Blooming/PP-CS 931117 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APP.LICATION DATE: November 17 ,1993 1. Subdivision Name Blooming Colors Nursery 2. Preliminary Plat X FINAL PLAT REPLAT 3. Applicant Barry Johnson Address 1002 Rolling Brook Coppe] ] TY 75{)] 9 Street City State Zip Phone # 393-8660 4. Firm Preparing Plat3535 Travis, Suit~ ]OD Dmllm~ TX 75204 Street City State Zip Phone # 522-054D 5. Property Owner Blooming Colors ~.rs~ry mud Landscap~noo: Tom. Address lmnO ~.~,ll~no Brook Conn~]] TY 75019 ~ ~ - St ree~ C~i~y State Zip Phone ~ 393-8660 6. Developer same Address Street City State Zip Phone # 7. All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to whom: Name Barry Johnson Address 1002 Rollin~ Brook City, State, Zip Coppell. TX 750]9 Phone # 393-8660 8. General Location of Property Two acres of land lQCated on south side of Beltline Road,approximately 1650 femt of the MacArth,r gn,,l~,~rd and .'q6']tlln~ Road intmrsmntion. 9. What is the present Zoning District? LI Are you requesting any zoning change? yes If yes, what is the Case File # Zoning district Requested? LI- SUP 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea. use) Sinqle Family Duplex Multi-Fami 1y Commerci al 1 2. O -~ Industrial Public Street R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: ...... -~ / S I GNATURE: ~:'~'~-'~ -' ( PRO} ~. .... OWWER)