Big Cedar/FP-CS 920220~*.e.c~w.a*c-so. ~At~rneys & Counselors at Law ~ ~' /' t~ ' .- ' .' .. ~LECOPY (F~ TRANSMISSION L~ER DELIVER TO: ~an RatiO, C~ Mana~er, O~ of Ooppell, Te~s F~ NO. FROM: ~en~ W. Jackson No. of ~Oes inoludin~ this ~oe: 4 PL~SE ADVI~E IF T~NSMI~ION ERROR OCCURS (214) Febma~ ~, 1~2 Re: Centex le~er of Feb. 17, Dear ~an: I h~e re~lved your f~ of ~he above memioned I~er, a co~ of which is retum~ w~h this f~ to you. You ~ave ~k for my comment. This 18 the le~er I requested ~ o~ained ~om Cemex. It allo~ the ~ to use Centex Escrow funds for ~o ~ns~u~on of ~e str~ and then ~oee out the Centex Escrow ~h no ~her I[abili~ on the pa~ of Cemex or ~e C~ in reo~d to ~e old Centex Escrow. I have ~ecked their le~er ~d it ~ntains ~e exa~ lanouaoe of the draE I ~re~ared and sero ~o Tim House ~r delNe~ to Oe~ex. I have been workin~ w~h Ga~ Sieb on this and I ~sume he has ~e ofi~inal le~er ~lch snoulo nave a ~py of me Oemex Escrow a~ree~em auac.ed as an ~hib. "B". Othe~ise, the I~er is in proper form and co~ain~ all the provisions the Oi~ needs to accomplish the desired result. ~wren~ W. ~n cc: Ga~ Sieb . Cl~ of CoDDell ~ P. O, B~ 4~8 Cop~l], ~cx~o 75019 ~o point E us shown on the pl~t eC~ach~ hereto as ~h~Bit the Ce~tex pr~erty to the north. You wtl~ r~all that at ~he time Centex develo~d 1~o propert~ Centex Real Estate Corpora~Xo~, herein Call~ "Centex", in~ludi~g ~ny accumulated interest, now bslng held in the "Centex the "Centex Escrow" ag~eeMell~. . 214 393 0948 02-20-92 09;09~ POOl ~36' Febm. ar~ 17, 19R from point A to point E and W111 have no authority to control or' L~J T~at upon transfer o£ =~e funds from the "Centex Escrow" a~cgunt to the "A~ ~aurow" acCou~ the "Centex ~scrow" agreement between Centex and ~he City of CoDpe11. Exhiblu "A", shall obligation thereunder, If ~hia agroemen~ meets ~lth tile approval of ~he City at Coppell and A~dinger a~d ~atthews, pl~aa~ have t~e ex~ra oopy sign~ by all parties a~d ~etur~od to us. ~ you harm any quem~t~e In regard ~o ~hls, please do no~ ~esl~ate to contaot us. ¢IDrTI~RlV~ EHTAT~ CORPORATION By: ~. ~ Bill President, North DaZia~ Dtv%~i~a Approved and Agreed: CI~[ OF COPPBL~ Alan Ra~ll£f By: H. D. Ardtnger 214 393 0948 02--2D--g20g:09AM P002 2.~, 3~3 0948 02-20-92 Og;OgAM .PO03 fl:3~