Big Cedar/FP-DR 911004SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS File Development Review Committee Meeting October 3rd Comments Memorandum To Ms. Shohre Daneshmand, P.E., City of Coppeli From Gary C. Hendricks Date October 4, 1991 The following is our review comments for the project discussed during the October 3, 1991 Development Review Committee Meeting: Big Cedar - Final Plat & Plans In general, most of our previous review comments concerning the final plat and plans have been addressed by the developer. However, a few items on ~he plans are in need of revision (see our letter to you, dated October 3, 1991). In addition, the following items should be addressed or discussed with the Planning & Zoning Commission: 1. An additional 30-foot sanitary sewer easement is required along the backs of Lots 9-12 for a future 15-inch sanitary sewer. We have discussed this with the developer's engineer and it is our understanding that they are reviewing this request. 2. The developer has not provided the alley behind Lots 37-41 as recommended by Staff. 3. Harris Road improvements are not included in this project. The developer has explained Harris Road plans will be submitted shortly by another developer. It is our recommendation that no building permits be issued for this addition until Harris Road is improved to City Standards and accepted by the City. We are available to discuss these projects further at your convenience. Enclosures cc: Ms. Tar¥on Bo~an, Planning & Zoning Coordinator Public Works, DRC Members