Fire Lane & Mutual Access Easem COUNTY OF mllas ::~ THAT 94 PARKWAY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ;:? in consideration of the sum of :..~ of Dallas County, 'I~xas , · "..~ and other good and valuable consideration :'::~ One Dollar ($1200) t,~ in hand paid by the City of Coppell, Texas receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by ~y.~ these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to the City of Coppoll, q~xas , tile free i;[~i and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of tile passage in, along, upon and acro~ tim following ~ described property, ;'=~ Courtly, Texas, in ;.~ owned by Grantor , Situs{cd in Dallas ~:~ Su~ey, Abstract No. i430 FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT BEING a Iract of land ~ituated in Ill S.A. & M.G.R.R. Snrvey, Abstract No. 14~0 Dallas County, Texas and being pa~ ora Iract of land as described in deed from Good Financial Corporation to M. Douglas Adkins, Trustee, as recorded in Volume 76188, Page 2355 of Ibc Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas ai~d being more pa~imdarly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection oftbe north line of Parkway Bonlevard (a 105 foot right-of-way, ~.:~ W., 204.60 ~eet along the ~aid we~t line of Denton Tap Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, ~aid point being in a :..~ non-langent m{rw lo lbo {oR running in a westerly direction nnd baying n central angle of 18°06'51'' a radhms of 30.00 Feet and a chord bearing ofN. 81 °36'20" W.; ~:~1 TIIENCE along said curve, and leaving lira said west line of Denton Tap Road, 9.48 feet lo :.. curve, n point for corner, said point ~ing Ihe beginning of a cn~e to the right having a central angle of 65o34, 12" a radins o[54.00 feet and a chord bearing ofN. 57°52'~9" W.; TIIENCE along said curve 61.80 feet to the end of said curve, a point fi~r corner; TllENCE ~. 88°59'59" E., 28.95 ~eet to a point for corner, said point being in a non-tangent curve to the le~ running in an easl*rly direction and having a central angle of 42°42'30" a radius of 30.00 [eet and a chord ~:~ TI-IE~C~ along ~aid carve 22.36 feet ~o the end of said carve, a point ~or corner; THENCE N. 88~59'59" :':~ E., 4.01 Feet Io ll~e beginning of a curve to the le~ baying a central angle of 09°34'41" a radius of 30.00 feet and a ~:~a chord bearing of N. 84°12'38" E.; ~:~ THENCE along said carve 5.02 feet lo the end of said curve, a point for corner being on ~:~:n of Denton Tap Road; 2-2b ~ ::~}:}:i TIIENCE S. 01°00'01'' E., 25.96 feet along tim said west line of Denton Tap Road to Ibc Point of k~:~ Beginning and containing 1,244 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor' ' buihlings and other obstnictions as may now be found upon said property. ;~.I For tim Imrpose of '-~ cons~rue~ln~ and ma~nbainln9 a fire lano and mutual :':~n ease~nt in, along, upoo and ~i?~i across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, :-:~ employees, workmen anti representatives baying ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and'across said :.:~i premises for lhe purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the ~id easemnt or ~.~I any pam't thereof. ~ TO I IAVE AND TO I IOLD unto the said Grantee as afi~resaid for 5~¢ the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. 5~ Witness my hand , this the day of ~c. , ~:~,~ Sandford Investment Company~ Inc. :.:~ ~.R. Sandford, President ACI(NOWI,EI)GMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ COUNTY OF ........ (, BEFOIIE ME, the umlersigned authority, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person . whose nome suhscribed to the f,regoing instrument, and acknowledged to me thot he .... executed the same fro* the purposes and corrsideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, Tbis .. day of ...... A.D. 19 ([,..~.) Notary Public, in and for the State o! Texas. Fly Commission Expires .................................................................... ACIGNOWLEDGMENT TIlE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ ! BEFORE ME, the nndersigned authority, COUNTY OF ...................... on this day personally appeared .............................................................. ~ .... known to me to be the person ....... whose name ......... subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to ~ne that ...... he ...... executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This ........... day of ................... A.D. 19 .......... (i..s.) Notary Public, in aud lot tho State of Texas. My Commission Expires .................................................................... CORPORATION ACIiNOWLEDGMENT TIIE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF ........................................... l on this day personally appeared ................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that tire sa,ne was the act of the said a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and eonslderntion therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE This ........................ day of ................................. , A.D. 19 ........ (b.a.) Notary Public, irt and for tire State of Texas. My Commission Expires ................................................................... CLERK'S CERTIFICATE TIlE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ ~ .......................................................................................... county COUNTY OF ................................................... Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the ................. day of ................................................................ , A. D. 19 ....... , with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office sit the .................... day of .................................................. , A. D. 19 ..... , at ............ o'clock M., and duly recorded this ................... day of ........................................................................... A. D. 19 .......... , at ............ o'clock ...... M., in the ................................................................................................... Records of said County, itt Volume ................... , on pages ....................... WITNESS MY IIAND AND SEAL OF TIlE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office itt ................................... ........................................................................................ , the day and year last above written. County Clerk ................................................... County, Texos. (L. S.) By ....................................................................................... Deputy. ,~.OPOSED ALL CARE VETERINIARY CL I NI(I: I I I I R~ 30.00 T~ 94 PARKWAY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP POINT OF COMMENCING PA R KWAY BLVD. FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT CITY OF COPPELL S.A.~ M.G.R.R. SURVEY , ABSTRACT 1450 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS I"= 20' o,t, 12- 5-96 DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE I00 JobNo. 9Co-077 (214) 931-0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 '"