Big Cedar/FP-CS 911004 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 ~oss L. ~:OaS, RE. I.C. FINKLEA, P.E. October 4, 1991 lAME5 E. LAUGHLIN, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG, P.E. leE R. CARTER, P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS. RE. C. L. SHIMEK, P.E. Ms. Shohre D/a~eshmand, P.E. Engineerip~Department City of~oppell Post/~ffice Box 478 :~lSell, Texas 75019-0478 Re: Development Review Committee Meeting October 3rd Comments Dear Ms. Daneshmand: The following is our review comments for the projects discussed during the October 3, 1991 Development Review Committee Meeting: 1. Big Cedar - Final Plat & Plans In general, most of our previous review comments concerning the final plat and plans have been addressed by the developer. However, a few items on the plans are in need of revision (see our letter to you, dated October 3, 1991). In addition, the following items should be addressed or discussed with the Planning & Zoning Commission: a. An additional 30-foot sanitary sewer easement is required along the backs of Lots 9-12 for a future 15-inch sanitary sewer. We have discussed this with the developer's engineer and it is our understanding that they are reviewing this request. b. The developer has not provided the alley behind Lots 37-41 as recommended by Staff. c. Harris Road Improvements are not included in this project. The developer has explained Harris Road plans will be submitted shortly by another developer. It is our recommendation that n__o building permits be issued for this addition until Harris Road is improved to City Standards and accepted by the City. Ms. M. Shohre Daneshmand, P.E. City of Coppell October 4, 1991 Page No. 2 2. Gibbs Station - Phase One, Preliminary Plat & Plans In general, our previous review comments concerning corrections on the preliminary plat and plans have been addressed by the developer. The following items should be addressed or discussed with the Planning & Zoning Commission: a. Village Parkway and Beverly Drive are both existing streets; therefore, they cannot be dedicated again to the City by this plat. The final plat should describe these rights-of-way in a "Save & Except" clause within the Owner's Certificate. b. In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, Appendix A, Paragraph 12, residential lots shall not have direct access to collector or arterial streets. Lots 1-5, Block A; Lots 1 & 18-32, Block B; Lots 1 & 22-35, Block C; Lot 7, Block D; and Lots 45-48, Block F all have direct access to Village Parkway which is an existing collector street by definition of Coppell's Thoroughfare Plan. c. Gibbs Crossing, between Block A & B, is in excess of the maximum block length allowed by the Subdivision Regulations. Maximum length allowed is 1,200 feet; actual shown is 1,600 feet in length. d. The 35-foot strip of land for the outfall channel along the south side of Lots 34-42, block E, needs to he labeled as common area and defined as a drainage easement to the City. e. Lots 15 & 16, Block A, do not have access to an alley and are not immediately adjacent to a creek or lake area. 3. Gibbs Station - Phase Two, Preliminary Plat & Plans In general, our previous review comments concerning corrections on the preliminary plat and plans have been addressed by the developer. The following items should be addressed or discussed with the Planning & Zoning Commission: a. In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, Appendix A, Paragraph 12, residential lots shall not have direct access to collector or arterial streets. Lots 1-6, Block G have direct access to existing Allen Road which is an existing collector street by definition of Coppell's Thoroughfare Plan. Ms. M. Shohre Daneshmand, P.E. City of Coppell October 4, 1991 Page No. 3 b. Allen Road is mislabeled as a 28-foot back-to-back residential street. 4. Sandy Lake, Lot 1, Block "B", Final Plat In general, our previous review comments were addressed or corrected. Items that still need addressed are: a. We are still unclear as to what a "revision area" is. The plat should stand alone without any need for an outside explanation as to the purposes of the labeled easements or set aside areas. b. When a site plan is submitted, water and sewer impact fees, street cut fee and construction inspection fees will be calculated. We are retaining copies of the marked up sets of Gibbs Station, Phase I & II and the Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 1, Block B. As revised plats and plans are submitted for review, we will forward the markups to you for your use and records. We are also enclosing three letters of transmittal from Dan M. Dowdey Associates to Ms. Taryon Bowman for Gibbs Station, Phase I & II and Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 1, Block B. Please see that she has these for her files. We are available to discuss these projects further at you% convenience. Gary ¢ Hen~ric~, P.E. Enclos~ cc:~%. ?aryon Bowman, Planning & goning Coordinator Public Works, DR¢ ~embers