hidden gem and affords abundant opportunity for environmentally sound development. Certainly, es~abllshl~ and maintaining a tree preservation program through and following con--on are critical elements. ! will welo;m~e tt~ opportunity ~ work with you In the development and c3tablishrnent of a tree retention and preservation program, ! differentiat~ between retention and preservation. Retaining a tree through constructJon IS not axiomatic to long term preservation. ! am quite familiar with the Coppell, Texas Landscape Regulations. ! consider the regulations to be a guide for 'minimum' performance and a challenge to Obvlously~ the tree cover on this site is extensive and to complete a survey of all trees would be a monumental task. ! offer the following suggestions: 1. Have the property surveyed and ~[ markers for the roed, building, and parking areas. 2. Appeal to the city to provide a tree survey ~rOugh a series of sub-samples by area, which can be extrapolated to give a count of the trees in each particular area. ~/.~}_~: Take three (3) random thirty foot by thirty foot (30' X 30~) samples within the proposed office and warehouse area. SurveY the trees in the areas. Then determine the sample percent in square fee~ ~o that of~fie u,---~ce / warehouse to whole t~ calculate the tree ~nd by species in this area. 3. The tree s~Jrvey should have species, diemeter~ and condition as a minimum. Ordinal points of the canopy and crown to trunk raUo are clesirable for areas to be 4. The tree survey can become more finite as the processes of development move forward, but the sample method should be s~d~iclent for the natural areas. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONSULTING ARBORISTS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE NATIONAL ARBORIST$ AS$OCIATIOI~ Steve RIf'orcl - page 2 June 4~ 1997 ! will be pleased to perform any tree survey that the CIb/of Coppell requires. ! will discuss my f~es for sen/Ices as the parameters are tightened. ! am quite confident that we can provide all professional services you will need for a tree re~ntlon and m~,enratlon ~4an. t look forward to hearing from you following your meeting with the dry, ~ Ha~d A, SPi.ege~r.ylA~