Big Cedar/PP-DR 910829 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PLANNING DEPARTMENT BiB CEDAR ADDiTiON, PRELiMiNRRY Reviewed Dy: Taryc~, Bow~03an, Piar~r, ing & Zoning Coo~dinato~ Da~e: Augus~ 29, 193i Home final pla~ approval. Five fo~ sl~e yapa smbacks throughout the ~iee aweiopm~ appp~al a~e g~ea~ep mhen a plan Closely conforms to ~he s%anda~ The pmopo~ pa~R the sl~e plan ~ai~ula~i~. Piease dedu~ ~he appropriate numbe~ o~ a~es f~a ~he c~ali sl%e caicuia~lc~,s. I~dl~a~e ~o~al nu~epe~ o~ lots on ~he ~ace oF ~his pia~. to ~ar, ge ~he stre~ r, ame Since a park is being dedlCated~ you may want to request a walve~ o~ ihe Pa~ ~ur,~ ~ee (*i~ p~ Ic~) du~ing t~e final plat s~age. When ~1il the park be dedicated to the City~ What about park lm~ov~s ar,~ ~at type of access wi ii be p~lOe~. Please co~alnate ~ese activities with Rick Wleiar~d, Parks 5uper'vlso'p. 5ho~ z~lng of a~jac~ parcels Please sub~lt two (2} correcte~ folded pia?,s p~-lc,~'- ~o i2 '?,oor~ Wed?tuesday, Sep~b~ 4, 1~73i. R~l~ will co~i?,ue c~, Thursday, ~e~t~er 5, i~gl. De sure to i?,ciude revlsio?, dates o?, ail plats This lt~n is scheOuled for the Piar~,i~g a~d Zc~i~g Co~n~nisslo~'~ meL~ti~,g ~ Thu~s~ay~ 5ep~e~ber 19~ 19'51 a~ ~:50 p.~. anO also Zo'e both me~ l~gs.