Application & checkSubdivision APplication preliminary c ty of comu Pl~3ntn$ Dep4utme~t Minor Plat (4 lots or Ia~a on exlstlnf at.e~t) __ _ .... .... ~5 Patk'wny Bird, Replat COpl~ll, TX 75019 An~adlnl Plat Phone; (:214) 304.-36?5 Fax: (1114) 304-35?0 Minor Plat Amendt~i Pint (4 lois or le~) Note: Applications ar~ a¢¢,pUd./br sub~ prior to th~ filing date. The filing dat~ shall bt exactl, y 29 da)~: prior to th~ date of th~ Planning and Zoning Conunl~slon meeting at which the oppltcatlon will b~ ¢onstdtrtd. Filing Date: , Name of Applicant: Addr~$: --. t2. c~l Telephone Number: ~_-/'L~ Z-c[I' '~O~ Fax Number: .... Firm Preparing Plat:. 9eta ~v ' ~.~cc~'~-3 ~,~.c_ , .... Address: Z%~'!.?4'.t'l-13l g~' 'i~le_3z.f~'/~ ~ll~.. ~ '7~'~zo . ~. ~411 Correspond~nc~ r~lattve to this application ~hould b~ directed to: Tetephone Number: ~ - ' - ' "' Nam~ of Subdivision: General Locatlon of Property: ~ Projected Employment (Nos. residential uses eels) ~ ---' Proposed Subdlv~lon Contalns~ Stnlte Family Re~l Hwy. Townhou~ Duplex Town C~nt~r Multi-Family Liiht Industrial Mobil~ Home Heavy tndu~tial Office Commercial Flood