Carrick Add/MP-CS001106Andrea Roy - Re: Nov. P&Z Case-Carrick Addition (Minor Plat) Page 1 From: To: Date: Subject: Greg Jones Andrea Roy Mon, Nov 6, 2000 12:36 PM Re: Nov. P&Z Case-Carrick Addition (Minor Plat) Andrea - Per our conversation and my previous note, the fence, if removed by the owner would be considered to be abandoned. At that point it could not be rebuilt except to conform to current ordinance provisions. Greg >>> Andrea Roy 11/06 9:23 AM >>> Greg, You are correct in your understanding of the property owner's current wishes. It is likely at this point that the applicant will have to tear down the fence to build a retaining wall and then re-construct the fence, however, it is not certain. Can you provide me with an informal statement that would indicate the fence as is-is currently grandfathered and that if it is removed on behalf of the owner, it would have to be reconstructed according to the proper setbacks or seek a variance through the Board of Adjustment. Please let me know. Thank you, Andrea.