Big Cedar/FP-CS 890809 '""'"'" "fi'lTv Ct~ Hanag~r C1~ o~ CoDec11 P. O, ~ox ~opp~l, ~cx~o 75019 R~; Centex mscro~ Ag~eemen~ o~ Au~u~ 9, 1989 ~ou w111 re~all that at ~he time Cent~ . ~ ~' z z,z~ .... ~~'~ le ettached hereto a~ ~hlbt~ '~", the '~4' ~n~ludl~g any ac~umulmCed lr~terest, now ~scrow" lnto ~h~ "AeN ~sc=ow" ~ocount tc ~-- co~structto~ of ~h~ o~l~e roadway ~rom pt ~n ~hibi~ "A", On ~he following oondttt~ additional ~a~0 for construction Duz'~u~nt to the "Centex Escrow" agree~ellt, Z14 3G3 094~ 02-20-92 0G:0gAM P00t ~36~ .._.-,' .......... _~ .~. ~ ~t~6 CITY OF C/iPPELL -'7,. Clt~ of Con. eli P. O. ~ Dear Hr. Ra¢.l~.~; ~o~ ha~e advised us ~hat the Clt~ cZ C~ll ~S co~ldewl~g to point B as shown on th~ pZat at~a~ed hereto as Exhibit "A"', You will note that this secti~ of roadway includes a section the Centex prop~rt~ to ~h~ north. portio~ o~ said roadway pur~uan~ to the "Centex nor w~ll C~t~x be entitled ~o or r~eive an~ r~un~ based u~ the "Centex Emorow" agreemel)t. I 214 383 0948 03-20-92 Og:09AM POOl $t36t ~om pein% A to po~t E and w~11 have no authority to uontrol or' L~J ,z-h~ upon tcane~er o~ the fu~e from ~he "can%ex E~crow" If th~s egreemen~ meet~ ~th the approval of the City ot Coppell I~ ~ou bare any questions In regard CO to contact By: f{. D. Ardinger 214 393 0948 393 0948 02-20-92